Offline Battle Tower teams


Item: Choice band
Ev's: 252 atk, 252 spd
Night slash
Brick Break
Ice Punch
Nature: jolly

Item: focus sash
Ev's: 252 sp atk, 252 spd
Ice beam
Nature: modest

Item: life orb
Ev's: 252 atk, 252 spd
Swords dance
Dragon Claw
Earth quake
Fire Fang
Nature: jolly

I've got a couple teams that have gotten pretty far. Here's the one I used for my longest Single Battle Tower streak in my English Pearl game:

Metagross @ Choice Band
Trait: Clear Body
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpAtk)
EVs: 100HP, 252Atk, 16SpD, 142Spd
-Meteor Mash
-Ice Punch

Gengar @ Focus Sash
Trait: Levitate
Nature: Timid (+Spd, -Atk)
EVs: 6HP, 252SpA, 252Spd
-Sludge Bomb
-Destiny Bond

Blissey @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
Nature: Bold (+Def, -Atk)
EVs: 252HP, 252Def, 6SpD
-Seismic Toss

Longest Win Streak: 177

Pokemon this team has troubles with include Infernape, Blaziken, Tyranitar and Hippowdon.
I got to 42... Until some guy came and did a move that " twisted the dimensions " And kept doing sand attack to kill my 4 dragon danced gyara... So my gyara kept missing and ended up dying :|
Gyarados @ Leftovers
252 hp 252 speed 4 hp
-Dragon Dance
-Ice fang

Gengar @ Life Orb
-252 speed 252- special attack -4 hp
-Shadow ball

Garchomp @ Leftovers/Life orb
-252 attack -252 speed -4 hp
-Swords dance
-Fire Fang
-Stone Edge

Could you fill that in with Natures, GeNeSiS`?
TheMaster42, just wanted to thank you for keeping this thread updated.

Thanks Jumpman16, that's really appreciated! =D

I just wanted to make something I thought would be useful for myself - I'm glad others find it to be as well!

Also to state that I'm currently breeding a Stealth Rock Bronzong for a lead and we'll see how it goes handling the myriad Focus Sashers in the game, anomg them Garchomp, which my original Sandstream strategy actually helped and didn't hurt =/

Ahh, I bred a Tyranitar specifically to kill Focus Sashers. But I see now, that doesn't really get Garchomp. >.<

Bronzong seems really slow (to kill things) - do you think walls can do well in this kind of environment?
I got to battle 86 using...

Heracross @ Choice Band
Jolly ; 6HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spd
-Close Combat
-Rock Slide

Tyranitar @ Leftovers
Adamant ; 252 HP, 252 Atk, 6 Def
-Stone Edge

Roserade @ Choice Specs
Timid ; 252 S.atk, 6 S.def, 252 Speed
-Weather Ball
-Sludge Bomb
-Leaf Storm

*Heracross is from Emerald, so no Pursuit, Earthquake was useful at KOing Electric stuff or fire Pokémon like Infernape (I swear my Heracross once resisted Infernape's Flamethrower). Not using Stone Edge since Tyranitar also has it and I don't wanna get haxed with constant misses, but I hardly used Rock Slide there.

*Tyranitar is resistent to every weakness Heracross has and helps me a lot at dealing with Double team Pokémon since I use Substitute. It was supposed to be a SubPuncher, might do this for competitive battles, but in Tower Earthquake works effectively.

*Roserade and Heracross are great combined, Weather Ball gets Sandstorm boost and effectively counters slower Fire, Ice or Flying Pokémon. Extrasensory is my 100% accuracy move against weakened Fighting Pokémon and Grass/Poison opponents, may replace it with ShadowBall to attack Psychic, but I have Tyranitar against them. Leaf Storm is a strong hit and run move and Sludge Bomb for STAB and Ludicolo which annoys me everytime I see that face.

I'm planning a new team soon. I really don't wanna use the Pokémon I abused to get the 7 Gold Frontier symbols (Starmie, Salamence, Blissey and Metagross, and I can also add Garchomp, I don't think I'll be happy using it, since everyone uses him already.)
Died at 43 wins because I'm stupid:

Gyarados @ Lum Berry
Adamant, 212 HP / 16 Atk / 180 Def / 100 Spd
Ice Fang
Dragon Dance

Garchomp @ Life Orb
Jolly, 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 6 HP
Dragon Claw
Aerial Ace (to hit anything with evasion moves)
Swords Dance

Heatran @ Leftovers
Modest, 252 Sp Atk / 100 HP / 158 Spd
Lava Plume
Earth Power
Dragon Pulse

Each of them covers another's weakness going down the line. and are either immune or take 1/4x damage from another's 4x weakness. Lum Berry lets Gyarados get off an opening Dragon Dance at the least.

Dragonite@Life Orb
Dragon Dance
Fire Punch

I'd much rather have leftovers on this guy but they have an item clause in battle tower.


Drill Peck

He was fun to play with on battle tower. Nothing could touch him


Swampert@Expert Belt
Stealth Rock
Stone Edge

He was also fun. He could hit hard and phaze.

A lot of my battles I won because of Stealth Rock

Dragonite@Life Orb
Dragon Dance
Fire Punch

I'd much rather have leftovers on this guy but they have an item clause in battle tower.


Drill Peck

He was fun to play with on battle tower. Nothing could touch him


Swampert@Expert Belt
Stealth Rock
Stone Edge

He was also fun. He could hit hard and phaze.

A lot of my battles I won because of Stealth Rock

Can you add natures and possibly EVs to that team? Then I could copy/paste it.
Thanks Jumpman16, that's really appreciated! =D

I just wanted to make something I thought would be useful for myself - I'm glad others find it to be as well!

No problem, it's nice to see people who care about ingame play as much as I do.

Ahh, I bred a Tyranitar specifically to kill Focus Sashers. But I see now, that doesn't really get Garchomp. >.<

Bronzong seems really slow (to kill things) - do you think walls can do well in this kind of environment?

Yeah, that's exactly why I just got done breeding a CB Tyranitar, then a DD one, spent about four weeks off and on on both. One cool thing about the BT, in my opinion, is that it's not like these pokemon we're breeding for the BT are going to be useless in Wifi play — it's the exact opposite, of course. Breeding for ingame Battle Tower or Wifi Tower play is almost perfect for making a competitive 6-on-6 Wifi team in this regard.
Azelf @ Choice Specs
EVs: 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd / 4HP
Nature: Modest
- Psychic
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
- Grass Knot

Manectric @ Sitrus Berry (soon to be Expert Belt)
EVs: 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd / 4HP
Nature: Modest
- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower
- Hidden Power Fighting (68 base power)
- Charge Beam

Flygon @ Life Orb
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4HP
Nature: Lonely (yeah, I was lazy)
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- U-Turn

This team has won me 49 battles so far, except for the 3th set of seven, where I switch Flygon for a Feraligatr w/ Ice Punch, to take down Palmer's Dragonite.
I got to room 73 with this team, although I'm gonna try again tonight, since I made a stupid mistake and kept my salamence in vs a lapras, thinking that Draco Meteor could 1 shot it. I'll post later, to see how much farther i get.
Apparently theres lots of synergy with metagross and flying pokemon such as salamence, because the BT people are smart-stupid AI, who will EQ gross if they have it, which warrants a free switch in from salamence.

Salamence @ Choice Specs
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Modest
EV's: 252 Sp Atk, 252 Spd, 6HP
Draco Meteor
Hydro Pump
Dragon Pulse

My starting pokemon, who's primary job is to 1 shot my opponents starting pokemon with a draco meteor, or hydro pump/flamethrower if they're weak to those moves, then switch out to my physical "tank", metagross, or my special wall, blissey.

Metagross @ Life Orb
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Adamant
EV's: 252 Atk, 108 Spd, 150 HP
Meteor Mash

Decent sweeper, but I usually use him to explode something that salamence has trouble with, such as palmers cresselia. Note that agility is not very useful in BT, and that i'm using pokemon from my online team offline.

Blissey @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
Nature: Bold
EV's: 252 Def, 252 Sp Atk, 6 HP
Seismic Toss
Ice Beam

The real backbone of my team, blissey walls off any special attacker, such as palmer's milotic and heatran and has just saved me on so many occasions.
Oh, I meant things like Ninjask and Jolteon, frail things that are sacrificed by doing their jobs, pretty much.

Anyway, on retrospect, I suppose walls may be the most effective way of getting to the highest rounds, but... I'd rather breeze through them with sweepers than wait and slow my progress by using walls, assuming the reason you're playing the BT in the first place is for the BP, anyway.

Well, after a while, you want to continue your streak, so you would want more walls/tanks
died in battle 55 because quick claw metagross is a fucking annoying piece of shit

Heracross@ Choice Scarf
Adamant Nature
EVs:252 Atk/252 Spd/6 HP
-Stone Edge
-Close Combat

generic CS hera

Azelf@ Life Orb
Timid Nature
EVs:252 SAtk/252 Spd/6 HP
-Grass Knot
-Nasty Plot

awesome, I lead with this for the first 21 battles and it usually gets them over with pretty quickly

Swampert @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP / 16 Atk / 156 Def / 36 SAtk / 48 SDef
Relaxed Nature
- Earthquake
- Hydro Pump
- Stealth Rock
- Ice Beam

eh I needed something bulky on my team.
I keep getting walled at 42. I lost there six times in a row ffs! Anyway, this is my team:

Adamant: 252atk, 252spd, 6hp
Zen Headbutt

Goes straight for the throat. I would have Rock Polish over Zen, but I have no more RP TMs. :\ (Was thinking about Swords Dance, not sure though)

Starmie@Life Orb
Timid: 252sa, 252spd, 6hp
Ice Beam

This is what I used back in FRLG, except replaced it's item. Just attack things with weak SD or go for a super-effective hit 4tw.

Timid: 252sa, 252spd, 6hp
Air Slash
Aura Sphere

I don't see much use out of Wish, but it could come in handy, imo. Thinking about removing AP because it's a bit too weak for me, dunno what to replace with. Basically, I just sweep with Air Slash + Serene Grace + TimidScarf = Go First and Flinch. Personal Record is flinching T-Tar 5 times then killing it, go me!

The last time I lost was to Yanmega, Arcanine, and Staraptor or whatever.

Toolbag sent out YANMEGA!
YANMEGA lols then BUG BUZZ FTW! (100%)

Vash Cries and says "WTF IT LIVED THROUGH 4x WEAKNESS!"

Go GotheKiss! Flinchaxx of DOOM! (10%) YEA! I'M THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH!

Toolbag gets a Bone(r) and sends out ARCANINE! PUPPY POWER!

GotheKiss uses Air Slash again! WTF IT MISSED! (0%)
Arcanine sees an opening! FLARE BLITZ! (78%)
Arcanine takes Master Toolbags Bone(r)! EXTREMESPEED!

Vash curses really loud at the air! GO CHUCKLES! (Ramprados)
Arcanine is like "LOL IM FAST!" EXTREMESPEED! (55%)

Wellllllllll... there goes Sash.
Chuckles giggles and uses EARTHQUAKE! (100%) Shake and Bake my Hot Dogs.

Toolbag sends out Staraptor, flailing and screaming "GG NOOB!"
The Bird uses CLOSE COMBAT and fossilizes Ramprados! (45%)

Anyway, long story short, I need to know: Should I change anything, or was it just stupidity on my part for thinking Mega was Drag/Fly? I think it was the latter, but may need changes anyway. ;]
Why T-Bolt? If you thought Yanmega was Dragon/Flying (which it isn't) shouldn't you have used Ice Beam? Well it didn't die, I guess if your Starmie was Modest it would've made the difference?


I've been playing Doubles a lot recently (still figuring out a better Singles team from my box of EV-trained competitors), and when I got a 70+ streak from MULTI BATTLE, I feel I can do better in Doubles when I'm in control of everything? Or is that worse, since my computer teammate seemingly gets the "Battle Tower Hax Bonus"... anyway...

I'm at 63 wins and counting right now...

Gengar @ Life Orb (lead)
Timid: 252 Speed, 252 SA, 6 HP
HP Ice
Shadow Ball
Sludge Bomb

Garchomp @ Choice Band (lead)
Jolly: 252 Speed, 252 Attack, 6 HP
Fire Fang
Stone Edge

Milotic @ Wide Lens
Bold: Forgot EV spread, but it had Speed, HP, SA and Defense EV's.
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam

Metagross @ Leftovers
Adamant: 252 Attack, 180 HP, 76 Speed
Meteor Mash
Thunder Punch


The goal is to eliminate at least one of the opposition with both leads, even at a suicidal cost. The times I lost, both leads of the computer opponent survived, or in one case, Garchomp got stuck doing Earthquake against an opponent's Drifblim. The Drifblim exploded but I got awarded the loss. It's just plain BS that all ties are awarded to the computer...
Garchomp@choice band
Jolly; 31 IVs in Attack and Speed
EVS: 252 Attk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
Fire Fang
Stone Edge/crunch/filler

Not much that doesn't resist Outrage survives it in the battle tower...

Adamant Nature; 31 IVs in Attack, Defense, and speed.
EVs: 252 Attk, 160 Spd, 96 HP
Dragon Dance
Crunch over a rock move because crunch has 100% accuracy, unlike all physical rock ones, and I still wanted STAB (while having minimal misses).
I'm sure you all know how this works...Random pokemon like Palmer's Cresellia let him instantly set up...

Starmie@choice specs
Timid Nature, I don't remember the IVs, but it's hidden power type is fighting with 70 power...
EVS: 252 Spd, 252 Sp Attk, 4 HP
Ice Beam
Hidden Power

Biggest problem is weavile; no other pokemon other then Gastrodon (lol) has ever really caused problems.
However, for some reason Weaviles are slower then Starmie, letting them be OHKOed via HP: fighting.
Type coverage of the team is overall quite excelent...
I currently have a win streak of 105, being to lazy to get it any higher after becoming satisfied with the result, as I doubt I get any further rewords other then more bp (although, if you wish to gain massive amounts of bp, it is faster to intentially lose, so that you can re-battle Palmer to get the 20 bp he grants you)...
My best team so far has been a bug suprise actually!

Yanmega@Choice Specs
[Colour Glasses]
-Bug Buzz
-HP Ice [64]
-Air Slash
-Shadow Ball/Ancient Power [I used Ancient Power for the first 35, then changed to Shadow Ball]

Metagross@Choice Band
[Clear Body]
-Meteor Mash
-Zen Headbutt

-Shadow Ball
-Body Slam

Up to 42 so far, might try Heracross/Electivire/Gyarados for the Battle Tychoon.
This following team once got me to 64 wins until the 65th battle involving regigigas(doubleteam), regirock(pa$$hole berry) & regice:

Item: Expert Belt
Ev's: 252 atk, 216 spd, 40 hp
swords dance
Night slash
Brick Break
Ice Punch
Nature: jolly

Item: brightpowder
Ev's: 252 sp atk, 252 spd, 6 hp
Ice beam
Nature: modest

Item: life orb / muscle band
Ev's: 252 atk, 252 spd, 6 hp
ice punch
Earth quake
cross chops
Nature: adamant

For alternatives, I have Juuka's rash heatran and an adamant gyarados as lately I cannot seem to get past the 36-42 round.
Starmie @ Choice Specs
Timid Nature / Natural Cure
36 HP / 220 Speed / 252 Satk
-Grass Knot
-Ice Beam

Metagross @ Life Orb
Adamant Nature / Clear Body
252 HP / 232 Atk / 16 Def / 8 Speed
-Meteor Mash
-Bullet Punch

Heracross @ Leftovers
Adamant Nature / Guts
6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed
-Night Slash
-Stone Edge
-Close Combat

I got to battle 47 but then I got lucked out. I haven't tried since.
Not sure if this is needed but:

Sapphire BT team for 105 wins was:

Dusclops@Lum Berry,Bold 252HP, 129 Def, 129 SP def
Calm Mind
Ice Beam
Will O Wisp

Burns physical attackers and CM and ice beam for latios.

Suicune@Leftovers, modest 252 HP, 252 Def, 6 SP def
Calm Mind
Ice Beam

Ice beam for latios, toxic for tanks.

Crobat@Choice Band, Hasty 252 speed, 252 Atk, 4 HP
HP Ground
Aerial Ace
Slude Bomb
Shadow Ball

Kills almost everything (except latios).

This is my current diamond team, got around 40 wins.

Azelf@Focus Sash, 100 Speed, 100 SP atk Timid (in game shiny)
Nasty Plot

Kills stuff then explodes.

Suicune@Leftovers, modest 252 HP, 252 Def, 6 SP def
Calm Mind
Ice Beam


Swampert@Shell Bell, 129 HP, 129 SP def, 252 Atk, quirky (in game shiny)
Stone Edge

Curses then kills stuff.
My team died to the second leader battle because Megahorn missed against Cresselia. I had pretty much the lead over him (3-1, as a matter of fact, and Cresselia singlehandedly overthrew my team thanks to a stupid Megahorn miss):(
I got to 64 wins with this squad...

Togekiss@Lum Berry - Rash (not the best nature, but it does fine)
Ability: Serene Grace
Thunder Wave
Air Slash
Aura Sphere
Fire Blast

Milotic@Leftovers - Modest
Ice Beam

Garchomp@Yache Berry - Adamant
Stone Edge
Dragon Rush

I ran into a team with Articuno, Walrein, and Lapras. Articuno uses Sheer Cold and OHKOs my Togekiss... Garchomp OHKOs Articuno with Stone Edge, then almost takes out Walrein, but Blizzard connects and OHKOs (which is why I need Focus Sash instead, stupid me). Milotic Toxic/Recovers until Walrein goes down, but then Lapras comes in and connects with Sheer Cold to end my streak... ugh
No problem, it's nice to see people who care about ingame play as much as I do.

Yeah, that's exactly why I just got done breeding a CB Tyranitar, then a DD one, spent about four weeks off and on on both. One cool thing about the BT, in my opinion, is that it's not like these pokemon we're breeding for the BT are going to be useless in Wifi play — it's the exact opposite, of course. Breeding for ingame Battle Tower or Wifi Tower play is almost perfect for making a competitive 6-on-6 Wifi team in this regard.

Yay, same thoughts here. Except that I bred my Tyranitars as soon as I beat the elite four long ago. Anyway, I got to 51 with the in game team I used lol. Soon as I'm done breeding my SD Garchomp I'll see how far I get with Garchomp, Gyarados, and probably CB or DDtar.

EDIT: about my breeding. My DDtar took a few days, but I was really lucky and got a great CBTar in about 15 minutes. You have no idea how big of a weight that took off my shoulders.
My team died to the second leader battle because Megahorn missed against Cresselia. I had pretty much the lead over him (3-1, as a matter of fact, and Cresselia singlehandedly overthrew my team thanks to a stupid Megahorn miss):(

Megahorn is actually the sole-reason I will never seriously consider using Heracross in Battle Tower play from now on. I guess now that it has another STAB 120 base power move I could, but so does Lucario...