Eyeshield 21 (Peaked #1)



I'm back again with a Dream World RMT...let's get it! K so I've never played this tier before, but there was another #pokemon challenge and so, of course, I had to win it ;) . Anyway, for the small number of you who know what show my avatars are from, good job! For those who don't, I'll tell you...It's the name of this RMT. I've essentially been rotating avatars from things on this show for a while, and there's so many characters that it's easy to do so (not gonna pull an Oglemi and change it every day though...). Anyway, this team somehow managed to peark #1 at 1639, the highest rating I have ever achieved on any ladder. It's a successful team, and I'm proud of it...although the numerous people I haxxed may say that it is utter crap and that I'm just ridiculously lucky ;) . Regardless, I hope you enjoy the power of Eyeshield 21.

Teambuilding Process:

Alright, so I started out with...Nothing. I had never played this tier before, so I had no idea what to expect. I decided to start off with Tyranitar since I figured sand could be annoying, so I went with that.


Alright, now I figured that I needed Sand Veil Abusers. Just then, I thought about two amazing Pokemon: Sand Veil Gliscor and the almighty Garchomp.


I knew that rain teams were going to be a major problem since I had nothing to take them, so I decided to put in a Sub Petaya Empoleon since I hadn't used it before and it seemed cool. Not to mention, it can take Water-type attacks.


I realized now that things like Mamoswine were going to be major problems, and that I also needed a revenge killer since the fastest thing on my team was a Garchomp. I settled on the almighty Genesect since it seemed cool and everyone always uses one.


Now, I figured that some Spikes would be good, so I settled on Deoxys-S. I played a couple battles and then Omicron owned me with his Life Orb Deoxys-S, and it seemed great so I decided that it would be a great choice to lure people and obliterate them.


I played some more battles, but then found that Empoleon just wasn't cutting it. It couldn't take Water-attacks as well as I needed, and couldn't take the hits I wanted it to take very well either. I decided to replace it with an offensive Gastrodon after I had watched someone own me with it, and so, the team was complete.


Of course, I changed some sets, but I'll get to that later.



Hiruma (Tyranitar) (M) @ Shuca Berry
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SDef
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Pursuit
- Superpower
- Ice Beam
- Stealth Rock

The Commander of Hell. This thing is just a boss. I started out with the standard specially defensive set, only to find that it just ended up taking about 70% to Genesect's U-Turn and then dying the following turn after setting up Stealth Rock. This set is much more efficient for my team and what I use it for. This thing's main objective is to set up Stealth Rock, which it can do almost without fail most of the time. However, just like Hiruma Yoichi, this demon is full of tricks. Max Defense means that Genesect gets a Special Attack boost, doing only 30% with U-Turn. Tyranitar can sponge Special Attacks with its 350 Special Defense in sand, and obliterate things such as Garchomp and Excadrill thanks to the power of Shuca Berry. This means that Excadrill can't even threaten my Tyranitar. Ice Beam lets Tyranitar decimate dragons, mainly Garchomp. Superpower knocks out opposing Tyranitar; this thing can even live a Superpower from them even without a Chople Berry. Pursuit closes out the set by letting Tyranitar trap things such as Latios and Chandelure that I need removed.



Akaba (Gliscor) (F) @ Flying Gem
Trait: Sand Veil
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Agility
- Acrobatics
- Earthquake
- Swords Dance

Spider's Poison. He's back. The almighty Clutchscor. This thing is so epic I don't even have words to describe it. This is my main Excadrill counter, only being 2HKO'd by a Swords-Dance boosted Rock Slide or Frustration, giving it enough time to use Agility and destroy the opposition. Acrobtics and Earthquake provide excellent coverage, and can destroy easily after a Swords Dance boost. I originally had Substitute on this set, but I replaced it with Swords Dance in order to break stall and sweep more easily when needed; it works like Double Dance Terrakion in OU essentially. Sand Veil is always nice when it works, but this set doesn't need to rely on it to function. I originally ran Adamant on this thing, but switched to Jolly since I was tired of usinig Agility and then getting outsped by every Excadrill on the planet; this was especially important since if Balloon Excadrill gets an SD and gets a flinch, I get swept (outside of Sand Veil hax). The same is true for if Gliscor is weakened, which is another reason I got rid of Substitute. This thing is my late-game sweeper, being able to wreak havoc like no tomorrow after the enemy has been weakened.



Kongo Agon (Garchomp) (M) @ Salac Berry
Trait: Sand Veil
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Hasty Nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Substitute
- Dragon Claw
- Fire Blast
- Earthquake

God Speed Impulse. Garchomp is just amazing. The instant I knew I was going to play Dream World, I wanted to use Garchomp and the Salac Berry set I had used earlier on PO before the bans were implemented. This set abuses Sand Veil to the fullest with Substitute, and is an absolute behemoth to face. I originally had a Swords Dance set, but switched SD for Fire Blast, and haven't looked back since. Fire Blast deals upwards of 65% to Skarmory, which is excellent considering how much of a problem it is for my team. It also has the added bonus of destroying Breloom, Genesect, and Forretress. Earthquake and Dragon Claw provide almost perfect coverage. With these three moves, Garchomp becomes an absolute beast after Salac Berry, being able to outrun almost all of the tier and KO a large part of it. It also works in almost any weather, making it an all-around monster.



Maruko Reiji (Gastrodon-East) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Storm Drain
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Surf
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Screw Bite. Looks innocent until it demolishes the opponent. I picked this thing because I needed something to take on rain teams and Water-attacks, and this thing fit the bill excellently. Unlike Empoleon and Keldeo, which could only take about two or three powerful Water-attacks before dying, this thing can repeatedly switch in and deal massive damage, even benefitting from the rain. Most opponents expect a defensive and weak version of Gastrodon, letting me catch them completely off guard when I hit them with a ridiculously powerful Storm Drain-boosted Surf. Earth Power, Surf, and Ice Beam provide ridiculous coverage, dealing super effective damage to most Pokemon. Hidden Power Fire rounds out the set by letting Gastrodon 2HKO Ferrothorn easily and OHKO Genesect; I had Recover at first but most of the time I never even attempted to heal so I just replaced it. This Gastrodon can still take hits, making it the perfect warrior.



Shin Seijuro (Genesect) @ Expert Belt
Trait: Download
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Rash Nature (+SAtk, -SDef)
- Ice Beam
- Flame Charge
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon

Trident Tackle. I love this set. I used a Choice Scarf variant for most of the time I was using this team, but recently switched to this and I simply love it. Flame Charge gives this thing +1 Speed and lets it destroy with unresisted coverage, hitting most of the tier super effectively with one move or another. Flame Charge can also do some decent damage in its own right, especially after an Attack Boost. Bolt-Beam coverage is nearly perfect, and I picked Flash Cannon for the last slot to obliterate annoying things like Terrakion and Mamoswine which can otherwise cause problems for my team; it's also a nice STAB attack that can hit Tyranitar super effectively. Almost everyone expects a Choice Scarf set when they see Genesect, so this set just catches them by surprise and makes them pay. I used a Rash nature since it didn't really outrun anything notable after 1 or 2 Flame Charge boosts with Naive than it could with Rash.



Eyeshield 21 (Deoxys-S) @ Life Orb
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 12 HP / 244 SAtk / 252 Spd
Hasty Nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Psycho Boost
- Ice Beam
- Superpower
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Devil 4th Dimension. The one, the only, EYESHIELD 21. This is the most underrated Pokemon in the tier in my opinion, and for good reason. It outruns almost everything, even +1 Jolly Garchomp. Psycho Boost hits ridiculously hard, and can KO many Pokemon. Ice Beam lets Deoxys-S decimate Dragons and Landorus, while Superpower lets it murder Tyranitar. Many people bring in things like Genesect predicting a Spikes set, but that's when I obliterate them with Hidden Power Fire. This thing is the ultimate revenge killer, being able to switch moves, bait Pokemon in, outrun almost everything, and destroy like no tomorrow. It can singlehandely break a lot of stall teams, especially with the help of Gliscor. The offensive nature of my team makes this thing even better, at it is completely plausible that this could be a Spikes set at first sight. A truly splendid monster.

Threat list:

Defensive Gastrodon: This thing is just a pain to kill, and usually it forces me to sacrifice Gliscor's Flying Gem or a lot of Garchomp's health.

Vaporeon: This thing is ridiculous and can essentially demolish this time...good thing no one uses it.

Life Orb Deoxys-S: I can usually Life Orb stall it or mine can win the Speed tie...major problem otherwise.

Specs Politoed: This thing is just annoying, especially when it wins the weather war and OHKOs my Gastrodon with HP Grass >_<

Choice Scarf Keldeo: Just a pain, and can usually sweep me since it outruns Deoxys-S. Good thing it's uncommon.

Excadrill: Please don't run Balloon and flinch my Gliscor >_<

Mamoswine: I can usually revenge kill it with Genesect or Deoxys-S, but it's still a pain.

Lol Ravenn, isn´t there a tier yet where you haven´t owned bitches yet ;) ? Really excellent team bro and I loved the originality of your Tyranitar, Gliscor, and Genesect sets, they really sound fun to use! I cannot reliably rate this since I don´t play DW OU, but anyways congratulations on #1 and keep it up bro :D. A very original team and a Luvdisc well deserved <3.
i remember playing this team and losing first, but once i figured out the sets, predictions came in handy and i beat it the second time.

i like the team, but how do you handle a +2 adamant baloon excadrill (lets say excadrill gets a swords dance on the switch and then you bring in gliscor.) wont a +2 return 2hko while you fail to kill with acrobatics?

i suggest breloom over gastrodon.
breloom has difficult stopping, gastro just does it better gettin advantage of the opponent spamming water moves at the team.

great team ShakeItUp, i love those kind of teams based around coverage, prediction and sinergy instead of the classic brute power stuff.

no changes i could suggest, and one luvdisc surely for the lovely team. ;)
Dude, you have truly perfected the art of teambuilding. The originality of your sets, their sheer effectiveness in the metagames you play... ShakeItUp what are you? You succeded with a bloody Mightyena in OU for crying out loud! Really nothing else to say, except that I love your RMTs and I occasionally steal some of your sets, since unfortunately I lack your originality :( Kudos man, keep it up.
shit dude,

"I've never played this tier before"

yet #1...will you just leave us average players alone for a while pls xd
you are an absolute godsend to the competitive pokemon scene. where would smogon be without your teambuilding prowess and elite skills. thank you for blessing us with another amazing team, shakeitup. i love you
Lol Ravenn, isn´t there a tier yet where you haven´t owned bitches yet ;) ? Really excellent team bro and I loved the originality of your Tyranitar, Gliscor, and Genesect sets, they really sound fun to use! I cannot reliably rate this since I don´t play DW OU, but anyways congratulations on #1 and keep it up bro :D. A very original team and a Luvdisc well deserved <3.
thanks man :D

Dream World looks crazy. Spent two months getting use to Standard OU, but Dream World.... man.
Congrats on Numero Uno.

why did I know this was coming? nice job bro, grats on number 1! when are the aOPs coming? xD

edit: oh yeah, btw so much -SW4G- lol
soon ;)

you are an absolute godsend to the competitive pokemon scene. where would smogon be without your teambuilding prowess and elite skills. thank you for blessing us with another amazing team, shakeitup. i love you

Agon is the best character and Garchomp is the best Pokemon. cool
ikr. Agon FTW

Dude, you have truly perfected the art of teambuilding. The originality of your sets, their sheer effectiveness in the metagames you play... ShakeItUp what are you? You succeded with a bloody Mightyena in OU for crying out loud! Really nothing else to say, except that I love your RMTs and I occasionally steal some of your sets, since unfortunately I lack your originality :( Kudos man, keep it up.
thanks so much man :D

shit dude,

"I've never played this tier before"

yet #1...will you just leave us average players alone for a while pls xd
lol. :P

breloom has difficult stopping, gastro just does it better gettin advantage of the opponent spamming water moves at the team.

great team ShakeItUp, i love those kind of teams based around coverage, prediction and sinergy instead of the classic brute power stuff.

no changes i could suggest, and one luvdisc surely for the lovely team. ;)
thanks man!

i remember playing this team and losing first, but once i figured out the sets, predictions came in handy and i beat it the second time.

i like the team, but how do you handle a +2 adamant baloon excadrill (lets say excadrill gets a swords dance on the switch and then you bring in gliscor.) wont a +2 return 2hko while you fail to kill with acrobatics?

i suggest breloom over gastrodon.
Breloom just gets 2HKO'd by Water-type attacks so that's a problem. And the thing is, what Pokemon is excadrill even going to set up an SD on? Gastrodon OHKOs, Genesect breaks balloon and 2HKOs, Deoxys-S Superpower OHKOs after rocks, and Tyranitar can just own it with Superpower. but ty for the suggestion :p
oh, also, as odd as it sounds, Chandy + Duggy Sun beats you, and before you shrug this off I've seen it like 6 times on DW ladder before, so it's not unreasonable...

for this reason I highly recommend Shed Shell > Shuca Berry on your Ttar, so you can avoid them nasty Duggies and Hp Fight Specs Chandy etc...trust me, it's a good idea!
Congratulations on peaking #1, so yep, thanks also for that indirect (or not xD) mention to Vaporeon...
:p ty and ya it was about u ;)

oh, also, as odd as it sounds, Chandy + Duggy Sun beats you, and before you shrug this off I've seen it like 6 times on DW ladder before, so it's not unreasonable...

for this reason I highly recommend Shed Shell > Shuca Berry on your Ttar, so you can avoid them nasty Duggies and Hp Fight Specs Chandy etc...trust me, it's a good idea!
I've never seen that before and meh, this team isn't really threatened by sun. If Dugtrio kills Tyranitar I can set up with Gliscor and usually sweep.
ahhh so your swag. I beat you twice on my alt but its still a hot team, its always nice to seee originality in a tier where everyone runs the same stupid team. This make me want to post my hail team : D
ahhh so your swag. I beat you twice on my alt but its still a hot team, its always nice to seee originality in a tier where everyone runs the same stupid team. This make me want to post my hail team : D

Frankly I don't see originality in the team (Ttar, Sand Veil abuse + Genesect *yawn*) but in the sets, yes I'll give you that.

As much as it pains me to say it (I hate repeatedly losing to the same person), your team is awesome and deservedly peaked first. That boosting Gliscor would give anyone nightmares (me being one of them). Also I'm assuming you got the offensive Gastro from me, but you used it more effectively than I ever did :).
I don't play DW OU but this is obviously a good team.Congrats on the ladder and personal peak :)
Hey shakeitup,

All right, this team has probably been the one I've played the most in recent weeks and honestly you were like the only competition for the #pokemon challenge (I got #1 too, so I guess we're co-winners--I'm # 1, 2, and 4 right now lol). While I do have a pretty good record against this team, it always gave me a challenge and was fun to play against, especially with deoxys and trying to predict its attacks to wear it down with LO. I think one of the reasons this team is so effective is that it utilizes unusual sets on usual pokes without being gimmicky. Double dance gliscor, offensive deo (most of them seem to be double screens), flame charge gene, offensive gastro are all rarely seen but very effective.

A weakness that I notice is, of course, against rain teams and water-type attacks in general (although few SS teams lack this). Although gastrodon gives you someone to take water-type attacks, it can't stand up to neutral hits from the likes of keldeo and manaphy, especially without defensive EVs. I would suggest something like jellicent (a personal favorite) or slowbro (although I'm not sure if his DW ability is legal for this challenge), since they have the ability to counter threats like keldeo. In addition, your team seems pretty blaziken-weak, although this is a non-issue after his ban.

Also, mamoswine completely destroys once gene is gone and gastro is around 70%. That was how I won a good portion of my battles against you lol. Shuca berry on ttar helps and got me the first time you had it over chople, but superpower KOs and even with shuca ttar can't switch into mamo. Fortunately for you, mamo isn't used too much, though I can't understand why.

You might want to try lefties on chomp--I use that set with the same moves as an incredible lure for my main sweeper (also a double-dancer), but lefties lets it come in repeatedly throughout the match and its speed is so great salac isn't needed if it isn't your main sweeper. Just my thoughts though--salachomp is undeniably effective. Oh, and do I get at least partial credit for inspiring fire blast on chomp by walling it with my skarm :) ?

Overall, great team, gliscor and deoxys are my favorites. It's been very fun to play against this.