Defog: Does it clear BOTH sides of the field? Can I teach Defog to Zapdos in DPPt, trade it to HGSS and then send it over Pokéshifter to Black/White? Defog isn't an HM in HGSS, after all.
Stealth Rock: What's its maximum damage? Does a Stealth Rock Azelf from DPPt/HGSS keep the move over migrating to Black/White?
Contrarian: If Jaroda/Shuckle/Spinda switch in on a Garchomp using Swords Dance, will the move make it a -2 Attack pokémon? If Garchomp has already used a Swords Dance and only then the Contrarian pokémon switches in, will the boost be reverted? (howabe already said it doesn't, sigh)
Mischievous Heart: What's its chance of giving priority to non-attacking moves? 10%? 30%? 100%?
Rapid Spin: Does it remove entry hazards even if the opponent is a Ghost-type (I am not talking about Aiming Mark or what-have-you here)?
EDIT -- Oh yeah, totally forgot it up until now:
Are Skymin, Giratina-O and the Rotom formes (and Meloetta's Step Forme, for the hackers out there) allowed on Wi-Fi?