Looking for a good battle! Only basic stages, please!
3v3 Singles
5 day DQ
0 recovers, 5 chills per mon
Arena: Kanto Power Plant
An abandoned power plant in eastern Kanto, where Zapdos is said to reside. Since there is a lot of static electricity in the air, Electric attacks require less energy to cast, meaning all Electric-type moves cost 1 less energy point to use. Zapdos may occasionally (10% chance after each round) appear and use Drill Peck on one of the combatants. (Note to ref: To aid calculations, assume Zapdos' attack is **. Factor in STAB and type advantage/disadvantage as normal.)
So...who's up for it? (Remember, basic stage evos only, please!)
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I'll battle you Galladiator, which means the battle I issued last page will be invalid, although no one accepted anyways.
All Abilities
Items Disabled
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Reffing this. PM me your teams.
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Totodile (*) [Irwin] (M)
Nature: Jolly (A 15% increase (rounded up) in Base Speed and a +5% increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 becomes 90) on this Pokemon's attacks; Subtracts * from Special Attack)
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Splash and Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Torrent: (Innate) When this Pokemon’s HP is lower than 33%, the base damage of any water attack is increased by two (2). (eg Water Pulse goes from 6 to 8, Hydro Pump from 12 to 14)
Sheer Force (DW): (Can be Enabled) This Pokemon can energize all its attacks with secondary effect chances less than 100%. When Enabled, the Base Attack Power of every move with an effect chance less than 100% increases by two (2), but they will never have a secondary effect.
HP: 90
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **
Spe: 50 (+)
EC: 2/9
MC: 1
DC: 3/5
Scratch (*)
Leer (*)
Water Gun (*)
Rage (*)
Bite (*)
Scary Face (*)
Ice Fang (*)
Flail (*)
Aqua Jet (*)
Dragon Dance (*)
Ice Punch (*)
Waterfall (*)
Shadow Claw (*)
Return (*)

Pawniard [Fischer] (M)
Nature: Adamant
Dark: Dark STAB; Immunity to all telepathic and telekinetic attacks, better performance in all darkened and especially twilight conditions. Can use more devious Dark-type attacks while attracted. Revenge and Vengeance have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Steel: Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Bomb, can be magnetized.
Defiant: (Innate) The Pokemon has a deep sense of honor, and whenever one of its stats are decreased by an opponent's move, it's Attack increases by two (2) stages.
Inner Focus: (Innate) When an opponent attempts to flinch this Pokemon, it stands firm and continues its attack. If it has another ability that would be activated by flinching, that ability activates.
Pressure (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon’s presence fills the air with intense anxiety, and any damaging or status attack launched at this Pokemon costs the opposing Pokemon two (2) more energy to perform.
HP: 90
Atk: ****(+)
Def: ***
SpA: *(-)
SpD: **
Spe: 60
EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
Fury Cutter
Faint Attack
Scary Face
Metal Claw
Sucker Punch
Brick Break
Aerial Ace
Low Sweep

Shinx [Carlos] (M)
Nature: Jolly (A 15% increase (rounded up) in Base Speed and a +5% increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 becomes 90) on this Pokemon's attacks; Subtracts * from Special Attack)
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance pod Protect breaking Thunder during Rain.
Rivalry: (Innate) This Pokemon has a primal response to competition and mating, increasing the power of all its attacks by two (2) when it attscks an opponent of the same gender in the same Egg Group, and decreasing the power of all its attacks by two (2) when it faces an opponent of the opposite gender in the same Egg Group (Monster/Ground are used for Nidorina/Nidoqueen).
Intimidate: (Can be Activated) When this Pokemon initially goes out into the battlefield, it generates an intimidating roar or war cry that shakes all opponents on the battlefield, reducing thier Attack stage by one (1). The attack drop is maintained at the end of each round. If an opponent switches in a new Pokemon, Intimidate can be activated again.
Guts (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon is tenacious and will work ever harder when under a status condition, raising the base attack power of all its physical attacks by two (2). Pokemon with Guts ignore the attack drop from burn.
HP: 90
Atk: ***
Def: **
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **
Spe: 52 (+)
EC: 0/9
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
Ice Fang
Thunder Fang
Take Down
Wild Charge
Double Team
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Shroomish(*) (M) (Bushido)
Nature: Jolly (A 15% increase (rounded up) in Base Speed and a +5% increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 becomes 90) on this Pokemon's attacks, Special Attack reduced by *.)
Type: Grass
Grass: Grass STAB; Immunity to Leech Seed, Growth, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Nature Power, Sunny Day, Sweet Scent, and Swords Dance have have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
HP: 100
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: *(-)
SpD: ***
Spe: 41 (35 x 1.15)
EC: 1/6
MC: 0
DC: 1/5
Effect Spore: (Can be Disabled) This Pokemon has a stockpile of defensive spores which it realeases on opponents who strike with contact attacks. There is a 10% chance each of poison, paralysis, and sleep.
When disabled, the Pokemon's Powder attacks are 10% more accurate.
Poison Heal: (Innate) Pokemon with this ability have internal structures that absorb the toxins in poison and uses them to recover two (2) HP/action instead of taking poison damage. Their Toxic counter will still go up should their ability be disabled.
Quick Feet (DW): (Innate)
This Pokemon feels a sense of anxiety when afflicted with a status condition and its speed increases by 50% (x1.5). Although it can still be fully paralyzed, it will not suffer the speed drop.
Absorb (*)
Tackle (*)
Stun Spore (*)
Leech Seed (*)
Mega Drain (*)
Headbutt (*)
Poison Powder (*)
Seed Bomb (*)
Drain Punch (*)
Worry Seed (*)
Facade (*)
Double Team (*)
Safeguard (*)

Nohface (F) (Bella Luna)
Nature: Adamant (*) increase to Attack, (*) decrease to Special Attack
Type: Steel/Ghost
Steel: Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Bomb, can be magnetized.
Ghost: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks, Pain Split, Psychic, Sucker Punch, Telekinesis, Trick, and Will-o-Wisp have Energy Cost reduced by one (1). (Gengar line and pure Ghosts only: moving through walls.)
HP: 100
Atk: ***(+*)
Def: ***
SpA: *(-1)
SpD: ***
Spe: 10
EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
Levitate: (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Level Ground, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.
Levitate (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Level Ground, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.
Iron Defense(*)
Odor Sleuth(*)
Shadow Sneak(*)
Faint Attack(*)
Meteor Mash(*)
Psycho Shift(*)
Rock Slide(*)

Eevee (M) (Full Name: Follow the Wind, Nickname: Fellow)
Nature: Timid (A 15% increase (rounded up) in Base Speed and a +5% increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 becomes 90) on this Pokemon's attacks, Attack reduced by *)
Type: Normal
Normal: Bite, Claw Sharpen, Crunch, Dig, Double Kick, Hammer Arm, Iron Tail, Rain Dance, Rock Smash, Shadow Claw, Sunny Day, Wild Charge have have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
HP: 90
Atk: *(-*)
Def: **
SpA: **
SpD: ***
Spe: 64 (53x1.15)
EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
Run Away: (Innate) This Pokemon is quick on its feet and can evade any traps in an arena. Run Away does not allow the Pokemon to escape from trapping moves or abilities, however it can escape other situational trapping strategies in battle.
Adaptibility: (Innate) The moves that match this Pokemon’s type deal two (2) more damage.
Anticipation(DW): (Innate) This Pokemon is better at sensing dangerous attacks, and takes three (3) less damage from super-effective attacks, Selfdestruct, and Explosion.
Tail Whip(*)
Helping Hand(*)
Sand Attack(*)
Quick Attack(*)
Shadow Ball(*)
Hidden Power Fire Power 6(*)
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leads to...Galladiator sends out his first Pokemon
Solstice responds with his next mon, calls orders
Galladiator gives his orders.
I post, then Galladiator and Solstice alternate the order they order their mons in. You know the drill.