Six Move Battling

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fractactical genius
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
NOTE: This style of battling, as far as I know, is only possible in Pokemon Showdown!'s Custom Game mode, and cannot be done ingame without massive hacking.

Special thanks to Mr. Uncompetitive/ThisMysteriousGuy for introducing this to me.

Ever get annoyed that you're limited to a measly four moveslots for your powerful pokemon? Six move battling eliminates that restraint, allowing 6 moves per pokemon.

  • This can be played in any tier.
  • So far, tierings are the same as regular play.
  • All rules are the same as the standard tier this is being played in.

The power of some pokemon in tiers is still being tested. If a pokemon proves too strong with six moves for a tier it will be moved to another. Any changes to pokemon's tiering in this style of play will be posted here.

Needless to say, allowing six moves can make many pokemon far more viable in competitive play, changing the metagame in various ways.

Making your team
In Pokemon Showdown:
  1. Go to Pokemon Showdown! and access the teambuilder.
  2. Create your team, with 4 legal moves in each pokemon's normal movesets.
  3. Once you are finished with your team with four moves, click the import/export button.
  4. In each pokemon's text, add two extra legal moves to their movesets, using the same format (for example, to add Ice Punch you would add "- Ice Punch").
  5. After finished adding moves to your pokemon, save the team as you would normally.
  6. To battle with it, you must challenge another player and choose "Custom Game" as your format.

Remember, all moves must be legal!

Please post any thoughts or suggestions on certain pokemon's power in their tier. This still has yet to be properly tested.
Ooh this looks like it would be really interesting to play.

Pokemon with 4 moveslot syndrome like Lucario will get much better. Having access to elemental punches, as well as Swords Dance, CC and Extremespeed will be awesome.

Even in Ubers, I can see certain Pokemon like Rayquaza to get a much needed boost. (boosting, dragon, fire, eq, espeed)
Thundurus wants Taunt, Thunder Wave, Nasty Plot, Thunderbolt, HP [Ice] and Focus Blast

Oh wow the possibilities are endless...
Yeah, definitely gonna try this out; I've always wondered which Pokemon would rise to the top when they got over their 4MSS. Dragonite with Roost / Substitute / Dragon Dance / Outrage / Fire Punch / Earthquake yeah ok making this team right now bbl
I still don't know how the metagame would play out in this. In a tournament with this style we all were saying stall tactics would be less used in this play in favor of more capable sweepers, and then some people come in with Blissey and Deoxys-D to ruin everyone's day.
I still don't know how the metagame would play out in this. In a tournament with this style we all were saying stall tactics would be less used in this play in favor of more capable sweepers, and then some people come in with Blissey and Deoxys-D to ruin everyone's day.

I can see so many annoying stall Pokemon become even more annoying.

Blissey with Wish, Protect, Heal Bell, Sismic Toss, Status, another status?

Whimsicott could have: Taunt, Torment, Subseed, Cotton Guard, Stun Spore, Swagger at least.

Ferrothorn wants Protect / Stealth Rock / Spikes / Leech Seed / Power Whip / Gyro Ball and Swords Dance or Curse


Also, this topic made me remember this comic from a while ago;
This seems like an extremely enjoyable tier and I really hope it's successful. I right now am just thinking of all the pokemom that would be great in this. Stalling also could be taken to a whole new level. I am intersted in making a stall team with lucky chant so even the hope of critical hits won't stop me.
Lucario with Swords Dance / Extremespeed / Bullet Punch / Ice Punch / Crunch / Close Combat is what I'm thinking
Oh god, Gliscor with Roost/Protect/Substitute/Earthquake/Ice Fang/Toxic.

Palkia would kick ass in Ubers with Draco Meteor/Fire Blast/Surf/Thunder/Substitute/Focus Punch and a Life Orb. It hits everything but Deoxys, Mewtwo, and Thundurus for Super-Effective Damage, assuming neutral weather.
I tried that Gliscor thing. It didn't turn out as well as you'd think, with Venusaur in sun taking the chance to switch in.
Speaking of Venusaur, Sleep Powder / Growth / Giga Drain / HP Fire / Sludge Bomb / Earthquake sounds amazing.
I actually tried that exact set against Mr. Uncompetitive after he introduced the format to me. It's a blast, and though it still has a few little teensy issues with Dragonite, it's an amazing set.

Speaking of Dragonite, I've been wrecked by Dragonites and Gyradoses in this format in their Dragon Dance varieties. Setup sweepers are suddenly super-important, as their ability to carry more coverage makes them immesurably more useful than the instant power of something like a Band or Specs.

There's a lot less switching here too--definitely due to the ability to carry tons of coverage. Has anyone tried anything related to a stall team?
Wow, your ideas, Rel, they are amazing

Yep, Stall is definitely going to kick ass. Baton Pass, too. What with Smeargle and Agility / Iron Defense / Amnesia / Nasty Plot / Baton Pass / Spore passing to an Espeon with Stored Power. What the hell, totally have to try this
I'm thinking Starmie @ Life Orb / Choice Scarf
-Hydro Pump
-Ice Beam
-Hidden Power Fire
-Rapid Spin / Recover / Trick

Finally, a whack metagame that's playable on a sim. I was ready to lock this when I saw the title but I had no clue you could do this. Is it possible to do multiple items/abilities?
Hey, I first brought this up on Pokemon Showdown! =P (wilde32 was the first one iirc who actually found this out though with his insane 80+ move Cresselia)

Having 6 moveslots is really useful for a lot of Pokemon. I think I'll make a team soon after some theorymon'ing. SD Breloom seems really promising as it can use all of Spore / Swords Dance / Bullet Seed / Mach Punch / Low Sweep / Stone Edge.

I kind of doubt that stall will be very good. A lot of wallbreakers and sweepers are much better with extra moveslots. A lot of walls however can't abuse the two extra moveslots as well.
Maybe Hydreigon with Draco Meteor/Dark Pulse/Fire Blast/Surf/Focus Blast/Earth Power?
That pokemon should cripple walls such as Heatran and T-tar and work dependless of weather.
Alakazam usually needs the coverage, but now you can try Sub / Calm Mind / Psychic / Focus Blast / Shadow Ball / Encore. Alakazam has a fast Encore which can shut out set-up sweepers, and it can also run SubCM without risking less coverage. You can maybe even add Psyshock instead of Encore, to make Alakazam more able against Blissey and the likes.

Also, Zangoose usually has to choose between either Quick Attack to finish off sweepers or Night Slash for Ghosts, but that isn't a problem now. Substitute / Swords Dance / Return / Close Combat / Quick Attack / Night Slash. You have most of your coverage options, a priority attack, Sub and a boosting move. BW2 tutors also give Zangoose the three elemental punches, which can be used for coverage as well. Zangoose may be NU, but after a Swords Dance it boasts some devastating offensive prowess.
Getting closer to my ideal Mew moveset of Boltbeam / Edgequake / Subpunch / Resttalk.

Mew becomes incredible in this scenario, able to set up itself, Taunt other setups and pass boosts.

You could even drop Flamethrower for Softboiled and Taunt for Sub, and go bulky pass/offence.

It could become the ultimate baton passer too: BP with Calm Mind, Bulk Up and Rock Polish, backed up with Taunt and Softboiled. Only Prankster Taunts would stop it setting up. Maybe throw Sub in there to protect against Dragon Tail, and have fun passing +6 Atk, Def and Spe plus a Sub to Dragonite or whatever.

So many options - it's a shame that Mew has such a case of 6MSS.

Mew @ Life Orb/Leftovers

-Nasty Plot
-Aura Sphere
-Baton Pass
Is it possible to do multiple items/abilities?

My friend, Happythetaco, who originally told me you can have more than 4 moves, had a test battle with me to see if it's possible.
If you try to have 2 items, only 1 is kept and the other item goes to the nickname, AND the pokemon takes the appearance of a Bulbasaur. For example, in the test match, a Magikarp had a Life Orb and a Leftovers. It held a Life Orb, took the appearance of a Bulbasaur (but it would still be a Magikarp) and it would be nicknamed "Magikarp @ Leftovers".
If you try to have multiple abilities, you'll only have 1 ability and the extra abilities will get deleted from import/export. A while back, I also tried to see if you could have more than 6 Pokemon, but the result was the same as Taco's test of multiple abilities, only 6 Pokemon showed and the others got deleted.

...So to put it simply, no you can't.
I'm gonna have a ton of fun with this... Here are a few sets I thought of.

Espeon @ Leftovers
- Substitute
- Calm Mind
- Morning Sun
- Stored Power
- Shadow Ball
- Reflect

Dragonite @ Leftovers
- Substitute
- Roost
- Protect
- Thunder Wave
- Dragon Tail
- Fire Punch

Haxorus @ Life Orb
- Swords Dance
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Dual Chop
- Superpower
- Earthquake

It's too bad though, it's really hard to find anyone to battle on PS. I guess that's normal when it comes to hipster metagames. Maybe we could arrange a tournament of some sort?
It's too bad though, it's really hard to find anyone to battle on PS. I guess that's normal when it comes to hipster metagames. Maybe we could arrange a tournament of some sort?

I'll do my best to organize these every so often. They really change the metagame though, making those with diverse movepools an absolute must.
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