My the best UU rain dance team(maybe a littel of)

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hi this is my first rain dance team for uu im free for any sugjestos so here i go
(i can only use stuff in HG)
Electrode Role: Lead /dedicatid rain dancer
- Rain dace
Item: Sitris berry
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 SPD /228 SATK/28 ATK
Ment to use taunt, to prevent stealth rock, rain dance then thunder, explosion or switch. Max speed ,to be fast, some EVs in attack and sp. attack to do some damege with his attacks.
Seaking Role
hysical sweeper /rain dancer
- Megahorn
- Waterfall
-Poison jab
Item: Choice band
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Swift swim
EVs: 252 ATK/252 SPD/4 DEF
im obsesed with seaking. He can outrun the whole metagame in the rain. Bounce is for a free attack on the last turn of rain
Claydol Role:wall /dedicated Rain dancer
-Rain dance
-Stealth rock
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP/100 SDEF/56 ATK/100 DEF
Good Hp ,and ok defences and a vast move poll is y i chose lickylicky as a replacement for claydoll
Dewgong Role: healer(sort of)
-Ice beam
-Rain dane
item: Foucus sash
Nature: Bold
Ability: Hydration
EVs: 252 HP/100 DEF/152 SDEF
not sure y
Omnystar Role :special sweeper
Brine -Ice beam
Item: Choice specs
Ability: Swift swim
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 SATK/252 SPD/4 HP
Omnystar is a great example of how to abuse of the rain. He already has a good special attack plus lots of speed in the rain is why i Omnystar has a little spot on my team.
Octiliry Role: mixed sweeper
-Gunk shot
-Signal beam
Item: Life orb
Ability: Sniper
Nature: Quiet
EVs: 252 ATK/252 SATK/4 HP
On my opinion one of the most underestimate pokemon in the game. ok attack stats and if it lands a critical hit its almost always a ko his moves pack quite a punch on grass type that try to pick on him and on the rest of the team.
RMT rules said:
3. Have some actual words in your post beyond your six Pokemon and their moves. Not following this makes your post quite boring to read and rate. All Pokemon should have a good reason for being in your team anyway, so why not post that reason? If you are having trouble with this one, start by giving an explanation for each team member. Why are they there? What role do they serve? How do you get them in? Then, give an explanation of how you would open with the team and how you would go about using it. All of these things help people rate your team and allow us to offer more helpful advice.

This does not mean add one sentence saying "Standard x" or "all-around awesome" after each Pokemon. If you put thought into making the team, you can put thought into posting it.

Take a look at the RMT archive to see what kind of descriptions we are looking for. PM me the fixed descriptions and I'll unlock this thread.
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