Hi everyone! I was looking for a way to get involved with the Smogon community, and this seems like the way for me to do it :> I'm an old fart who's been a fan of pokemon for a long time, but lately I've been pretty burnt out with art in general, and I'm looking for some ideas to spark inspiration, so I would love to hear some ideas that I could try to execute. Thanks in advance!
Here's some pokemon art I've done in the past, though for the most part these are relatively recent. Starters below and sandshrew in PS, nidoking in sai+PS, and the older starters at the bottom in pchat.
a cute sandshrew:

Gen 1 starters and evos, done in PS:

Gen 1 starters in pchat:

Nidoking is my favorite! done in SAI:

Strikes were getting really hard to keep track of with me jumping all over the list :c so I removed them and added links, which are more convenient anyway.
List of requests/suggestions:
alchemator: dusknoir http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/dusknoir.jpg
zomborger: rayquaza/slowpoke http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/slowpoke.png
doran dragon: team http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/tm2.jpg
Flamewheeler: Blaziken http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/blaziken2.png
Rodan.: Dodrio/Hariyama for an avatar, optional http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/dodrio.png
Justinawe: primeape w/ NU trophy http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/primeape-1.png
Shinxe: SUPER BADASS SHINX http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/shinx.png
jumpluff: Shaymin land forme/jumpluff http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/jumpluff.jpg
coldrain: typlosion w/ fire http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/typhlosion-1.png
cayr: shiny breloom ______
dragonbreath: flygon http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/flygon.jpg
dragonknight!: dragonite http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/dragonite.jpg
dromiceiomimus: octillery http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/octillery.png
toaster: manaphy http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/manaphy2.jpg
Bad Ass: gengar avatar http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/sgengaricon.jpg
fuzzberry: latios http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/latios.jpg
suntt123: empoleon http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/empoleon2.jpg
fuzzy93: lucario http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/lucario3.jpg
albinoloon: snail thing! ______
alan: BAMF GARCHOMP http://i.imgur.com/Lg5jh.png
cowboyforce: the best idea ever
wigglywigglytuff: wigglytuff http://i.imgur.com/7XxZN.png
upperdecker: infernape/ambipom
bucky: sableye http://i.imgur.com/yK24r.png
doran dragon: noctowl (w ref)
justinawe: shiny ninetails
coldRAIN: Onondo
towelie: elekid
umbreon dan: umbreon
RaiOTF: Hitmontop & Abomnasnow
Tangyrowth: Tangrowth, Drifblim
Alchemator: Kecleon
6A9 Ace Matador: Tyranitar
DJgopher: teddiursa holding hands w/ ampharos being shocked & cute
PhilosophicalPsychologica: mudkip in a cow suit captioned "mudkipz go moo"
KidX: Flygon
sqwat500: charizard w/ flamethrower -> & torterra w/ leafstorm <-
Pharaoh: jolteon, vaporeon http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/vaporeon.jpg
*Hen*: snotty chatot c: cute
Zapdosblitz: zapdos
yytan12: probopass avatar
Skylar56: creepy underwater crawdaunt
bombiron: drapion
giggity69: misty/foggy gengar http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/gengar2.jpg
purplefingers: kingdra avatar
ericcc: togekiss in sunset
muffinhead: corphish
smiley: cute riolu :>
bombiron: ludicolo
quimicvital: shiny poliwag vs elec arceus (wat)
cayr: dragonair http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/dragonair.jpg
iiMKUltra: grinning gengar http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/sgengar.jpg
zacchaeus: rotoms rotoms rotoms
Mektar: heatran, or hail or rain castform
Tony M W: leaning groudon
Junk: Giratina-O
TRX: sunflora
Chocolate-Kipp: 2 spindas with green and blue mohawks
azlanslayer: Entei/Ononokusu
wombakage: Xatu
Darthchake: shiny gallade on a kingdra (PM)
Ninja-persian: a ninja persian!
Yilx: badass meloetta/-s http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/meloetta.jpg
PP: cute pikachu in a kitchen
my belly hurts: pikachu for tattoo! http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/hakuri/pikatattoo.jpg
nightshadow: tyranitar
rittercat: purugly
totem: lucario/smeargle
GlassAbsol: Absol, Weavile, Lucario
chanazn: Yanmega using Bug Buzz/Signal Beam
Danmire: Mewtwo vs Deoxys
saeglopur: cubchoo
magicbacon: shiny grumpig in mid-heel click
to be updated