What up team raters of Smogon? I've been away for the past month or so because I had exams and stuff but I'm back and this is the team I built that I like and would like to improve. It's somewhat of a bulky offense rain team that uses subCM jirachi and specs tornadus to wreck train. I have a few other guys thrown in as well. I haven't played a ridiculous amount of ladder matches since it was reset but I haven't lost many. (okay I have played like maybe 10). On a more serious note, I realize how nooby I used to be and am sorry if I annoyed you or pissed you off when I was like that, I like to think I have changed but that is for you to judge. Without further ado lets go on to my team!
In Depth:
Politoed (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SAtk / 8 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Hydro Pump
- Perish Song
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Grass]
Politoed is my mandatory rain setter upper and main death fodder... Because I wanted Politoed to hit pretty hard I gave it an offensive set with the leftovers and 3 attacks (set credit to harsha) so that he could hit things hard. The max HP also allows him to take hits from things especially with his great special defense. I am not using choice specs/scarf on my Politoed because gastrodon, despite its lessening usage is a real nuisance to my team especially my Jirachi. Even if it comes in on a hydro pump from Politoed it will have to take an HP grass the next turn so it can be worn down easier. Hydro pump is my obvious STAB move, used over scald for sheer power, and ice beam hits dragon and grass types. Perish song helps me beat threats that I can't deal with because something has died. I do not need to run a defensive Politoed because my Dugtrio really keeps sun and sand on their toes so they can't switch in Tyranitar and Ninetales easily. Because of this, weather wars are easy to win.
Tentacruel (F) @ Black Sludge
Trait: Rain Dish
EVs: 248 HP / 240 Def / 20 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Toxic
- Substitute
- Scald
- Rapid Spin
Tentacruel is a pretty cool guy. He can check lots of threats like Scizor, Lucario, and with rain boosted scald, even conkeldurr. This set is a little different from the standard toxic spikes set so let me explain. Most good teams right now do not carry many pokemon that are weak to toxic spikes, and a lot of good teams have rapid spinners or even poison types. Because of this I am using the SubToxic tentacruel set which is great at wearing down teams and is even an amazing stallbreaker. No, stall is not an issue at all to my team but I always like to be prepared for it. Substitute allows tentacruel to scout and shield itself from status and leech seed. It works extremely well with rain dish because I gain back my health quickly. It takes away some of my health but this way I am always abusing rain dish. Toxic is amazing because it hits so many things that aren't hit by toxic spikes most notably Rotom-W. With substitute I can scout its set easily. If it is scarfed I can wall it with ferrothorn if it is bulky I can SubStall it. If it is bulky and outspeeds I have to play around it carefully but I can usually deal with it. Scald is my attack that is pretty much just for burning things and a decently powerful attack with a rain boost despite tentacruel's crummy special attack. Rapid spin gets rid of hazards. I do not like when there is hazards on the field because I am using sash dugtrio and tornadus.
Jirachi @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 148 SDef / 108 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Thunder
- Calm Mind
- Substitute
- Water Pulse
SubCM jirachi is the best rain abuser is existence. Except for maybe kyogre. With a base 90 attack that can confuse easily and a base 120 attack that can paralyze more often than not jirachi manages to be a haxing bitch even without its trademark specially defensive set. My EVs are a little strange so I should explain again: max HP for overall bulk, some special defense so a rain boosted tentacruel scald does not break by substitute and the rest thrown into speed. My speed is less than most offensive jirachi but I still manage to (barely) get the speed jump on dragonite, mamoswine, and gyarados. Substitute allows me to scout and protect from status. With my special defense investment I can live a volt switch from rotom behind a sub. The special defense also allows me to take hurricanes from tornadus, draco meteors from latios and other attacks with relative ease before I set up on them and sweep their whole team XD. Calm mind is the last move here... which raises my speial attack and defense so I can powerhouse through stuff. Jirachi is likely my MVP
Dugtrio (F) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Arena Trap
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Reversal
- Substitute
- Stealth Rock
Dugtrio is not usually seen on rain teams, as he is reserved for sun. However the two weathers in OU that aren't rain both have inducers weak to earthquake so I think Dugtrio works pretty damn well in a rain team. However opposing weather is not the reason I put dugtrio on this team originally. Everything that can take a hurricane is weak to gorund, except for bronzong but come on. Jirachi, heatran, Tyranitar, metagross etc. are all u turned on into dugtrio and they are killed promptly with 1-2 earthquakes. Blissey also needs to be trapped so I have reversal. The reason I use substitute over something else like stone edge is I want to be sure that I can beat Blissey and Chansey (not 1HKO but a lot of damage). This way when they try to toxic me they will only get a substitute. I do use 21 HP IVs on Dugtrio in order to sub down to a perfect 1, even after switching into a seismic toss from blissey or chansey. Stealth rock is vital for my team especially tornadus because it allows him to get key KOs. Sometimes I don't get to use it because sometimes there is things to trap so my sash goes away that way, but then I do get a "Free" KO so its ok.
Ferrothorn (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 224 HP / 56 Def / 228 SDef
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Power Whip
- Gyro Ball
- Spikes
- Leech Seed
I haven't used ferrothorn extensively before and honestly never felt it was very good. My opinion was kind of random and was actually pretty wrong. In the rain, ferrothorn is pretty much invincible. I am using specially defensive to it can't take fighting hits but tentacruel can all day. Ferrothorn's dragon and water resistances make it an excellent candidate for a bulky hazards setter. Lots of threats to other rain teams are totally stopped by this guy, things like Gyarados, starmie, and offensive Rotom. I knew I really wanted spikes on this team to wear down things for tornadus and tentacruel. So I gave ferrothorn spikes to set up while he laughs at the damage things do at him. I always run dual STAB when I use ferrothorn because without it he can't hit almost everything very hard. Only having power whip is bad because birds like tornadus wall me. Leech seed is my last move which allows me to regain health constantly as ferrothorn lacks a recovery move like milk drink.
Tornadus (M) @ Choice Specs
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Hurricane
- Focus Blast
- U-turn
- Tailwind
Where do I even start here... Tornadus is the most destructive pokemon in existence. It is one of the few mons where you can play very well against it and still lose because it is so strong. Choice specs hurricane blasts through pretty much everything even those that resist it. Focus blast is almost exclusively for tyranitar, but it can also hit heatran. All only if duggy dies. U-turn can scout early game if neccesary. I use it most against celebi who will almost always switch out, and U-turn will still do a crapload. Tailwind is actually really useful because with prankster I can revenge kill super fast threats with things like toed- because I have used tailwind. Tailwind is definitely the best filler move for tornadus.
I hope you enjoyed reading my RMT and maybe learned somewthing or whatever. If you guys want I will post the importable and stuff. I'm happy to be back at Smogon and hope I don't have to have exams for a while. On the team it has been really successful but support Rotom is a bitch! You probably knew that but whatever. I can usually play around Rotom, and tornadus can outspeed and do like 60% with hurricane. Or he can U-turn then I can take the volt switch with duggy, sub for miss, set up rocks if he does, and then kill with reversal. Also, jirachi can PP stall hydro pump if neccesary, and volt switch wont break his sub. It is annoying, but I can beat it.
Changes in
Thanks for the read!