Little by Little
Hey guys! This is my first RMT on the Smogon Forums, and I decided to pick the Little Cup tier. After the last Suspect Testing Round, I didn't know anything about the metagame, but I made a team, just to have an idea of how it looks. I started with 3 pokemons, intending to make a team based on Scraggy, then I asked Blue Star for a Staryu EV spread, and he ended up helping me build this team, which is the currently #1 team on the Little Cup Ladder, and one of my favourite teams xD.
As I said before, Blue Star helped me a lot in building this team, with his experience at suggesting pokes, movesets and evs. Some time after, I've had conversations with Al_Alchemist, in order to improve the team. He gave me 2 suggestions, one being Eviolite Mienfoo (since I had a scarfed variant after), and I forgot the other because it didn't work so well. After a lot of efforts, I managed to reach #1, and I decided to post this RMT. I'm a bit newbie on this tier, so be patient xD. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I present you "Little by Little":
This team is based mainly on Scraggy, which is, imo, the greatest sweeper of this meta. The team's goal is to remove Scraggy's counters, weaken the foe's team enough and setup everything it needs in order for Scraggy to sweep, but it's obvious that it doesn't work 100% of the time. It's in theory, and that's why the team can play well itself using only 5 pokemons. Mienfoo and Staryu are the "wings
" of the team, because they make a good pair, weakening and scouting the foe's team, while Bronzor and Munchlax are walls, being that Bronzor is focused on supporting and Munchlax on tanking + retaliating. Drifloon counters fighting types, and it can even sweep in case of everything else fails.
Look the description of characters pokémon now:
Codex (Mienfoo) (M) @ Eviolite
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 156 Atk / 196 Def / 156 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Fake Out
- Hi Jump Kick
- Drain Punch
- U-turn
This is, often times, the pokemon I lead with. It's awesome to have a Fake and Free (Fake Out + U-turn) with access to Regenerator, it helps scouting a lot of stuff. Fighting Pokemon are also so important on this metagame, because, not only it's an EXCELLENT offensive typing, they check the always dangerous Scraggy. The EVs are a mix between its bulk and its offensive prowess, on the same way I use Drain Punch in some cases and Hi Jump Kick in others, such as when I need to do extra damage. Lileep is also a dangerous threat, and while Bronzor is my answer to it, Mienfoo is also an amazing counter for it. Almost always, I can go with Scraggy instead of Mienfoo on some pokemons to get Dragon Dances (such as Munchlax), but I prefer sending Mienfoo when it's early on the game, so I can know what is their answer against Fighting mons, thus, saving Scraggy for the late-game. Mienfoo is also one of the last pokes to die, because Regenerator keeps it healthy and so does Staryu's Rapid Spin. To complete the moveset, I could use Knock Off or Taunt Over Hi Jump Kick, but I think this is the best option. I would like to thank Al_Alchemist for the moveset, thanks dude xD
I love using Staryu in Little Cup, it's very fast and bulky at the same time. On top of that, it's an excellent spinner, since it threatens the spin blockers. Recover is brilliant, since it keeps it alive and, with Natural Cure, that's even easier. Scald and Thunderbolt has good coverage, and it helps against Frillish, Slowpoke and most water types barring Chinchou. Another important thing about it, is that it is a good counter for Hippopotas and Dwebble leads, since I can Spin their hazards and hit them with a Super Effective Scald. Speaking about that, Scald is better than Surf because that burning rate is brilliant, and a lot of dumb Mienfoos stay against it trying to beat it in 1-1. The defensive EVs give it the same defensive stats as Mienfoo (21 HP, 14 Defense), and because the defenses are even numbers, they gain an extra point. The speed is also maxed, so Staryu can work as a Bulky Sweeper, a Revenger and an Utility Pokemon. It's also pretty nice that Staryu isn't a Psychic type, such as its evolution. In my opinion, that's good, because it helps in taking hits from stuff like Gastly, as well as not being on a rock-paper-scissors game with Houndour's Pursuit / Sucker Punch, which is not good.
This is the main sweeper of the team, and probably the most threatening pokemon of the metagame as of now. With access to Dragon Dance, good attack and excellent STAB attacks, Scraggy can demolish entire teams after one Dragon Dance. The team supports it nicely, since Bronzor beats Flying pokemon and Drifloon beats Fighting pokemon. Not to mention Bronzor can even use Reflect to ease Scraggy's time on setting up.
Hey guys! This is my first RMT on the Smogon Forums, and I decided to pick the Little Cup tier. After the last Suspect Testing Round, I didn't know anything about the metagame, but I made a team, just to have an idea of how it looks. I started with 3 pokemons, intending to make a team based on Scraggy, then I asked Blue Star for a Staryu EV spread, and he ended up helping me build this team, which is the currently #1 team on the Little Cup Ladder, and one of my favourite teams xD.
As I said before, Blue Star helped me a lot in building this team, with his experience at suggesting pokes, movesets and evs. Some time after, I've had conversations with Al_Alchemist, in order to improve the team. He gave me 2 suggestions, one being Eviolite Mienfoo (since I had a scarfed variant after), and I forgot the other because it didn't work so well. After a lot of efforts, I managed to reach #1, and I decided to post this RMT. I'm a bit newbie on this tier, so be patient xD. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I present you "Little by Little":

This team is based mainly on Scraggy, which is, imo, the greatest sweeper of this meta. The team's goal is to remove Scraggy's counters, weaken the foe's team enough and setup everything it needs in order for Scraggy to sweep, but it's obvious that it doesn't work 100% of the time. It's in theory, and that's why the team can play well itself using only 5 pokemons. Mienfoo and Staryu are the "wings
" of the team, because they make a good pair, weakening and scouting the foe's team, while Bronzor and Munchlax are walls, being that Bronzor is focused on supporting and Munchlax on tanking + retaliating. Drifloon counters fighting types, and it can even sweep in case of everything else fails.
Look the description of characters pokémon now:

Codex (Mienfoo) (M) @ Eviolite
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 156 Atk / 196 Def / 156 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Fake Out
- Hi Jump Kick
- Drain Punch
- U-turn
This is, often times, the pokemon I lead with. It's awesome to have a Fake and Free (Fake Out + U-turn) with access to Regenerator, it helps scouting a lot of stuff. Fighting Pokemon are also so important on this metagame, because, not only it's an EXCELLENT offensive typing, they check the always dangerous Scraggy. The EVs are a mix between its bulk and its offensive prowess, on the same way I use Drain Punch in some cases and Hi Jump Kick in others, such as when I need to do extra damage. Lileep is also a dangerous threat, and while Bronzor is my answer to it, Mienfoo is also an amazing counter for it. Almost always, I can go with Scraggy instead of Mienfoo on some pokemons to get Dragon Dances (such as Munchlax), but I prefer sending Mienfoo when it's early on the game, so I can know what is their answer against Fighting mons, thus, saving Scraggy for the late-game. Mienfoo is also one of the last pokes to die, because Regenerator keeps it healthy and so does Staryu's Rapid Spin. To complete the moveset, I could use Knock Off or Taunt Over Hi Jump Kick, but I think this is the best option. I would like to thank Al_Alchemist for the moveset, thanks dude xD

Sail to the Moon (Staryu) @ Eviolite
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 116 HP / 156 Def / 236 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Scald
- Thunderbolt
- Rapid Spin
- Recover
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 116 HP / 156 Def / 236 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Scald
- Thunderbolt
- Rapid Spin
- Recover
I love using Staryu in Little Cup, it's very fast and bulky at the same time. On top of that, it's an excellent spinner, since it threatens the spin blockers. Recover is brilliant, since it keeps it alive and, with Natural Cure, that's even easier. Scald and Thunderbolt has good coverage, and it helps against Frillish, Slowpoke and most water types barring Chinchou. Another important thing about it, is that it is a good counter for Hippopotas and Dwebble leads, since I can Spin their hazards and hit them with a Super Effective Scald. Speaking about that, Scald is better than Surf because that burning rate is brilliant, and a lot of dumb Mienfoos stay against it trying to beat it in 1-1. The defensive EVs give it the same defensive stats as Mienfoo (21 HP, 14 Defense), and because the defenses are even numbers, they gain an extra point. The speed is also maxed, so Staryu can work as a Bulky Sweeper, a Revenger and an Utility Pokemon. It's also pretty nice that Staryu isn't a Psychic type, such as its evolution. In my opinion, that's good, because it helps in taking hits from stuff like Gastly, as well as not being on a rock-paper-scissors game with Houndour's Pursuit / Sucker Punch, which is not good.

Feral (Scraggy) (M) @ Eviolite
Trait: Moxie
EVs: 148 HP / 76 Atk / 36 Def / 36 SDef / 212 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Drain Punch
- Crunch
- Zen Headbutt
The EVs are the best, imo. Max speed is nice and it helps in outspeeding Scarfers. I could use Shed Skin, but I think Moxie is better, because, after one kill, it causes insane damage. I use Zen Headbutt over Hi Jump Kick here because, not only they have the same accuraccy, the 20% flinch rate can work in a pinch (once, I even beat EM with that flinch xD). Zen Headbutt also beats Poison pokemon such as Croagunk and Venonat, which are becoming common. I prefer Drain Punch over HJK as well, because, with it, I can heal the damage I take after setting up on foes like Chinchou. And Drain Punch hits super effectively a lot of times, so HJK isn't that necessary. Trait: Moxie
EVs: 148 HP / 76 Atk / 36 Def / 36 SDef / 212 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Drain Punch
- Crunch
- Zen Headbutt
This is the main sweeper of the team, and probably the most threatening pokemon of the metagame as of now. With access to Dragon Dance, good attack and excellent STAB attacks, Scraggy can demolish entire teams after one Dragon Dance. The team supports it nicely, since Bronzor beats Flying pokemon and Drifloon beats Fighting pokemon. Not to mention Bronzor can even use Reflect to ease Scraggy's time on setting up.

Banger N' Mash (Munchlax) (M) @ Eviolite
Trait: Thick Fat
EVs: 76 HP / 236 Atk / 36 Def / 160 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Return
- Pursuit
- Fire Punch
- Seed Bomb
Munchlax is a kind of Special Wall for the team. Although it's not my first option against Gastly due to Hypnosis, it's an amazing counter for it because it totally walls itt and can use Pursuit. It also tanks hits from the likes of Staryu and Chinchou. Return is my main STAB here, and given Munchlax's high attack and its high base power, it will dent a lot. The EVs here are for the best special walling prowess, as well as a good offensive power. Drifloon is a good teammate to it, because it beats the fighters, so it allows Munchlax to open holes.Trait: Thick Fat
EVs: 76 HP / 236 Atk / 36 Def / 160 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Return
- Pursuit
- Fire Punch
- Seed Bomb

Morning Bell (Bronzor) @ Eviolite
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 220 HP / 20 Atk / 148 Def / 4 SAtk / 68 SDef / 48 Spd
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Earthquake
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 220 HP / 20 Atk / 148 Def / 4 SAtk / 68 SDef / 48 Spd
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Earthquake
While Munchlax is the special wall of the team, Bronzor gets the physical walling duties. Steel / Psychic typing + Levitate ensures 8 Resistances and 1 weakness. Bronzor is an excellent Supporter for the team, because it Toxics a lot of crap, sets Stealth Rock, beats Flying pokemon (using HP ice). Earthquake rapes Chinchou and Magnemite, as well as having excellent coverage. It's an excellent option against pokemon such as Wooper and Toxic, because they can't really touch Bronzor and hate Toxic. I don't like that Bronzor lets stuff like Ferroseed set a lot of hazard on its face, but Mienfoo threatens it and Staryu can always spin them.

The Gloaming (Drifloon) (M) @ Flight Gem
Trait: Unburden
EVs: 36 HP / 200 Atk / 28 Def / 40 SAtk / 4 SDef / 200 Spd
Mild Nature (+SAtk, -Def)
- Acrobatics
- Shadow Ball
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Thunder Wave
AcroFloon is an extremely awesome pokemon! It beats fighting pokemon, which Scraggy really apreciates, and, some times, it can even Sweep late game. Acrobatics hits hard when paired with STAB and Flight Jewel, and right after using it, Drifloon has its speed boosted due to Unburden. The EV spread here makes Drifloon a mixed attacker, with enough speed EVs to outspeed Scarf Elekid (yea) after the Unburden boost. I prefer Hidden Power Fire over Fighting because Acrobatics does more damage to Fighters anyways, and Bronzor / Ferroseed are hit harder by Hidden Power Fire. Shadow Ball hits Slowpoke, who's extremely hard to break through by using physical moves. Thunder Wave is the filler I was using, but I think Destiny Bond and Sucker Punch are better. I'd like to dedicate this pokemon to Raseri, because he was the creator of this thing, you're da boss xDTrait: Unburden
EVs: 36 HP / 200 Atk / 28 Def / 40 SAtk / 4 SDef / 200 Spd
Mild Nature (+SAtk, -Def)
- Acrobatics
- Shadow Ball
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Thunder Wave
Special Thanks:
- Blue_Star, for having helped in everything, from the creation of the team to the Portuguese (our mother language). Renembering that even if Iusing the team 99% of the times and improving it even more, I still think this team is still ours, and not mine. I'm glad he helped me on this and he's a nice friend and a good player of this metagame =)
-Deaga, for having told me that Bronzor sucks, haha, but it was cool to ask his opinion xD
- Al_Alchemist, for having helped me a lot, especially the Mienfoo, as well as being highly pro.
- Raseri, for having made the Acrofloon set, which is incredibly awesome.
- Other brazilian friends, for training me every time they could, including Final Fantasy, Soto, Satomi(tx viadinho reclamão), Cursed Angel, Baratinha, Darkon, Bernis, Pedrock and others.
- Blue_Star, for having helped in everything, from the creation of the team to the Portuguese (our mother language). Renembering that even if Iusing the team 99% of the times and improving it even more, I still think this team is still ours, and not mine. I'm glad he helped me on this and he's a nice friend and a good player of this metagame =)
-Deaga, for having told me that Bronzor sucks, haha, but it was cool to ask his opinion xD
- Al_Alchemist, for having helped me a lot, especially the Mienfoo, as well as being highly pro.
- Raseri, for having made the Acrofloon set, which is incredibly awesome.
- Other brazilian friends, for training me every time they could, including Final Fantasy, Soto, Satomi(tx viadinho reclamão), Cursed Angel, Baratinha, Darkon, Bernis, Pedrock and others.
and the finally a proof of the success: