A compliment to the other thread. This is a thread for those characters that appear after the most epic of epic build ups... and being absolutely disappointing. Just pathetic.
Secondary Topic: Refitting the NPC, how you would have made him better. If possible, try to stick to just changing moves, but if it really is a lost cause, you can change some Pokemon.
I'll just talk about one, probably the most obvious one:
RBY, Champion Blue
So, RBY's final boss match is set up to be the most epic thing in Pokemon. Actually, for a lot of people, it probably was the most epic thing in Pokemon-- but thinking about what the battle really represented; the last conflict, the final battle for the top, the showdown with your repeating nemesis... it really should have been a lot harder. Blue has a lot of WTF? going on in his team, especially disappointing considering that looking at the Pokemon themselves-- it's clear the developers had a sense for which Pokemon really were the best and strongest; they just watered them down so far with bad moves and a crappy NPC that you really had to TRY to lose this fight.
-Sky Attack
-Wing Attack
-Mirror Move
Ok, first and obvious question is wtf Pidgeot. I mean, it's a fucking Pidgeot... as if it weren't bad enough that it's a Pidgeot... the no-in-battle effect Whirlwind, the charge-up Sky Attack, the 35 base power Wing Attack, and the unreliable opponent-reliant mirror move... god, talk about absolute suck. If they just HAD to keep Pidgeot in the team, try something more like:
-Hyper Beam
-Double Team (or Sand Attack)
For shit and giggles. Double Team up, Toxic the opponent, than stall with Fly until they get into Hyper Beam range. Throw in some Full Restores and this could make some rage quits.
Eh, probably the only respectable Pokemon on the whole team. Could use T-Wave over Psybeam though.
-Tail Whip
-Fury Attack
-Horn Drill
Wow... you really couldn't make a set more pathetic than this... Tail Whip + Leer... lol Also keep in mind that in RBY, Horn Drill will always fail if you are slower than the opponent... I hope you have SOMETHING on your team with better than base 40 Speed lol.
-Rock Slide
-Body Slam
-Hyper Beam
Come on, this is the Champion here... he should fight like one. He already can't switch, so at least make the pokes as beastly as possible.
Probably the saddest of the whole bunch... Exeggcutor comes with the inaccurate Hypnosis (as if every player wasn't packing the Pokeflute...), and two pathetically weak normal attacks. Exegg is one of the strongest tanks/special attackers in the game; but as a 12 year old, I definitely didn't know it because of this piece-of-shit.
-Mega Drain
-Stun Spore
Stun Spore to force you to use not-Pokeflute, Psychic and Mega Drain to throw around STAB attacks, and Double Edge to hit physical.
-Hydro Pump
-Hyper Beam
-Dragon Rage
Ok, so Gyarados is a little bit more respectable, but honestly Leer and Dragon Rage really should be dropped for Blizzard and Thunderbolt, especially when Blue has zero Electric or Ice attacks in his whole team...
-Take Down
Seriously? It's best attack was the move I used with my Charmander to beat metapods with... wtf? Obviously, Arcanine is seriously fucked here. Why are they making us fight an Arcanine worse than Blaine's...?
-Fire Blast
-Body Slam
-Hyper Beam
-Reflect / Dig
Arcy just needs a whole re-work for obvious reasons...
Looking at these 6 pokes it's really hard to tell if Blue did a really great or really terrible job picking pokes. Obviously after Pidgeot, he did a good job recruiting some major power houses, but boy he must not have done any research into how attacks actually work. I have no idea how he even managed to beat all the gyms or elite four with this shit. Actually, that would be interesting, building a team similar to this and see if you can beat the RBY elite four without switching (since Blue doesn't do this). It would probably be impossible to get past Lorelei.
The starters are BETTER... but... erm... yeah:
Charizard: Rage / Slash / Fire Spin / Fire Blast
Watch, it'll rage on the first turn I bet, lol
Blastoise: Bite / Withdraw / Blizzard / Hydro Pump
ok, kinda good here wtf withdraw... and why bite > strength?
Venusaur: Growth / Razor Leaf / Mega Drain / Solar Beam
So... I just send in my Grass-resist right? Watch, after Growth boosting, I bet it will only use Razor Leaf... lol
Secondary Topic: Refitting the NPC, how you would have made him better. If possible, try to stick to just changing moves, but if it really is a lost cause, you can change some Pokemon.
I'll just talk about one, probably the most obvious one:
RBY, Champion Blue
So, RBY's final boss match is set up to be the most epic thing in Pokemon. Actually, for a lot of people, it probably was the most epic thing in Pokemon-- but thinking about what the battle really represented; the last conflict, the final battle for the top, the showdown with your repeating nemesis... it really should have been a lot harder. Blue has a lot of WTF? going on in his team, especially disappointing considering that looking at the Pokemon themselves-- it's clear the developers had a sense for which Pokemon really were the best and strongest; they just watered them down so far with bad moves and a crappy NPC that you really had to TRY to lose this fight.
-Sky Attack
-Wing Attack
-Mirror Move
Ok, first and obvious question is wtf Pidgeot. I mean, it's a fucking Pidgeot... as if it weren't bad enough that it's a Pidgeot... the no-in-battle effect Whirlwind, the charge-up Sky Attack, the 35 base power Wing Attack, and the unreliable opponent-reliant mirror move... god, talk about absolute suck. If they just HAD to keep Pidgeot in the team, try something more like:
-Hyper Beam
-Double Team (or Sand Attack)
For shit and giggles. Double Team up, Toxic the opponent, than stall with Fly until they get into Hyper Beam range. Throw in some Full Restores and this could make some rage quits.
Eh, probably the only respectable Pokemon on the whole team. Could use T-Wave over Psybeam though.
-Tail Whip
-Fury Attack
-Horn Drill
Wow... you really couldn't make a set more pathetic than this... Tail Whip + Leer... lol Also keep in mind that in RBY, Horn Drill will always fail if you are slower than the opponent... I hope you have SOMETHING on your team with better than base 40 Speed lol.
-Rock Slide
-Body Slam
-Hyper Beam
Come on, this is the Champion here... he should fight like one. He already can't switch, so at least make the pokes as beastly as possible.
Probably the saddest of the whole bunch... Exeggcutor comes with the inaccurate Hypnosis (as if every player wasn't packing the Pokeflute...), and two pathetically weak normal attacks. Exegg is one of the strongest tanks/special attackers in the game; but as a 12 year old, I definitely didn't know it because of this piece-of-shit.
-Mega Drain
-Stun Spore
Stun Spore to force you to use not-Pokeflute, Psychic and Mega Drain to throw around STAB attacks, and Double Edge to hit physical.
-Hydro Pump
-Hyper Beam
-Dragon Rage
Ok, so Gyarados is a little bit more respectable, but honestly Leer and Dragon Rage really should be dropped for Blizzard and Thunderbolt, especially when Blue has zero Electric or Ice attacks in his whole team...
-Take Down
Seriously? It's best attack was the move I used with my Charmander to beat metapods with... wtf? Obviously, Arcanine is seriously fucked here. Why are they making us fight an Arcanine worse than Blaine's...?
-Fire Blast
-Body Slam
-Hyper Beam
-Reflect / Dig
Arcy just needs a whole re-work for obvious reasons...
Looking at these 6 pokes it's really hard to tell if Blue did a really great or really terrible job picking pokes. Obviously after Pidgeot, he did a good job recruiting some major power houses, but boy he must not have done any research into how attacks actually work. I have no idea how he even managed to beat all the gyms or elite four with this shit. Actually, that would be interesting, building a team similar to this and see if you can beat the RBY elite four without switching (since Blue doesn't do this). It would probably be impossible to get past Lorelei.
The starters are BETTER... but... erm... yeah:
Charizard: Rage / Slash / Fire Spin / Fire Blast
Watch, it'll rage on the first turn I bet, lol
Blastoise: Bite / Withdraw / Blizzard / Hydro Pump
ok, kinda good here wtf withdraw... and why bite > strength?
Venusaur: Growth / Razor Leaf / Mega Drain / Solar Beam
So... I just send in my Grass-resist right? Watch, after Growth boosting, I bet it will only use Razor Leaf... lol