Counter that Pokemon - Mk III [Silvershadow234 vs. New Breed]

Silvershadow234's Altaria seems interesting making team 1 get punished by a strong Draco Meteor while also walling accelgor.
Silvershadow234's Altaria Seems like a really good option to me, checks accelgor really nicely while also pressuring team 1 with its powerful draco meteors, which are actually p. damn hard to switch into despite its mediocre special attack
OK, I'm voting for SilentVerse's Mr. Mime. It's an extremely colorful Pokemon that fully walls Accelgor, and could provide some very, very interesting team support in the form of Baton Pass.
Molk's Golbat :>

Mr. Mime is a creep imo

really awesome entries this time though wow, keep it up guys!!
a single brick is not that strong double01

too bad that accelgor doesn't have spikes in its moveset as that would give it more utility than just being hard-walled by the next pokemon we pick

because of this, i'm gonna pick dragontamer's escavalier. escavalier is a very difficult pokemon to wall and with return many of its counters, such as poliwrath, have a pretty tough time and are forced to recover early which can be used for a free switch-in. also the escavalier switches that are not 2hkoed by return (poliwrath, steelix etc) are all very passive pokemon and can be exploited rather easily. obviously aggron and his head smashes go against this theory though...

the other reason i am voting for escavalier is because it doesn't basically turn accelgor into a useless pokemon, like golbat and mr mime do. if you read the overused counter that pokemon warstory between doom and melee mewtwo, you'll notice how doom basically foddered four of his team members just to get in infernape / rotom-w and abuse them without them taking damage. in fact, a few of doom's pokemon were actually liabilities that could be set-up/spiked on and their absolute best utility was sacrificial fodder. i think it is important for us to ensure that every pokemon is somewhat useful in this rendition. while accelgor will never break through golbat and mr mime, it can chip at escavalier pretty well with focus blast, meaning that accelgor won't be entirely useless. i know the point of this exercise is to encourage finding the best possible counter for things, but rather than basically making it 6-5 by picking an incredibly specialised counter, we should try to pick something that gives the accelgor user some flexibility. escavalier is a good switch into accelgor but if the player plays well, accelgor could be a real nuisance. however by picking mr mime or golbat we are basically saying 'this pokemon is useless no matter how well you play' unless we partner accelgor with like scarf gothorita
Voting for dragontamer74pe's Escavalier.

Heist makes a good point, Accelgor still has a chance to breakthrough Escavalier with good play and will have a chance to do something other than sitting there being hard walled, hopefully making the battle better overall.
Ok sorry guys for being so hypocritical earlier on as I forgot steelix existed. Anyway I'll vote for Speed Gilliesniper's altaria because apart from my own set it proves to counter accelegor and not be easy to counter otherwise.
Can we please go for ou favourite pick even if it's our own as we could get a stupid pick at some point and it gets chosen because someone didn't want to pick their own pick.:/
Dragontamer74pe's Escaveleir. It completely disables accelgor from doing anythiing. It would have to switch or it would die to excaveliers attacks, and since this thing hits like a train it will dent or KO whatever he switches in to which could be a game changer.
The votes are in, and the chosen Pokemon to start off Team 2 Is dragontamer74pe's Escavalier! You may now start putting down suggestion for Team 2's second Pokemon
Slowking @ Life Orb
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
IVs: 0 Spe
Quiet Nature
-Trick Room
-Nasty Plot

Although this Slowking is weak to Team 1's Accelgor, it shares terrific synergy with Escavalier. Slowking resists Escavalier's only weakness to Fire while Escavalier resists all of Slowking's weaknesses bar Electric. Slowking can also provide support for Escavalier in the form of Trick Room, since even without minimum speed, Escavalier is still awfully slow. If Slowking is allowed to set up, it can mess with Team 1's fast Pokemon using Trick Room. Trick Room allows Slowking (and possibly Escavalier?) to "outspeed" lots of stuff and screw Accelgor up. The combo of Surf and Psyshock in RU is only resisted by Exeggcutor, Zweilous, Cacturne, Shiftry, Ferroseed and Slowking; Escavalier can comfortably deal with all of them. Nasty Plot is an amazing move to have and allows Slowking to clean up much more easily. Life Orb works excellently in nabbing an extra KO and is awesome with Regenerator healing Slowking up.

(can someone advise me on Psyshock or Psychic, thanks)

EDIT: Thanks New Breed, Psyshock it is

Slowking (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SAtk
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd) [0 Speed IV's]
- Trick Room
- Surf
- Psyshock
- Fire Blast

OTR 3 Attacks Slowking is probably the best possible teammate for Escavalier. This set destroys pretty much every common switch in into Slowking. Every Grass type in the tier is destroyed by Fire Blast except for Sdef Amoonguss who is destroyed by Psyshock. Fire Blast is chosen over Nasty Plot because in this extremely fast paced metagame Slowking really struggles to find two free turns to set up (it has no where near the bulk of Cofagrigus) and it also saves us a Trick Room turn. Life Orb is the item of choice, allowing Slowking to hit extremely hard, 2HKO'ing special walls such as Clefable. This set is extremely deadly late game and has the ability to easily clean up 2-3 Pokemon with no trouble at all.

(can someone advise me on Psyshock or Psychic, thanks)
Psyshock is better and can let you beat some Special Walls with much less setup.
Yeah, I agree that Slowking's the best partner for Escavalier there is. I don't really like setting up both Nasty Plot and Trick Room, so when the voting starts I'll probably go for New Breed's one. Unless people post a new set in the next 12 hours, I'm gonna make this round short and sweet, since I can't really think of a Pokemon that currently fits the bill better than Slowking. Unless of course Team 2 decides that they now want to introduce Stealth Rock onto their team, I don't think anyone would object to one of the two Slowking sets.
Yeah slowking probably is the best partner for escavalier ATM. I would have posted a slowking but I got ninjad and I'm really struggling to come up with a better poke to join escavalier. At least I know a good poke to counter both picks which is nice but my only objection with slowking is accelegor beats it but I suppose you cant have everything.
Agreeing with sentiments about Slowking. Closest thing I can think of is maybe Sheer Force Druddigon with Flamethrower for something like Steelix, but I don't want to slow it down if the best answer is this obvious.

Omastar @ Leftovers
Ability: Shell Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes
- Scald
- Ice Beam

Omastar does a couple things when paired with Escavalier, the most important of which is providing Esca with entry hazard support. Not to mention that Stealth Rock and a layer of Spikes is going to hinder a LOT of Pokemon that are going to be chosen for the other side and are a major thorn in Accelgor's side. A hazard layer like Oma will also require the need for a spinner on the opposing team (which is going to be hard for them to do seeing as how Esca manhandles Cryogonal), providing time for this team to switch to a favorable Pokemon in the given situation or utilize a spinblocker.

Oma also takes a pittance from any Fire-type attack that's going to be aimed at Esca, even taking a measly 31.68 - 37.2% from a full-powered Specs Eruption from Typhlosion. Obviously, most of the Fire-types are packing HP Grass or Focus Blast as well, but the opportunities for them to come in are going to be limited thanks to Stealth Rock and Spikes.

Finally, Esca and Oma have acceptable type synergy, particularly with the ability for either to capitalize on the other's major weakness (Fire and Grass).
Slowking can use Ice beam/Blizzard over Fire Blast for Possibe Flamethrower Druddigon Fire Blast only hits LOL ferroseed, LOL snover and Jynx and Jynx is covered by escavalier

Defensive Omastar is only good on paper, anything can use HP grass for kill Omastar