So from IRC subjects, I know I am not the only one who enjoys random "what if" theorymon'ing that is ultimately utterly pointless to think about in terms of competitive Pokemon-- but this is Orange Island. We should indulge Pokemon discussion that's fun.
This thread is dedicated to an angle of theorymoning that I have been enjoying as of late-- imagining newer pokes, fitted to the RBY mechanics.
RBY was so unique (or flawed, depending on how you think about it) in terms of mechanics. Endless wraps, Critical Hit function differences, combined Special stats, Hyper Beam, and on and on. Not to mention the utter lack of Dark / Steel types.
This thread will be dedicated to Pokemon of newer generations that would be awesome (or awful) if they had existed in RBY. Discussing Pokemon that did exist, but with their current movepools is also cool! (Amnesia Venusaur)
Let's lay down some ground rules:
1) No new moves, you can only theorymon about moves that existed in RBY (no discussion of Quiver Dance, Charge Beam, Outage, etc.)
2) Pure Steel / Dark Pokemon cannot be discussed, because they can't exist.
3) Steel and Dark Pokemon that have a secondary type can be discussed, but lose their Steel / Dark type (Tyranitar and Heatran are pure Rock and Fire types respectively).
4) Let's not talk about what 'would be uber' or what 'would be banned'. Let's say that unless it's a cover legendary, it's fair game to discuss in context of RBY OU. Of course, discussing an RBY Ubers game with retrofitted Ho-Oh and Kyurem-W is welcome!
5) When combining Special stats, always pick the lower stat UNLESS one of the two happens to be the Pokemon's highest stat. Examples: Volcarona and Uxie get 135 and 130 Special stats respectively, where as Salamence and Garchomp get 80 Special.
6) Common sense with TMs. If a Poke has Giga Drain, it should probably be allowed to use the Mega Drain TM. Universal TMs like Mimic can be assumed.
So, I'll kick us off with some examples of low-tier Pokemon that would be stupidly good retrofitted for RBY.
HP: 80
ATK: 50
DEF: 100
SPC: 200
SPE: 50
-Blizzard (Ice Beam?)
-Thunderbolt / Thunder
Pretty simple here, we got pretty awesome 80 / 100 / 200 defensive stats to take on pretty much anything, especially on the special side. Offensively, 200 Special is stupid strong, especially with Amnesia, which with RBY mechanics basically doubles as a Nasty Plot, combined with Thunerbolt/Thunder and STAB Blizzard. In terms of Pokemon that are actually OU in RBY, very few can touch Regice. Rhydon and Golem are both slower than Regice and OHKOed by Blizzard. There are no OU Pokemon with STAB Fighting attacks (or any Fighting-type attacks), and of course Steel-type does not exist. Fire-types are basically unworthy of OU, and even if you did try them... 200 Special and Amnesia... you'll basically end up praying for a critical hit with your Tauros or Exploding your Cloyster to take it down.
HP: 150
ATK: 160
DEF: 100
SPC: 65
SPE: 100
-Hyper Beam
Ok, so it's pretty obvious that without Truant, Slaking would be a beast in any generation, but RBY is even crazier since Normal is one of the best types in the game (barely any Fighting Pokemon, no Steel types, Rock and Ghosts all hit for super effective damage by EQ). On top of that, Slacking gets 2 of the best moves in the game, with STAB. Slash gets critical hits 100 percent of the time, making it a 140 base power STAB attacks. Hyper Beam has no recharge when it hits for the kill... actually considering Slash's 140 base power, maybe you don't need the 150 base power Hyper Beam, but hey, Persian runs both. Besides, there's not a whole lot else you would need to run.
Earthquake destroys Gengar and hits Rhydon/Golem reasonably hard. Blizzard easily deals with Rhydon/Golem too, 2HKO. Otherwise, there's not a whole lot of other moves worth mentioning (or that you'd need...), but you could try Thunderbolt, Body Slam, Amnesia (!), Toxic, Substitute, Rest, Rock Slide, Flamethrower, or something... eh, just use the above.
So, following the examples above, try taking a look for cool stuff yourself. :D
This thread is dedicated to an angle of theorymoning that I have been enjoying as of late-- imagining newer pokes, fitted to the RBY mechanics.
RBY was so unique (or flawed, depending on how you think about it) in terms of mechanics. Endless wraps, Critical Hit function differences, combined Special stats, Hyper Beam, and on and on. Not to mention the utter lack of Dark / Steel types.
This thread will be dedicated to Pokemon of newer generations that would be awesome (or awful) if they had existed in RBY. Discussing Pokemon that did exist, but with their current movepools is also cool! (Amnesia Venusaur)
Let's lay down some ground rules:
1) No new moves, you can only theorymon about moves that existed in RBY (no discussion of Quiver Dance, Charge Beam, Outage, etc.)
2) Pure Steel / Dark Pokemon cannot be discussed, because they can't exist.
3) Steel and Dark Pokemon that have a secondary type can be discussed, but lose their Steel / Dark type (Tyranitar and Heatran are pure Rock and Fire types respectively).
4) Let's not talk about what 'would be uber' or what 'would be banned'. Let's say that unless it's a cover legendary, it's fair game to discuss in context of RBY OU. Of course, discussing an RBY Ubers game with retrofitted Ho-Oh and Kyurem-W is welcome!
5) When combining Special stats, always pick the lower stat UNLESS one of the two happens to be the Pokemon's highest stat. Examples: Volcarona and Uxie get 135 and 130 Special stats respectively, where as Salamence and Garchomp get 80 Special.
6) Common sense with TMs. If a Poke has Giga Drain, it should probably be allowed to use the Mega Drain TM. Universal TMs like Mimic can be assumed.
So, I'll kick us off with some examples of low-tier Pokemon that would be stupidly good retrofitted for RBY.
HP: 80
ATK: 50
DEF: 100
SPC: 200
SPE: 50
-Blizzard (Ice Beam?)
-Thunderbolt / Thunder
Pretty simple here, we got pretty awesome 80 / 100 / 200 defensive stats to take on pretty much anything, especially on the special side. Offensively, 200 Special is stupid strong, especially with Amnesia, which with RBY mechanics basically doubles as a Nasty Plot, combined with Thunerbolt/Thunder and STAB Blizzard. In terms of Pokemon that are actually OU in RBY, very few can touch Regice. Rhydon and Golem are both slower than Regice and OHKOed by Blizzard. There are no OU Pokemon with STAB Fighting attacks (or any Fighting-type attacks), and of course Steel-type does not exist. Fire-types are basically unworthy of OU, and even if you did try them... 200 Special and Amnesia... you'll basically end up praying for a critical hit with your Tauros or Exploding your Cloyster to take it down.
HP: 150
ATK: 160
DEF: 100
SPC: 65
SPE: 100
-Hyper Beam
Ok, so it's pretty obvious that without Truant, Slaking would be a beast in any generation, but RBY is even crazier since Normal is one of the best types in the game (barely any Fighting Pokemon, no Steel types, Rock and Ghosts all hit for super effective damage by EQ). On top of that, Slacking gets 2 of the best moves in the game, with STAB. Slash gets critical hits 100 percent of the time, making it a 140 base power STAB attacks. Hyper Beam has no recharge when it hits for the kill... actually considering Slash's 140 base power, maybe you don't need the 150 base power Hyper Beam, but hey, Persian runs both. Besides, there's not a whole lot else you would need to run.
Earthquake destroys Gengar and hits Rhydon/Golem reasonably hard. Blizzard easily deals with Rhydon/Golem too, 2HKO. Otherwise, there's not a whole lot of other moves worth mentioning (or that you'd need...), but you could try Thunderbolt, Body Slam, Amnesia (!), Toxic, Substitute, Rest, Rock Slide, Flamethrower, or something... eh, just use the above.
So, following the examples above, try taking a look for cool stuff yourself. :D