Offline Battle Tower teams

battle 50

Weavile @ focus sash
jolly 252 atk/252 speed/6 hp
-swords dance
-brick break
-night slash
-ice punch

Gengar @ wise glasses
timid 252 sp atk/252 speed/6 hp
-shadow ball
-focus blast

Electivire @ Expert Belt
Adamant 252 atk/252 speed/6 hp
-Ice Punch
-Cross Chop

i believe i got swept by a kingdra, and almost got swept by a weezing
I ****ing hate the ****ing BT. Unbeleivable amounts of hacking. Oh well, I got 3 more wins than previous with this team.

Streak of 57
Dragonite@Lum Berry
Adamant: 252 attk, 200 speed, 58 hp
Dragon Dance
Fire Blast

Bold: 252 hp, 158 def, 100 sp def
Ice Beam

Weavile@Focus Sash
Adamant: 252 attk, 252 speed, 6 hp
Swords Dance
Ice Punch
Night Slash
Brick Break

Lead with Dragonite, DD once, and sweep. If I thought an ice attack was coming in, switch to Milotic, sleep it, then either try to kill it (other waters were problematic) or risk a switch to Weavile then SD and sweep. I decided to switch Milotic for Bronzong on the last set of matches, since Stone Edge generally OHKO's Dragonite, and Milotic can't take many of them either, but then something like Infernape or the Slowkings running flamethrower would wreck me as I soon found out =P My loss went like this.

Go Dragonite!
Enemy sends Slowking!
Go Bronzong!
Slowking uses ice beam, negligible damage (I think leftovers healed it all back)
Slowking uses flamethrower, 40% damage
Bronzong uses Toxic, Slowking is badly poisoned
Slowing uses flamethrower, 40% damage
Bronzong uses Rest, fully healed
Three flamethrowers later, Bronzong is done for
Go Weavile!
Weavile uses Swords Dance
Slowking uses flamethrower, Weavile holds on with its Focus Sash
Slowking finally goes down from its poison. (or maybe I had to Night Slash it... I don't remember, but either way...)
Enemy sends out Waillord
Weavile uses Night Slash *prays for crit*... 90% damage, no such luck
Waillord uses something, I don't remember, and Weavile dies from it.
Go Dragonite!
Waillord quick claw hax and OHKO's with Ice Beam. Sonofa *****!!!!!!!
Died @ 58

Porygon-Z@Choice Specs
Trait: Adaptability
Timid Nature
EVs: 252 SAtk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
-Tri Attack
-Dark Pulse
-Ice Beam

Salamence@Choice Band
Trait: Intimidate
Adamant Nature
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 SAtk
-Dragon Claw
-Stone Edge
-Fire Blast

Trait: Marvel Scale
Bold Nature
EVs: 128 HP, 252 Def, 40 SAtk, 88 SDef
-Sleep Talk
-Ice Beam

Porygon-Z died to Alakazam's Focus Blast.
Salamence owned Alakazam with Dragon Claw
Alakazam fainted
Opponent let out Skarmory.
Salamence Dragon Clawed it 4-5 times.
Skarmory fainted
Opponent sent out Froslass.
Salamence Dragon Clawed it to red health
Froslass OHKOed Salamence with Ice Beam
Milotic was sent out.
Froslass uses Destiny Bond
Milotic uses Surf
Both dies. I still lose.
How far do you think a standard CB-Tar (lead), SD Street Shark, and Scarf'd Togekiss will get me? I listed the Toge earlier if anybody want's to check. Also, I am replacing Ancient Power - what should I put there instead?
Still going, fought battle 84 last.

Adamant Nature
Evs: 212 HP, 16 Atk, 180 Def, 100 Speed
Dragon Dance
Ice Fang

Tyranitar@Expert Belt
Adamant Nature
6 Hp/ 252 Attack/ 252 Spd
Dragon Dance
Stone Edge

Heatran@Choice Scarf
Rash Nature
Dragon Pulse
Earth Power

Pretty decent team. None of the battle gave me to much troubles as heatran usually takes out what threatens the most and can even be used as revenge killer.

Dragonite did give me troubles though especially if my Ice fang missed and it's Dragon Rush don't. So do Electivires.
Well, I made it to 105 wins (haven't continued on the streak) with this team:

Azelf @ Focus Sash
Nasty Plot
Grass Knot

Garchomp @ Life Orb
Stone Edge
Dragon Claw
Swords Dance

Gyarados @ Lefties
Stone Edge
Dragon Dance
Still going, fought battle 84 last.

Adamant Nature
Evs: 212 HP, 16 Atk, 180 Def, 100 Speed
Dragon Dance
Ice Fang

Jirachi@Light Clay
Impish Nature
240 HP / 56 Atk / 76 Def / 136 Spd
Zen headbutt

Heatran@Choice Scarf
Rash Nature
Dragon Pulse
Earth Power

Pretty decent team. None of the battle gave me to much troubles as heatran usually takes out what threatens the most and can even be used as revenge killer.

Dragonite did give me troubles though especially if my Ice fang missed and it's Dragon Rush don't. So do Electivires.

LIES!!!! lol. Jirachi is banned from BT.

as for me....
BT level 47

252 EV spread
Dragon Claw
Aerial Ace
Fire Blast

Dragon Claw is capable of 0hko on almost all pokemon not resistant.

Heracross@Burn Orb
252 EV spread
Close Combat
Night Slash
Rock Slide

If Salamence dies, Heracross goes in for the finishing blow. Burn orb activates and so does Guts.

Calm Nature
252hp and defenses??? same amount of def as sdef

I switch to Cresselia when the 2 sweepers are ineffective. Cresselia has only died once. Pretty decent with rest. She's good, although chargebeam sweeping takes a long time.

Salamence was killed by..i forgot. Heracross was killed by Gallade(foe's last poke), i pressed the wrong button and chose NightSlash and was KO'd by PsychoCut. Cresselia came in to icebeam but Gallade used Destiny Bond and brought her down with him.

Breloom @ Focus Sash
Poison Heal
6 HP / 252 ATK / 252 SPD
- Spore
- Focus Punch
- Seed Bomb
- Stone Edge

Standard. Focus Sash guarantees at least one sleeping opponent, leaving Breloom free to FP with impunity. He handles annoyers well, absorbing Toxic and putting them to sleep before they DT up.


Magnezone @ Leftovers
100 HP / 252 SPATK / 156 SPDEF
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power Ice
- Thunder Wave
- Explosion

Thunder Wave helps my team a lot, since as a whole, it's pretty slow. Explosion takes care of Walls like Cresselia, which I have problems with. Sturdy also helps with those cheap OHKO users. I love using this guy, but HP Ice was a bitch to breed for.


Gyarados @ Concentration Band
6 HP / 252 ATK / 252 SPD
- Waterfall
- Ice Fang
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance

Standard again, but he rips things apart. I needed an EQ user.

I finished making this team just recently, but so far it's undefeated at 42 wins.
Right now I'm using:

Died @ 36, haha

Tauros @ Choice Band
-Stone Edge

Electivire @ Life Orb
Motor Drive
-Cross Chop
-Fire Punch
-Ice Punch
-Thunder Punch

Gengar @ Choice Specs
-Energy Ball
-Shadow Ball
-Dark Pulse

Tauros is pretty much able to take anything down in at least one or two two hits, but usually when I use Return, a ghost or steel shows up, or when I use EQ, a flying type or a Levitating Pokemon shows up, haha. The main problem is everyone else's, it either gets DTed to death, OHKO, frozen/asleep/attracted and I have to swtich out. The thing that really gets me is sleep...a freaking Wigglytuff took out my entire team because they would NEVER wake up!
I completed battle 42 on doubles with this team:

Yanmega@wide lens (lead 1)
Air Slash
Bug Buzz

Porygon-Z@life orb (Lead 2)
Ice Beam
Dark Pulse

Gallade@expert belt
Leaf Blade
Psycho Cutter (That sounds so emo)
Close Combat
Swords dance

Sleep Talk
Ice Beam
Charge Beam
Great to see some of my originally bred pokemon have had success in streaks of 50 and beyond. I shall attempt to extend my streak with Juuka's heatran along with gyarados & electivire so long as I don't come across anymore focus band rapidash with horn drill f**k.
Suicune137 this is kind of not the kind of thread I want dishonest people in, so I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't post again.

Anyway I'm using this team:

Bronzong @ Sitrus Berry ** MatsuZzaka
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Relaxed
- Gyro Ball
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Hypnosis

Gyarados @ Leftovers ** I'll lead...
Nature: Adamant
- Waterfall
- Return
- Dragon Dance
- Taunt

Cresselia @ Chesto Berry ** Claire
Nature: Quiet
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Calm Mind
- Rest

I'm at 70 wins now but I've only used this team for like two rounds, but I'm sticking with it. The idea is basically that Focus Sash can go to hell, and that with a Stealth Rock up, the only thing that can beat my bulky Gyarados after 3+ DDs — which 384HP, 234Def, Taunt, Leftovers and Bronzong's Hypnosis make a very attainable goal — is *maybe* Brightpowder and *maybe* Quick Claw, which you can pretty much never do much about. Cress is there for obvious special sponging but I'm getting kind of tired of Shadow Ball stuff so I may go with Blissey ultimately.
I just beat Palmer's second team with these 3 beasts:

Garchomp@Life Orb
Ability: Sand Veil
Nature: Jolly
-Swords Dance
-Fire Fang

Gyarados @ Mystic Water
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Adamant
- Waterfall
- Stone Edge
- Dragon Dance
- Taunt

Metagross@Lum Berry
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Adamant
-Meteor Mash

Nothing so far has really caused me any trouble =/
All the teams listed so far have EV-spreads as well. Jumpman16, Dan Dan, and others... I guess the pros don't like to reveal their EV-spreads? I want to include your teams, but I didn't want to add ones without any spreads. Any way to compromise?
Died at 45 with this team to OHKO hax.

Serene Grace
252 sp. atk/252 speed
-Air Slash
-Aura Sphere
-Thunder Wave
-Sweet kiss

Sand Veil
252 atk/252 speed
Life Orb
-Dragon Claw
-Fire fang

Marvel Scale
252 HP/252 sp. atk
-Ice Beam

I may try out a new team next run.
Lol because you probably were lying in order to look good or something :/

Anyway, a little update (like you care). Died at Level 61 because of a stupid, stupid, STUPID STUPID STUPID error with Empoleon.
I haven't been keeping track of the exact number of wins, but I've gotten far enough to get one 7 point round in the single-player Doubles challenge with this team (still haven't lost, so I might lose the next round for all I know):

-Electivire @ Life Orb
Adamant, 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
-Fire Punch (I was too lazy to breed for Cross Chop)
-Ice Punch

-Salamence @ Choice Specs
Modest, 252 SpAtk/252 Spd/4 HP
-Draco Meteor
-Dragon Pulse
-Fly (again, was too lazy to do the breeding correctly, and man do I regret it in this case - it is useful in-game, though)

-Empoleon @ Leftovers
Calm, 252 HP/252 SpDef/4 SpAtk
-Ice Beam
-Stealth Rock

Rhyperior @ Shell Bell
Adamant, 252 HP/80 Atk/176 Def
-Stone Edge

Not a very well put-together team, admittedly, but it works in the Battle Tower. Basically, start with Salamence and Electivire - hit something super-effective and hit the other opponent with Dragon Pulse for powerful neutral damage. When in doubt, Earthquake everything and Dragon Pulse the stronger opponent. Rhyperior and Empoleon wait in the wings with impressive defensive versatility (despite this team's glaring Ground weakness). Surf is pretty much a suicide desperation move, but it works (especially if done alongside Salamence, who resists it), mostly Empoleon Ice Beams everything while its partner deals out the big damage.

Toughest team so far was probably the Trick Room team with Gallade and Steelix - the Gallade turned out to be slower than Empoleon and Rhyperior, annoyingly.
I just beat Palmer the second time:

Alakazam@Choice specs
Modest nature
252spd/ 252spatk/ 4def
-Grass knot
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast


Adamant Nature
252atk/ 100hp /100spd/ 58spdef
-Meteor Mash


Garchomp@Life Orb
Jolly Nature
252atk/ 252spd/ 4hp
-Swords Dance
-Stone Edge
-Fire Fang.

I'm pretty sure I can make it to 100, or does it get a lot harder?
It seems pretty easy for now.
My 2-player status:

Metagross@Muscle Band
Adamant nature
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 spd, 4 HP
-Meteor Mash
-Magnet Rise

Salamence@Choice Band
Adamant Nature
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
-Dragon claw
-Fire Blast
-Stone Edge

Bold nature
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 SAtk
-Ice Beam
-Seismic toss

Starmie@Life orb
Modest nature
EVs: 252 SAtk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
-Ice Beam

So far at fight 56 ;D

Strategy: Metagross magnet rises. Salamence EQ's, Metagross EQ's everyone dies. Ice Beams are handled by starmie and Blissey. Life orb recoil from starmie is gone with the aid of recover. Blissey uses Aromatherapy to prevent crippling on this team.