Gen. Empoleon's Well: Genny~~

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I love weather; Sun for days
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
"A stranger is being shown around a village that he has just become part of. He is shown a well and his guide says "On any day except Sunday, you can shout any question down that well and you'll be told the answer." The man seems pretty impressed, and so he shouts down, "Why not on Sunday?" A voice from in the well shouts back, "Because on Sunday, it's your day in the well."

Well, as most of you already know, my name is Matt Cook or as many of you know me as, Genny. I’ve never been one for very long, drawn-out posts, but hopefully for this one it’s going to change at least somewhat. I’ve always been one to have it short and snappy. Quick and quaint. I’ve always been quite outspoken outside the Internet, mostly due to my short stature; which sadly is something that I still haven’t really come to terms with (I will grow taller I will grow taller). My height isn’t too terrible, being 5’8” (I like to say 5’9” though) -- but I certainly would kill someone to have those extra four inches or so. Thankfully, because of my height certain people (mistakenly) have placed mistrust in me, thinking that their girlfriends will never go for a shorter guy, little did they actually realize.

I’ve done some bad things, well to me at least, and for the most part I’ve tried to stay away from doing the bad things I’ve done before. We’re not talking about beating a kid black and blue, really petty stuff. I stole an apple from a supermarket once. I seduced this girl whose boyfriend was actually a really nice guy, and ruined a friendship (the girl and mine) and a relationship (girl and boyfriend) in the process. I think back and I really feel bad about these things. The apple thing is real petty, I know I shouldn’t feel bad but I just don’t appreciate the fact that I’ve known I’ve stolen something before. I try to avoid to do anything illegal, but more often than not I do something illegal at least once a week (underage drinking, usually).

I didn’t used to drink. Ever. Well I really shouldn’t put it like that, because I used to drink, back in middle school, which albeit was really early for someone to drink. I would show up to school wasted and would come to school with hangovers that could slay big animals. I stopped drinking during an unfortunate incident where I was drinking with a friend of mine the summer before high school and a heated argument started that ended with me punching him out. Needless to say, that friendship was over and I realized I may have had a problem with drinking, so I wouldn’t touch the stuff all throughout high school. It all changed however when I was miserable over Sara, the girl I’ve been dating for the majority of two years (on and off, more on than off). Like I said, I was miserable because she dumped me, and then there was this girl I was pretty interested in. A little blond thing I thought was nice and cute, unfortunately she was taken. I never said I was a nice guy, in fact I’m probably the opposite of what I’d consider a nice guy. I invited her over to my friend’s house to drink, because I thought if she was drinking I’d have a higher chance of getting with her. After she started I realized the flaw in my plan: if I’m sober and she’s drunk then I’m even more of an asshole than before. So I decided I could probably handle myself and so the first sip of alcohol, for the first time in four years, hit my lips. Sadly I hooked up with this girl, hurt her wonderful boyfriend, ruined my friendship with her, and ruined their relationship.

I want to be a doctor. Not just a general practitioner, I want to become an oncologist. There’s been a few things in my life that have guided me towards becoming a doctor, however there’s one that really stands out; the death of my friend’s father. My friend’s father’s death isn’t a light topic, but he was a great man, who was taken by cancer. I watched his daughter, my best friend, struggle through his death. I felt hopeless. All I want in life is to help a man through cancer who has a wonderful daughter, save a family. I know it’s not going to be all flowers and kittens, being an oncologist and all, but just helping that one guy overcome cancer makes everything else better.

In lighter news I love movies. I would consider myself a movie buff, because basically my hobbies are watching moves (and really shitty television shows let’s not talk about that) and hanging out with friends. Movies are amazing, there is nothing that can compare to a movie that is rich in story and in characters. The best movie I’ve ever seen is The Shawshank Redemption, and I’m sure if any of you have seen it you know exactly why. Beautiful characters, beautiful directing and shooting. Villains you hate, characters you love. Don’t be confused though, just because it’s the best movie I’ve ever seen doesn’t mean it’s my favorite. Iron Man is my favorite movie. Laugh it up but that movie rocks face and always cheers me up if I have had a shitty day.

On the concept of media, I enjoy music, though most everyone does. I’ll just list bands I like because I’m somewhat lazy: Modest Mouse, Radiohead, The Strokes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Pixies, Arcade Fire, The Blood Brothers, As Blood Runs Black, David Bowie, *COUGH*KE$HA AND LADY GAGA*COUGH*, Get Set Go, God is an Astronaut, Interpol, The Rural Alberta Advantage. Probably forgetting some but whatever, music is music, except techno and electronic music that can burn for all I care.

I work at a local pizza restaurant as a busser. What that means, to the layman, is I bring people water, take their plates away, do the dishes, and make the people’s desserts. It’s a pretty cool job, the people I work with are super nice and I never feel like I really am going to “mess up,” because they’ll have my back or whatever. Still awesome, I like it, plus tipsssssssssssss are always appreciated. Always tip your server guys. Always.

I hang out with user: Matty quite a bit! Really only started this year though. I met him before but I was an awkward freshman in high school so I didn’t really know what to do. But now that I’m older I’m more comfortable! I’d post a picture of Matty and I but I don’t think he’d really appreciate that so I guess I’m going to avoid it though it’s a really funny photo. My best experience with Matty is hooking up with his roommate (who is a girl, by the by) at a party in a bathroom. You know just about to get the deal done when I hear, “HEY SOMEONE NEEDS TO USE THE BATHROOM GET OUT!!!” Of course it was Matty who was banging on the door, though I thank him for doing it now, and if I haven’t I meant to.

I like poetry, specifically Haiku's are my favorite form of poetry. I also enjoy my coffee black with many cigarettes. Superheroes, much like vader, are something that take over a huge portion of my time. Though they’re not as in-depth as vader goes. I really love Spiderman and Iron Man, by far those are my two top heroes. I don’t care who says what, they are the best, fuck Superman.

Well there’s me in a nutshell, hope everyone can deal with this maybe-too-big OP. Ask me shit, I like giving advice and I like getting asked stuff.

P.S. Urban Dictionary question will be asked getting it out of the way now:
Yes I used to be a shit user, no that log is not real. Next.

Oh I forgot I read some manga too, though mainstream stuff
How many dicks have you sucked in the past 30 minutes? Be honest.

edit: visual aid
In the form of a
haiku i ask you this now
why are you so cute~~

there was once a boy named matt
whose poetry usually fell quite flat
then when it came time
to make up a rhyme
his verses were quite old hat!

since i know basically everything there is to know about you i dont have much to ask, i just wanted to challenge you to a quick poetry battle~~~
what are your favorite really shitty television shows?

also why is peach so much better than falco?
what was your favorite movie that came out this summer?

why are your opinions about the bw metagame so wrong?

when in your opinion did you stop being a shitty user and why?
What is one thing you've done in the past while that you are genuinely proud of? Obviously a profound answer would be liked but if it was something silly, I guess I can't judge, right?

Also were you the one who used to place random TNT on Smogcraft?
whats your favorite drink?

how old are you exactly and what exactly happened after you got with your friends girl

also, im assuming your favorite pokemon is empoleon.
WHY DO NEGROIDS KEEP BANNING ME FROM some kind of top secret channel I guess

how do you manage to rub people the wrong way so EZ? i mean i guess part of it is just what happens to almost every user but you've got some real talent at it...

if you want to cure cancer why are do you still smoke and drink so much?

are you and aster related

if i told you i jacked off to your pics, how would you feel?
promise not to steal women off me when you come back to sydney? you're sleeping on my floor - don't even think about it
Why are you so bad at chugging beer?

Despite my high tolerance for alcohol my stomach is actually very frail. If I eat/drink too much of anything too fast I feel like I'm going to puke. I have to pace myself even with water. Beer makes it feel even worse than usual, so I tend to like to just sip my beer and slip away. Plus beer tastes good (not the shitty beer keystone rolling rock etc), so I like to drink for the taste too!

How many dicks have you sucked in the past 30 minutes? Be honest.

edit: visual aid

I'd like to go for some witty retort about how you actually have the motion of side-dick sucking to a perfection, but I'm honestly too tired. So I'll go with the simple, "I have not sucked any cocks in the past thirty minutes," answer. If you were to have asked, "how many cocks have you sucked in the past five years," the answer may have been a bit different :O

[22:25:44] <%Snunch> cant we have someone more interesting

Expected reply. Anyway I'm sorry if you don't find me interesting enough to be in a well -- I really can't do anything to fix that. If you really wanted someone else, rather than me, you should have voted them into the top half. I don't know what to tell you.

In the form of a
haiku i ask you this now
why are you so cute~~

there was once a boy named matt
whose poetry usually fell quite flat
then when it came time
to make up a rhyme
his verses were quite old hat!

since i know basically everything there is to know about you i dont have much to ask, i just wanted to challenge you to a quick poetry battle~~~

Haiku's are lovely, absolutely beautiful in poetry. Instead of indulging you with one of my sub-par Haiku's I'll merely give you my favorite one.
Missed a kick
At the icebox door
It closed anyway
- Jack Kerouac

This Haiku is actually expressing how things happen outside of our control, so we should do our best to go with the flow. No one would go and re-open the icebox door so you can kick it close, you simply let the fact that the door closed on its own, despite your kick missing, be what it is and move on with what you were doing. I try to integrate this into my life.

what are your favorite really shitty television shows?

also why is peach so much better than falco?

Oh God favorite shitty television show, there's so many. I like to watch CSI: NY even though it is so God-damn awful I can't even believe it. I also am a fan of Bones and Glee. Glee is my secret obsession, I watch it almost religiously. It's very low-brow humor and I just adore it to pieces. Plus some of the female characters were super hot so......... I like Booth in Bones, a real life Superman. He's basically the only reason I watch the show!

Peach v Falco is actually a kind of weird match-up. Falco can keep pressure going really well with his SHL, but any good player is going to be able to Air-Dodge or Powershield your lasers back at you, and Peach has those horrible chaingrabs against Falco. Honestly I'd call the Peach v Falco match up 50/50. Between Turnips, Lasers, Chaingrabs, and general aral game they're pretty much tied. The reason I hate peach is when I miss my fucking L-Cancel and I get hit with that stupid fucking D-Smash. So dumb dumb dumb.

I think the thing we all really want to know is; what do you think of user reyscarface?

Okay so I don't actually know what it is about Reyscarface that makes me just want to rage. I literally see him type or post and I'm just mad. Maybe I'm always mad or something but it just irks me so much. I really don't have an opinion on him honestly. Sometimes he's just an annoying ass twat (please put a hyphen where you see fit), and other times he's actually reasonable and can be helpful. So I'm a bit torn, I mostly go for "I don't like him," because most of the time on PO he's extremely annoying but I can't do anything to him (I.E. Mutes) because his moderating buddies will just unmute him.

what was your favorite movie that came out this summer?

why are your opinions about the bw metagame so wrong?

when in your opinion did you stop being a shitty user and why?

Bellflower was a terrific movie, and if you have the opportunity to watch it / torrent it I highly suggest it. I really liked the directing, though the ending was a bit poor, and the camera effects that were used. It really plays into a Fight Club-esque feel about boys being boys and really not growing up at all. There were some really other odd parts about the film, some transitions, but otherwise I really, really loved it. I also saw Cowboys and Aliens, and that was pretty badass despite the fact the title is the worst title in the history of movies. I want to go see Rise of the Planet of the Apes (or whatever it's called) this weekend, though I'm not sure if I'm going to have time doing that or whatever.

My opinions of the BW metagame aren't wrong, just like yours aren't wrong. I might really love the BW metagame at the moment, but if people disagree then I'm not stopping them from voting for what the believe in. That's the point of the system. Just because a player likes how the metagame is currently doesn't me (s)he is less or more skilled than anyone else, it just means their preferences on what a 'good metagame' is differ. That being said I haven't been playing as much as I would have liked to recently. Which is kinda sad.

Stopped being shitty when I started to talk in #cap on dejatoons. I met some people and they helped me improve and everything. I really have to give big props to LegacyRaider, who helped me write my first analysis, darkie and caelum, who helped me get started in C&C, and Jumpluff who helped me with my first HTML. Tangerine's constant berating also helped I feel, though he says it was just because he doesn't like me (surprise!!). I made some good friends too, such as Tennisace and Vader through that, so everything was grande.

What is one thing you've done in the past while that you are genuinely proud of? Obviously a profound answer would be liked but if it was something silly, I guess I can't judge, right?

Also were you the one who used to place random TNT on Smogcraft?

I volunteered at a hospital for a week, that was something that was pretty eye-opening to me. I saw a lot of what was happening and I got a feel for what it could be like once I'm finally a doctor. I hope I'm not romanticizing the idea but it could work out. Another thing I was proud of currently is sticking through the p90x workout with jabba, though unfortunately I might have to drop out (sorry to tell you via Well thread!) since I'm starting college and moving into my dorm room soon. My college schedule is packed fucking tight and on top of that I work a lot during the week.

I was not the one who placed TNT in random places. In fact my home was destroyed by whomever placed it actually, as I was trying to safely remove it with water but I guess I didn't cover all sides and it exploded. Thankfully the helpful people on the server gave me some spare supplies and I was able to rebuild it that night.

whats your favorite drink?

how old are you exactly and what exactly happened after you got with your friends girl

also, im assuming your favorite pokemon is empoleon.

My favorite non-alcoholic drink is Vanilla Coke, my favorite alcoholic drink is Rum & Coke. Rum & Coke tastes like love in a cup

I'd first like to make it clear he was not my friend, and still isn't. He was one of the captains of the football team (ego boost+++), so he and his football buddies all stood around me while he yelled at me in the middle of school. It was super awkward but thankfully he didn't resort to violence as I wouldn't stand a chance in hell against him.

My favorite pokemon is not Empoleon, despite my name. It's a tie between Solrock and Parasect. Solrock is a pretty sweet Pokemon design-wise. A rock Sun. I have a cracked rocky-looking Sun as a tattoo, actually! Parasect just rules I'd have one as a pet in a second.


how do you manage to rub people the wrong way so EZ? i mean i guess part of it is just what happens to almost every user but you've got some real talent at it...

if you want to cure cancer why are do you still smoke and drink so much?

are you and aster related

if i told you i jacked off to your pics, how would you feel?

I don't know. I'm pretty childish and petty. A lot of people don't like that in a person and I can completely understand why. But I mean I feel like I'm actually a pretty cool person once you get past my childish banter and my stupid grudges. I could be wrong. I don't know you rubbed someone the wrong way in that channel, I can't say who though (as in, I don't know who).

Yeah I know it's dumb of me. I don't know at this point I'm pretty addicted to cigarettes and quitting just doesn't seem like a smart thing to do when I just start college. My plan is to officially quit smoking when I get accepted into Med School -- but we'll see if I get into med school and if I have the willpower to break my habit as is. Drinking is socially accepted for everyone to do, even doctors, so that wouldn't have to really change at all. As I don't really consume that much alcohol that often.

Who is Aster?

I mean I wouldn't feel one way or another about it. None of my photos are that revealing, let alone that attractive in the first place. But to each their own I guess.

promise not to steal women off me when you come back to sydney? you're sleeping on my floor - don't even think about it

I was born in Brisbane, REPRESENT. Though Sydney is a pretty cool place if that's where you live. I don't know I really hate Australia, I don't like the people or the weather or the ocean. I do, however, absolutely adore the food. It's just mouth watering. I don't want to sleep on the floor either. We can share a bed. I mean I won't give that much of a reach-around, I swear. I promise.

Top 5 cutest users on Smogon? (Don't include yourself)

Are we talking actual looks or internet-cute in this question? I mean I guess I can answer both pretty well so I'll give it a shot.

For Actual Looks:

For internet-cute it's a bit easier:

little known fact: I didn't C/P those and's I got them the same size by sheer luck of holding down the 'D' key.
Who are you?

Am I cool to hang out with(you know internetiically speaking<<<not a wrod)

Why do you want to be a Doctor?Or is it Nurse for you?(dont really know the difference)

Where do you live?

and finally......

What is your favorite food?
smogoners you want to meet?

favorite smogon memory?

any drugs you've done and what do you think of them?

how are you liking bw ou?

also not sure why you don't really like me, but let's end our feud and be friends :3
For the love of god
stop capitalizing my
name, lowercase only

also i have been known to reopen and reclose things like that, i accidentally caught my thumb in a dishwasher when i was 5 doing that =3

But enough about that. What are your top 5 favorite books and top 5 favorite authors, even though i pretty much can guess at least your top two?
General Empoleon, I have a very serious question for your well

can my Piplup
become a member of your army?

as you can see he is very capable, I mean he may as well be a Prinplup bu now but this badass is holding an everstone (not shown)
Gen if you could have a Parasect evo that ended up being Uber, what base stats would you give it? What would be its "broken" hook?

do you still play pokemon (especially ubers)? do you still like to use parasect on teams where he doesn't belong!

ps you're a pretty cute user please compile a list of notably cute users

pps peach
Who are you?

Am I cool to hang out with(you know internetiically speaking<<<not a wrod)

Why do you want to be a Doctor?Or is it Nurse for you?(dont really know the difference)

Where do you live?

and finally......

What is your favorite food?

If you read the OP of this thread at all you probably have a really good idea of who I am. But once again, I'm Matt Cook, I like my coffee black, my cigarettes harsh, and my jeans tight as skin. I want to be a doctor, and I'm pretty cool overall!!

I don't know you on a very personal level, so I can't really say, but I mean you seem nice enough, perhaps we can 'hang out' sometime!

I highly suggest you read the Opening Post I made, this answers a lot of the questions you asked, which is why you're getting very short replies!

I live in Colorado, it has the most beautiful sky you'll ever see. And I can say that with almost 100% certainty. There is no sky in the world that's prettier than Colorado's.

smogoners you want to meet?

favorite smogon memory?

any drugs you've done and what do you think of them?

how are you liking bw ou?

also not sure why you don't really like me, but let's end our feud and be friends :3

Man, fuck, there's so many smogoners I want to meet it's half-way dumb. I want to meet: tennisace, vader, wildeep, firecape, jibaku, jabbathegriffin, fishy, rory, dubs, Fishin, Sarenji, Aldaron, Junior, BlueKirby, GoldenKnight, DM, Gmax, Umbreon Dan, Obi (David Stone), Makiri, Fatecrashers, ditto, asim, askaninjask, altiar, Rodan, Jumpluff, Jupiter Djinn (surprise!!), DoomVendingMachine, Jimbo, and a lot of other people. I have some many smognites numbers @. @

Hahaha my favorite Smogon memory......... mmmmmm probably when I first got my lady bug, that was actually really funny. Because darkie PMs me on IRC saying "hey congrats join the staff channel," and I didn't really understand why I thought I was going to get yelled at or something. But that was funny and cool. Another good moment was Scofield's rage quit in SPL, that was hilarious.

Alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, weed, and cocaine. Weed is fucking stupid I hate it so much. I feel retarded when I smoke it so I avoid it like the plague, I can't see how people get any enjoyment out of it. The cocaine was a weird night, actually. I was at this indie music venue alone rocking out, no big deal. I step outside for a cigarette and this group of people ask if they could bum one. I say, "sure," and give them my pack and tell them to take whatever they want. They take a while, give it back to me, then start doing blow. I'm like, "okkkkkkayyyyyy," and go back inside to jam out. I then go back outside for a cigarette, the cigarettes feel a bit odd, like rough, but I didn't pay any mind to it. I smoked it and it was really good. One of the people came out and patted me on the back and said, "you helped us out we helped you out, you dig?" I didn't know people still talked like that then it hit me. I'm not sure if it's healthy to smoke cocaine, but I guess it was pretty fun. I would never want to do it again though, I don't have the funds / want to get into that scene.

I really like BW OU at the moment!! I don't want anything banned because of how much I'm actually liking it as a whole. Thundurus is pretty healthy for the metagame, in my opinion, as that Prankster Thunder Wave it has is such a huge deterrent for sweepers who rely on boosting their Speed stat. You either have to run Lum berry or hope to fuck that Thundurus isn't running Thunder Wave. Honestly Thunder Wave Thundurus is like 10000% better than NP, but no matter. I also haven't been seeing that much Excadrill / having that much of a problem with it, maybe I just need to play more though and I'll run into it more.

I don't have any problems with you Ala, calm yourself, boy.

For the love of god
stop capitalizing my
name, lowercase only

also i have been known to reopen and reclose things like that, i accidentally caught my thumb in a dishwasher when i was 5 doing that =3

But enough about that. What are your top 5 favorite books and top 5 favorite authors, even though i pretty much can guess at least your top two?


Fight Club
Invisible Monsters
Catcher in the Rye
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
The Odyssey (does this count?)

All these books entrance me. I can read them all over and over and over again and they never get dull to me (well maybe some parts of Alice), but otherwise they're something I try to re-read every year.

As for Authors it's basically the same as the people who wrote these books:
Chuck Palahnuik
Lewis Carroll
J. D. Salinger

Though I'm not sure if that last one counts, but I own all his screen plays and read them so I'm going to count it fuck you guys.

General Empoleon, I have a very serious question for your well

can my Piplup
become a member of your army?

as you can see he is very capable, I mean he may as well be a Prinplup bu now but this badass is holding an everstone (not shown)

I don't know........ my army is a strict regiment, I don't let every wet-under-the-feathers Piplup who thinks they have what it takes to stare a Monferno in the eye and fire off a Water Gun. They need soul. They need a depth of faith. They need power and quick reactions to take it in this war. Can you tell me his IVs? I need to make sure he is on-par to everyone else under my command.

Gen if you could have a Parasect evo that ended up being Uber, what base stats would you give it? What would be its "broken" hook?

This is actually a question I've been thinking about long before you asked me this. A Parasect evo would actually be really sweet since Bug/Grass is actually a pretty cool typing -- and most of the pokemon who have it just have bad stats / movepools. HOWEVER, since Parasect is one of the few pokemon to learn Spore that gives him a distinct advantage over other Bug/Grass types.

If I had to evolve Parasect I'd make it this:

Name: Parascythe


Obviously Parascythe is better at taking physical attacks over special attacks simply because of its typing as a whole. Resistances to Fighting- and Ground-type moves means a lot in this metagame, and with weaknesses to Ice- and Fire-type attacks, which are everywhere, you don't want to leave it in against a Special attacker. Obviously Spore is a huge deal in Parascythe's arsenal, but with it's new ability: Multiscale it is a wonderful tank. It comes with Recover too. Did I mention Dragon Dance?

Parascythe @ Leftovers
Adamant Nature
Dragon Dance
Seed Bomb

Obviously you'll need to remove most Steel-types and Flying-types, but otherwise you're fucking solid.

Heeeeyyy man. Don't have a question, just thought I'd pop in and say hello! So yeah, hi.

Sup Herbie! I haven't seen you on Tumblr at all recently, what is up with that shit man?


do you still play pokemon (especially ubers)? do you still like to use parasect on teams where he doesn't belong!

ps you're a pretty cute user please compile a list of notably cute users

pps peach

I haven't sucked in cocks in the past 5 years but I've seen 4 other penises in the past 5 years, needless to say I didn't really want to see them but they were there anyway so I might as well compare.

Yeah I play BW OU a lot, a lot a lot. I ladder compulsively I have almost no self control when it comes to playing pokemon it's really kind of sad, hopefully I can control myself in college, I can only hope actually since laddering is like a 2 hour day activity.

List of cute users will be posted at the conclusion of this well, so that gives everyone something to look forward to I guess!

It's okay Peach is kept completely in check by Marth that it's almost not even fair. Though, against that, Captain Falcon should be kept completely in control by Peach, but you do see more Falcons than Peach's around. That's most likely due to the influence of Marth everywhere and the fact Puff is everywhere again. Though the Puff v Peach matchup is dumb and the matches themselves are extremely boring to watch so whatever.
Do you really play Melee?

Which one character produces the most exciting top level matches to watch in Melee, in your opinion?

EDIT: What's your overall favorite movie OST?
I love you, Genny, and I love your music taste (except I like to listen to electronic music as well) :(!! I either like or haven't listened to (only a few) every single artist you listed. Also I am one inch shorter than you :) One day I'll catch up and I get to add you to the list of people who are shorter than me on the internet. To date it consists only of Asians. Another time we'll meet and drink strawberry milk and eat sausage rolls and Golden Gaytimes and other such Australian delicacies.

Actually have you even eaten a Golden Gaytime? I'm assuming you have but if you haven't and ever come back here, you should.

Is there a skill you really wish you had? If you're going to give me something like 'shoot webs out of my fingers' then give me a feasible one too please! Unless there isn't one and you've achieved a pinnacle of skills.

Speaking of things you want to be able to do, when you were young, what did you want to be? When did these things change? like idk maybe you always wanted to be a dinosaur or an astronaut and then you decided you wanted to become an oncologist, or maybe you changed your mind every year until you hit upon medicine.

I can't think of anything deep and meaningful to ask but maybe I will another time. I just wanted to post in your well, especially after shout-out :D Also remember your 1k? That was amazing, not least because my girl was hot. (They all were, but you know.) Also props for wanting to become an oncologist!
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