Hitmonchan - The 4GotNHero?



Hitmonchan has always been a UU Pokemon, and sadly it was true. But with Diamond & Pearl, there was hope for this Poke. Hitmonchan has a new ability that might just move him up from the lower ranks to the top. *Insert Rocky Balboa Moment Here*

Hitmonchan @ Choice Band
Trait: Iron Fist
EV's: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Mach Punch
- Thunderpunch
- Ice Punch

Alright, seems like your standard sweeper, right? Right??? Yeah, you're right. But this fella can pack a punch. He can BoltBeam, and deal with T-Tar ezly. With D/P Hitmonchan gained a new ability, Iron Fist. This move acts as a STAB move for All "Punch"-type moves. This includes the Elemental Punches, Mach Punch, among various others. Now Hitmonchan technically gets STAB on all his punches, which is really nice. Now let's do the math, with Iron Fist the Physical Bolt Beam combo deals 112.5 dmg each, much stronger than the original BoltBeam, which is awesome. But the Holy Grail of Chan, is Mach Punch. Let's put it simple: 40 Base Damage*Fighting STAB*Iron Fist STAB = 90 Base Damage + Quick Attack Effect. Wow, May not seem like much, but it's really good. Let's not even INCLUDE A potential CB bonus. Instant KO T-tars most of the time, and can deal with many other things.

Hitmonchan @ Life Orb
Trait: Iron Fist
EV's: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP
Jolly Nature
- Mach Punch
- Ice Punch
- Thunderpunch
- Drain Punch

Less power with the loss of CB, but a lot more survivability.
Mach Punch is 40 power, but if Iron Fist is 1.5, he still gets 90 power out of it, which is still really nice.
I think he really has some potential, maybe not too common because of his low hp (50 base) and not so hot speed (76) but he'll definitely get more use than he used to.
I think that it would be better for it to have Focus Strip on first set. It would use swords dance, survive the hit and then own with his attacking moves.
Less double posting imo.

Anyway, Hitmonchan's Iron Fist makes its attacks stronger, but it still suffers from low defenses/HP and poor speed. Adherence Scarf set maybe?

Hitmonchan @ Adherence Scarf
EVs: 252 Spd/252 Atk/6 HP
Nature: Adamant (Atk+/SAtk-)
- Thunderpunch
- Sky Uppercut/Drain Punch
- Ice Punch
- Fire Punch

Also Swords Dance + CB doesn't work. Swords Dance + Life Orb would but not +CB.
Make sure your info is correct before you post something like this. It can all be found on the front pages of the research threads.

Hitmonchan's Iron Fist - The boost has, unfortunately, been confirmed to be akin to Life Orb in that only raises punch attacks's power by 1.3. Of possible attacks that benefit, only the Elemental Punches, Mach Punch, and Sky Uppercut have been confirmed.
Swords dance and choice band cant go together.

Id probably use a cb set. Switch in on a special attack, hit some stuff hard then get out. I dont see it going to OU but should definitely be BL.
First, for the love of mike will people actually CHECK THE MOVEPOOL before they start posting sets? Hitmonchan doesn't even GET Swords Dance.

And I fail to see How the Life Orb set has any more survivability than the CB Set, and it probably has less, all things considered.

Anyway, ANY Boost Hitmonchan could have gotten would have been a good one, although why GF hates it so much as to give Medicham freaking Double Attack and gfive Hitmontop a 1.5x boost to its weak moves, I don't know.

At least Hitmonchan's Punches approach Tbolt/IB/FT power with Iron Fist, making them much more useful for naling switchins.

I think basic set construction falls along the lines of Close Combat, Mach Punch or Pursuit, and 2 Elemental Punches. Thunder and Ice are the most useful taken together, but Fire tears a big fat hole in Heracross.
I like the way Hitmonchan is shaping out in D/P. It has gotten a much needed boost. (it is no longer overshadowed by Hitmonlee). However I don't know if it's new trait " Iron Fist" is enough to get it out of the UU tier. Only time will tell.
It's highly unlikely Hitmonchan will see much use in OU, despite it's improvements. Competition for Fighting types is pretty fierce and just doesn't have anything spectacular enough to let him take the place of Heracross, Lucario, Medicham and Gallade, amongst a few others.

I can see him being a very solid Choice Bander in UU, where I shall probably be giving him a shot.
I love this for Hitmonchan...


Hitmonchan @ Liechi Berry
Trait: Iron Fist
EVs: 216 HP / 252 Atk / 40 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Sky Uppercut
- Ice Punch
- Thunderpunch
- Agility

First 40 Speed Evs reaches 198 Speed so after an Agility you are faster than tons of Pokemon.

Sky Uppercut actually does get the boost for Iron Fist if you are unsure about that (85 x 1.3 = 110.5 + STAB = 165.75), Physical boosted Boltbeam (75 x 1.3 = 97.5!) and Liechi Berry to boost your attack in a pinch, you can go with Life Orb + Drain Punch but the PP sucks (and even more if you fight a Pressure Pokemon, and they aren't uncommon...), you can try Mach Punch if your team has a big Tyranitar weakness, but ain't that good.

PD: And since you have some HP Evs you can make use of your high Sp.Def almost reaching 300 HP (at least is useful)

PD2: Too bad that Iron Fist is a new ability, i really want to breed for an Adamant 25~31 HP, 25~31 Attack, 31 Speed Tyrogue to become a great Hitmonchan !!

PD3: Hitmonchan ain't outclassed by Hitmonlee anymore, especially since Body Risk is pointless in Lee...
I love this for Hitmonchan...


Hitmonchan @ Liechi Berry
Trait: Iron Fist
EVs: 216 HP / 252 Atk / 40 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Sky Uppercut
- Ice Punch
- Thunderpunch
- Agility

First 40 Speed Evs reaches 198 Speed so after an Agility you are faster than tons of Pokemon.

Sky Uppercut actually does get the boost for Iron Fist if you are unsure about that (100 x 1.3 = 130 + STAB = 205 O.o!!!!!!!), Physical boosted Boltbeam (75 x 1.3 = 97.5!) and Liechi Berry to boost your attack in a pinch, you can go with Life Orb + Drain Punch but the PP sucks (and even more if you fight a Pressure Pokemon, and they aren't uncommon...), you can try Mach Punch if your team has a big Tyranitar weakness, but ain't that good.

PD: And since you have some HP Evs you can make use of your high Sp.Def almost reaching 300 HP (at least is useful)

PD2: Too bad that Iron Fist is a new ability, i really want to breed for an Adamant 25~31 HP, 25~31 Attack, 31 Speed Tyrogue to become a great Hitmonchan !!

PD3: Hitmonchan ain't outclassed by Hitmonlee anymore, especially since Body Risk is pointless in Lee...

Say no to failure; hitmonchan will get 1hko by anything. Agility is just not its thing. 130 + Stab is not impressive at all from an unboosted stat.
Say no to failure; hitmonchan will get 1hko by anything. Agility is just not its thing. 130 + Stab is not impressive at all from an unboosted stat.

First...My mistake, Sky Uppercut has 85 BP not 100 (i confused it with Hi Jump Kick)

And then... I've tested it against common moves and ain't OHKOed by everything, you have Bug, Rock and Dark resist and this gen Rock and Dark are more common than before, and Hitmonchan has 50/79/110 Defenses, we're not talking about 55/60/60 so ain't that frail :S.
PD2: Too bad that Iron Fist is a new ability, i really want to breed for an Adamant 25~31 HP, 25~31 Attack, 31 Speed Tyrogue to become a great Hitmonchan !!

Didn't you read the threads that tell you that you can still do that? You'll have to be lucky and it'll have to evolve in D/P to get it, though.
Iron fist really wants to abuse focus punch, and I mean REALLY. Focus punch may well be the main reason to be using Hitmonchan at all, because Lee is still so much better (it has the speed to use choice band, for a start). If you can force a switch and get a substitute up, you are in business; your opponent may also expect choice band.

Substitute/focus punch + 2 from thunderpunch/ice punch/mach punch/drain punch/sky uppercut/stone edge. Leftovers is probably optimal but you can even throw on black belt for ~351 base focus punches.

Bottom line though, it still wears a skirt = not cool.
A Focus Punch followed by a Close Combat will break down a large number of Pokemon. Toss on Black Belt and you could beat a Suicune or a Hippowdon. To this end I consider the best set to be Focus Punch/Substitute/Close Combat/Stone Edge - this gives you the best chance at beating the widest range of Pokemon, I think.
So this thing's best options to hurt Ghosts are now:
- Pursuit which will stay 40 base power most of the time since nobody is afraid of Hitmonchan
- Stone Edge
- Flinging something heavy

Hitmonchan gained a little and lost a little and overall stays a shitty Pokemon imo.