Challenge Nuzlocke Challenge

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Gym Leader Winona.. is my next battle.

Before going to this gym, I've been busy leveling up my team.. preparing them for what's ahead.

New Mauville was pretty simple, got a TM-Thunderbolt to boot! Google the Trapinch was going well with Sand Tomb and Faint Attack.. doing some real damage while leveling up to 30 in a short time. Mind you.. I caught Google at level 20. Hard stuff.

Afterwards we headed East, Route 118 then Route 119. Battling Wild Pokemon all around..


My beautiful teammates finally evolved. My squad is looking fucking good.. and I'm pleased as hell.

My squad is all around lvl 36-38, and I do feel like we're strong enough.

With Steel the Magneton on my squad.. against all Flying-types? LOL. Yes please.

1st trainer, wiped out.

Double battle, quick and easy.

3rd battle before Winona, another Magneton win.

Winona time.. I feel extremely confident. I have Magneton and Wheez as the defensive powerhouses. Then Kippin the Swampert that has had my back through it all.

Magneton vs Swablu.. easy enough.. 'Spark'

Magneton vs Altaria.. so.. more of the same.. sounds good.

Hey guys.. did you all know Altaria knows Earthquake?

Yeah.. I didn't.

Magneton.. RIP. Are you fucking kidding me.. I will never catch a break.

Well it's not over. Altaria vs Kippin it goes..

Surf vs Dragonbreath.. Kippin gets paralyzed.. and Surf doesn't do hardly anything.. I push Surf a few more times.. and get Altaria about halfway.. then they switch it out for Tropius.

I switch to Wheez.. handle Tropius.

The rest of the battle is a fucking blur.. but I do know that Google died as well.. probably because I'm just an idiot..

as you can see from the picture below.. even Kippin almost headed to the graveyard.


I'm playing like a dumbass.. I've lost very valuable Pokemon along the journey because of my stupidity and poor luck..

Will this journey continue on? Or will I retire my journey.. and concede defeat.. and possibly.. one day.. go out and try again.

Who knows.. but I also know this world is a lot to handle.
Update #2

I'm probably gonna go through this Nuzlocke quite slowly

So I beat Brawly easily. Peekoo solos the trainers and Quentin solos the leader pretty easily.

I catch the boat to Slateport and defeat all the trainers around there. I then go up to route 110 and find an Electrike. However Nancy gets a bit over the top with her cut and accidently crits it.
No new pokemon for me then.

Anyway I defeat Team Aqua and fight all the trainers around routes 103/110 and in the Trick House

Nancy evolves into Ninjask and Shedinja. I nickname Shedinja 'Necronancy'.

Getting two pokemon from one kind of makes up for the fact I couldn't catch one on route 110.

I travel north and defeat May who comes down easily. Lombre dies to Nancy, Slugma falls to Quail, and Marshtomp can't damage Necronancy.

So I arrive at Mauville City ready to kick some butt.

Short update, I know, but I'll do some more tomorrow.

lvl. 20
Naughty Nature
-Fury Cutter
-Double Team
As a Ninjask, Nancy is surprisingly decent. I might consider raising her for a while, I can see a Swords Dance + Baton Pass set being useful if it doesn't die first.

lvl. 20
Naughty Nature
-Water Gun
-Wing Attack
Peekoo remains as solid as ever. Hopefully will be useful against Flanery

lvl. 13
Docile Nature
-Poison Sting
I haven't continued raising Cruelio. I might chuck him in the Daycare as a reserve member.

lvl. 20
Relaxed Nature
Quentin is still pretty decent. Moonlight comes in handy as I'm not using healing items.

lvl. 20
Naive Nature
-Double Kick
Of course, as my starter, Quail is bound to be a boss. The MVP on my team undoubtedly. If I lose him I might be slightly screwed...

lvl. 20
Naughty Nature
-Fury Cutter
-Double Team
I'm still not sure about Necronancy. I think I'll continue to raise her but it might be risky. I found out that she completely solos Juan bar Lovely Kiss from Luvdisc, so I hope I can keep her till then.

Tickle lvl. 7
Whitney lvl.6

Steve lvl. 9
Poison is a bitch pre-gen 4. He didn't make it to pokemon centre quick enough.
Zoey lvl. 8
Lack of caution meant that a crit killed her off. Shame, as I could see her becoming a good member of the team.

Any advice on my team is always appreciated. (Bare in mind I'm not using TMs)
Team looks decent. Need protection from fliers though.. i see you being overpowered by just..sheer atk or spatk power if the poke is good enough. GL finding better teammates. Shedinja looks awesome. Beware of the psychics.. but i agree... poison and hax is out of control in emerald

Btw ur update is good. Short is nice.
Nuzlocke Update: Soul Silver

Gym Leaders Conquered

** Images are being used via Serebii

Reaching The next town, Ecruteak City took no time at all, and beating the Gym leader there was even faster. As I mentioned before I lost Lone Star the Scizor .... It really did break my heart to see it die, and to know it was because my Rival actually played smart. I was going to teach it U-Turn before that battle too! UGH.

Anyways .. the loss only opened up a chance to make a new strong team mate :) I tried to bring Flight back, thinking that extra wing support could come in handy, only to see it die to a Critical Stomp from a Stantler during training. That's what i get for gambling an aerial ace's Strength....

I went into Route 42 hoping to find something, and saw no grass. No grass, but trees. TREES! :D Had Dratnair headbutt the same tree a couple times, till something popped out. I was hoping for eggecute, because a Psychic on the team could come in handy. No Eggecute, but I did find Palmy the Aipom. A pretty nice find.

Oh, what's this next to the tree? a TM containing shadow claw ...? ;)

Needless to say Morty's Gym took about 5 minutes. Palmy is no joke. :D

Went into the route 38 HOPING for a magnemite. I lost my nice-typed steel type, another one would be nice to have .. but nope. Found a Meowth instead. Everyone hope that we run into magnemite in route 39 lol, I don't know what luck has in store for me.

Well hey I guess "Everything happens for a reason."

As we head out towards Olivine City in hopes of nice, new friends...

Prank the Naughty Gengar
Lv. 25
Ability: Levitate
Holding: Nothing
- Hypnosis
- Shadow Punch
- Night Shade
- Confuse Ray


Yoller the Sassy Quagsire
Lv. 22
Ability: Water Absorb
Holding: Quick Claw
- Surf
- Headbutt
- Mud Bomb
- Mud Shot


Chompy the Serious Croconaw
Lv. 22
Ability: Torrent
Holding: Nothing
- Ice Fang (Hey look a nice ice move :D)
- Headbutt
- Water Gun
- Bite


Palmy the Careful Aipom
Lv. 26
Ability: Pick Up (The ability Technician must hate me. Oh well at least with this ability I get more pokeballs :) )
Holding: Nothing
- Shadow Claw
- Pay Back
- Fury Swipes
- Tickle


Dratnair the Calm Dratini
Lv. 21
Ability: Shed Skin
Holding: Nothing
- Headbutt
- Thunder Wave
- Blizzard
- Dragon Rage


Sally the Timid Bellossom
Lv. 21
Ability: Chlorophyll
Holding: Miracle Seed
- Mega Drain
- Poison Powder
- Cut (Yea this was totally my stupid fault)
- Acid


Lola the Quiet Zubat


Stingah the Lonely Weedle


Billard the Docile Togepi


Swirl the Naughty Ekans


Pinpoint the Quirky Nidoran


Toughness the Docile Ledyba


Tommy the Impish Hoothoot


Marva the Naughty Meowth (I might ... possibly use Marva ... Maybe.)

- The box is growing ... could be a good thing, if i lose anymore members


Lookout the Timid Sentret


Chippy the Lonely Rattata


Flight the Bashful Spearow
- sigh.. haxed.


Lone Star the Quiet Scizor
- Out skilled :(
Pokemon emerald nuzlock

...Also my first post here :P anyway one of my first nuzlocks in awhile
Lets see what starters it gave me...
Donphan,porygon and furret...hell yeah i love donphan i named her matezoide(Sorry matt)(Docile nature)
one shot zizagoon with horn attack
Okay beat may and now i shall get my next pokes :P
Ok first poke female golduck i named her kaite(Hardy nature)
Next route...HOLY BLACK ON A POPO female slaking O.o caught her in two poke balls and named her amy...sorry amanda(Lax nature)
Next route...found a grovyle and killed it >_>
anyway gonna grind of off slakings tomorrow,
After a horrific defeat by the hands of Koga and his immortal Muk in my last HG challenge, I am going for it again!!

Standard rules:
1). Catch first pokemon you see.
2). No pokemon count towards Rule 1 until I recieve Pokeballs.
3). No Duplicates
4). Faint => Cemetary Box
5). Catch all shinies ASAP!!
6). Kill all Legendaries
7). Allow Gift Pokemon
8). Unlimited PokeCenter usage
9). Unlimited PC Usage

Now that the rules are done, here's Chapter 1.

  • Restarted HG and chose Magma the Cyndaquil. He's Lax, so at least none of his speed or offensive capabilites are affected.
  • After being physically incapable of running for far too long, I finally get the Running Shoes.
  • Got the Mysterious Egg, the Pokedex, and a Phone call from Professor Elm. Time to go back to the lab.
  • Destroyed my soon-to-be Rival very easily. Decided to name him Nuzlock because I can.
  • *Sigh* Why can't the "How-to-catch-a-Pokemon Tutorials" be optional? They are such a drag....
  • After recieving the Pokeballs, I then walk through Route 29 and I find a Pidgey!! I catch the mon and name the Lax bird, WingBlade.
  • I head up to Route 46 and catch 'Lil Boom the Jolly Geodude. I'm a little sad because I was hoping for a Rattata or a Spearow instead.
  • I head up Route 30 and find Specz the Quiet Caterpie. After remembering my last run, I decide that I'll train a Butterfree. That Sleep Powder will come in handy in the future.
  • Decided to Box 'Lil Boom because I have no way to trade for evolution.
  • Now it's time to train my mons to Lv. 10 before I make my way to Violet City.
  • Specz is a pain to grind!! I have a Metapod now, but the grinding will continue until I have a Butterfree!!
  • FINALLY!! Specz is now the Nuzlocke Player's best friend: Butterfree!!
  • After blasting through the three trainers of Route 30 and OHKOing all their mons, I enter Route 31. Lets see what Pokemon that I get!!
  • The first mon I run into here is Venus the Lax (Again?!?!) Bellsprout. I think I'll box her until I get a Leaf/Sun Stone. Otherwise, it'll be too much of a hassle to train otherwise.
  • Enter the Dark Cave!! Lets see what I find in here....
  • Zubat...figures....anyway, I welcome Sara the sassy Zubat to the team!!
  • After Entering Violet City, I go to the Pokemon Center and get a Slugma Egg from Primo. This means that I don't get the Togepi, so I'll have to box it in the "Cemetary" box....unless I can use the Togepi.....
  • Anyway, as I already have a good fire type, I box the egg of my future teammate. I then head to Route 32. Lets see what I get....
  • The first thing I see is Volt the Rash Mareep!! Going off my experiences from my last run, I know that Mareep and its evolutions are extremely powerful and fairly bulky. I think that I'll keep him!
  • At Lv. 6, Volt isn't going to be doing much, so I'll grind it up about 5 levels so that its on par with the rest of my team.
  • With Volt equalized with the rest of my team and everyone healed, I decide that now's the time to enter the Sprout Tower!! I'd like to get a Rattata because no ways to trade means that I won't get a Gengar if Gastly shows its head.
  • Well, I met up with a Gastly, but I Crit it and it dies. I don't mind as Haunter is many times less powerful than a Gengar. Time to move onwards!!
  • WOOT!! Specz now has both Sleep Powder and Stun Spore!! Catching pokemon will be may times simpler!!
  • All the sages in Sprout Tower went down faster than a Snorlax under Sleep Powder! Time for some last minute Grinding in order to fill out those exp. bars that are close to complete, then I'll tackle the gym!
  • WingBlade took down the Gym Trainers like they were not even there.
Trainer King Vs Gym Leader Falkner!!

Trainer King's Party:
Leader Falkner's Party:

Obviously I have the advantage with Volt on my team. I decided that leading with him would provide the best results.​
Pidgey's fist and only move was Sand Attack. Luckily, I managed to OHKO it with a Thundershock. With his Pidgeotto comming out next, I decide to switch Volt out to remove his lowered Acc and bring out Specz.​
Pidgeotto Gusts and does a fair amout of damage....12 to be percise. I take this opportunity to put it to sleep with Sleep Powder. Once its asleep, I decide to switch in Volt in order to take it out with Super-Effective attacks.​
Sadly, Pidgeotto wakes up the turn after I switch in Volt and Tackles me for 10 damage. I deal slightly over half damage with Thundershock. I have a feeling that it will Roost next turn.​

NOPE!! It Tackles for another 10 Damage and I finish it off with a second and final Thundershock!!​

  • Professor Elm calls and wants me to get the egg. My question about its viability still stands.
  • As I heal and save the game, the chapter ends......until the next time....​
Magma the Cyndaquil


Nature: Lax
Location Found: New Bark Town
Ability: Blaze
Level: 13
Stats: 34/21/18/23/18/23
- Ember
- Quick Attack
- Tackle
- Leer
So far, Magma is one of my strongest attackers. His fraility has yet to come into play yet, but I have a feeling that it may be the cause of his demise if I am not careful.

Specz the Butterfree

Nature: Quiet
Location Found: Route 30
Ability: Compoundeyes
Level: 13
Stats: 40/19/21/30/26/22
- Confusion
- Tackle
- Sleep Powder
- Stun Spore
I have yet to use Specz extensively since his evolution, but I must say that I am impressed. Even without any STAB options, he destroys everything in his path. What he can't destroy, he cripples and lets the other teammates take it out.

WingBlade the Pidgey

Nature: Lax
Location Found: Route 29
Ability: Tangled Feet
Level: 14
Stats: 36/21/22/17/15/22
- Quick Attack
- Gust
- Tackle
- Sand Attack
So far, WingBlade is a little underwhelming. Luckily, it has what it needs to survive earlygame. There have been many times where I wish I had the power that a Spearow offered or the utility that a Hoothoot offered.

Volt the Mareep

Nature: Rash
Location Found: Route 32
Ability: Static
Level: 14
Stats: 43/19/16/29/17/16
- ThunderShock
- Tackle
- Thunder Wave
- Growl
The primary powerhouse and my secondary status platform, Volt is no slacker at any time. In one more level, Volt will evolve and his usefullness will increase dramatically. I have high hopes for this monster.
'Lil Boom the Jolly Geodude

Venus the Lax Bellsprout

Sara the Sassy Zubat

???? the Slugma Egg
Currently none.​

I have a question regarding the Togepi egg Professor Elm sent me and the Egg I got from Primo:
Do I place the Togepi egg in the "Cemetary" Box? Or can I use both Slugma and Togepi? Togepi is a forced Gift pokemon, but I'd rather use Slugma if I can only have one. I am in a delimma here D:​
Emerald Nuzlocke Run #1.. Kippin the Mudkip as my starter..

I decided to end it. I concede defeat.. and admit I was in over my head in the first Nuzlocke run I've ever attempted. I tried to continue on.. but Kippin and Wheez were unable to find reliable teammates along the way.. and were underperforming, that Milotic trainer? What a sob.., a lot of close calls that I didn't expect also. You can't always win.. and with a Nuzlocke.. there's only so much you can control.

I do love the concept of Nuzlockes.. and I want to go again. I need to control myself.. remember that my team is not expendable.. and go on with determination and patience.

Emerald Nuzlocke Run #2: The revival


- No items during battle
- Main 3 rules in opening post applies
- No repeat Pokemon; unless the Pokemon has already fainted
- 1 route, 1 Pokemon. Explained: Caves/Buildings; 1 level, 1 Pokemon. If route has water and grass, 1 Pokemon allowed for each surface. [So each Pokemon gets a chance to be caught]
- PC allowed unlimited
- Switch setting
- Level limit; I don't know set levels of trainers and gyms.. but no higher than 10 above battles.

I go on my journey once again.. after taking a 'Pokemon' year long break to get more understanding of the world around me. I feel as though I've matured and am now focused more than i was before.

I move to a new town.. and help the professor escape a battle.

I use..


Pex the Treecko. I believe he has the calmness yet courage.. as I do.. to be a strong face in the Pokemon World.

Once I receive my 'balls' , I search on the first route I can..


Wigs the Wurmple. Meh. Welcome to the squad.

As I level up my team a bit.. Wigs evolves.. into what you might be wonder?


Well.. well.. alright then.

I head up to where I battled May.. and run into my 3rd teammate.


Fangs the Poochyena. A bit 'Lonely', but I hope he can be comfortable with me soon.

As I level my pokes up.. we do well. I go West to see what other Pokemon is out there.. I land upon a..


Dish the Lotad. I don't feel I need him atm.. so I box him for now, as Treecko can handle the grass duties for now.

As I level my guys up.. all is well. Currently my Pokemon are roughly 5-6 levels above the Wild Pokemon.. which protects me from getting a cheap death and I can level up with confidence.



So this is what my team looks like. [above]

Edit; as I post this. just imagine each of those Pokemon 2 levels higher. Playing atm.


My Wigs.. who was 6 levels above this pesky bird.. soooooooo close to evolving.. [which is why I kept it in], could handle the peck(s) worth 4-5 XP, but unfortunately.. because of an in-game 90% crit-rate.. dies to a tragic peck.

I've never used a Dustox.. I wanted to.. I believe it had good qualities. Maybe one day a Wurmple and I will meet again.

Only upside.. it was extremely early in the game.. 3 trainer battles into it.. so it's a big wake-up call. I NEED to pay attention.. I NEED to calm down and focus.. and not be reckless for no reason. There is no redo.. there is no undo.. there is just one life for each of us.

Shit is real.
part 2 of randomized emerald

Okay everyone is now level 10^^
time to take down the next route and try to get a new team member
i've decided to try to use amy for them since she levels up the slowest
she one shot everything :D sadly theirs a glitch when wally find ralts it freezes so i must use a walk though walls code T_T lets see...Male ivysaur(bashful nature)...ugh why does everything that neutral nature e.e it has leech seed which is bound to be useful oh and i named him macunamia
anyway CRAP kaite almost died to a seedot...i didnt see it use bind >_> oh well she lived with 4 HP :D beat the other trainers handily lets see my next poke is
a female onix...whats with all the girls!? O.o anyway named her Tizzy and she's probably gonna be death foddler she also has a naive nature cuz you know my luck with natures is lovely a weedle spawning in the forest o.o
Okay time to kick the aqua grunts ass anyway the forest was easy...i hate how some of the pokes their where awesome tanks my duclops but meh lets see the next route has givin me a makuhita...YES A GOOD nature...brave...okay one more route then the cave then i'll start grinding...deoyxs....but i'm using a no uber rule so i'll have to let it pass
Hmm female poocheyna gentle nature...i'll keep it as a reserve member in the cave i got a female mantine,quiet nature named her dueltea and i'll use her on my main team
@Phadunk: Your post says you got a Cascoon, but the picture you posted shows the sprite of a Silcoon, what up with that??? Sorry Wigs died though, it couldve easily wrecked brawly.... stay strong man. Things will get better. And also: PUT LOTAD ON YOUR TEAM!!! WATER/GRASS TYPE IS AWESOME!!!!
Update #3

So I arrive in Mauville City and go west to find a pokemon from route 117. I find a calm (meh) Poochyena who I nickname Paul. I then deposit Paul and Cruelio, my Tentacool in the Daycare centre as reserves.


I fight all the trainers around routes 117, 118 and 111, including demolishing the Winstrates with Quail. I then get ready to face Wattson.

I withdraw Tickle, my level 7 Cascoon as I'm worried I might need some death fodder. (I'm a bad trainer, I know.)

Quail crits Voltorb with Double Kick to take him down which is incredibly helpful. Necronancy is immune to Electrike's attacks so he has no trouble in taking it down.
Wattson then sends out Magneton. I'm scared of switching in Quail because I know Magneton is pretty powerful so I switch to Tickle who is OHKO'd by Shock Wave. Quail can then come in and Double Kick Magneton to death. Manectric is incredibly easy as, again, Necronancy is immune to its attacks.

After defeating Wattson, I teach Quail Rock Smash (He's my only pokemon that can learn it).
I then head north and defeat a bunch of trainers. I catch Flump the brave Numel from route 112 and Darren the lonely Slugma from Fiery Path. I deposit them both as I already have a Combusken.


I heal my pokemon at an old lady's house and head on. I pray for a Skarmory on route 113, but as expected I receive a Naughty Spinda whom I nickname Lizzy.


Peekoo evolves to a Pelipper which is pretty cool as she is now very bulky.


Unfortunately I have another death on this route. Nancy the Ninjask gets poisoned by a Koffing and then dies en route to Fallarbor. :( R.I.P.

And here I am in Fallarbor town.

lvl. 26
Naughty Nature
-Water Gun
-Wing Attack
Now as a Pelipper, Peekoo has a lot of bulk and should be a key member against Flannery, my next gym battle.

Relaxed Nature
Quentin is surprisingly bulky. With a naturally high special defense and a defense boosting nature, he's really hard to damage without a super effective move. I'm surprised a Dustox is still carrying its weight at this point in the game.

lvl. 25
Naive Nature
-Double Kick
-Rock Smash
Of course, as my starter, Quail is bound to be a boss. The MVP on my team undoubtedly. If I lose him I might be slightly screwed...

lvl. 22
Naughty Nature
-Fury Cutter
-Double Team
As you can see Necronancy is a couple of levels lower than the rest of the team. Mainly because I'm always too scared to switch her in just incase they have a super effective/confusion/poison move.

deposited at lvl 13.
deposited at lvl 14.
Put in the daycare in case I ever decide to use them in future.

Whitney lvl.6
Flump lvl.14
Darren lvl.15
Lizzy lvl.14

Steve lvl. 9
Poison is a bitch pre-gen 4. He didn't make it to pokemon centre quick enough.
Zoey lvl. 8
Lack of caution meant that a crit killed her off. Shame, as I could see her becoming a good member of the team.
Tickle lvl. 7
Death Fodder. Life's a bitch.
Nancy lvl. 23
Poison Damage. She lives on as Necronancy the Shedinja however.

Any advice on my team is always appreciated. (Bare in mind I'm not using TMs)
@Phadunk: Your post says you got a Cascoon, but the picture you posted shows the sprite of a Silcoon, what up with that??? Sorry Wigs died though, it couldve easily wrecked brawly.... stay strong man. Things will get better. And also: PUT LOTAD ON YOUR TEAM!!! WATER/GRASS TYPE IS AWESOME!!!!

Oh my god you're right.. It would have been a Beautifly! Lol.. I didn't even notice the differences.. I just assumed Dustox. Bummer..


That's too bad Nancy died.. could have been entertaining. Shedinja seems like it would be kind of a pain to train and use.. always having to worry about that 1 move or status to ruin your day.. team looks cool though, still.
As Wigs dies.. I find myself having to deal with my undoing of last years attempt. As I head to my fathers gym to talk about my journey, in the the back of my head though, I keep questioning myself and my abilities.

I head West of his gym and look towards my next Pokemon.. hoping for something other than a Pooch or a Wurmple.. and I land upon a..

Maril! Sweet.. will catch!

Guess what? Fangs decided that Maril would not be part of my squad.. and instead of listening to me to take it easy and catch it.. Fangs crit hit it halway through the catching process.. and landed a KO.

No Maril for me.. wonderful. I feel like it would have been cool.

Next up.. Petalburg Woods.. let's see what I get. No point in wasting time as there are a few trainers that need dealing with.

First patch of grass inside the 'Woods', here it is..

A Shroomish.

Yay/Nay Pokemon for me.. but you can't pass up a rare Pokemon like Shroomish.. so I catch her.

In dedication to the late 'Muffin'.. I name this cutie Biscuit. And guess what? ADAMANT nature. What luck.. only problem.. more than half the Pokemon I have are Grass types.. lol.. what the hell is this. Not a big fan. But Nuzlocke is Nuzlocke.

/game saved

My Team



That's too bad Nancy died.. could have been entertaining. Shedinja seems like it would be kind of a pain to train and use.. always having to worry about that 1 move or status to ruin your day.. team looks cool though, still.

Yes Shedinja is a massive pain. I pretty much have to go on serebii and check every pokemon's moves just to make sure. I actually got confused once but luckily the coin flip was on my side and I didn't hurt myself.
Chapter 15 is up, sorry there isnt much action, but it is important to the story.

Chapter 15: The Reconstruction Era Part 1 - Secrets Revealed
I woke up with the sun already high in the sky. Ragnarok sat on the far side of the camp as usual. The losses of the past few days, especially those of Pinacolada and Tasty, had really taken their toll on Ragnarok's spirit. He had become so distant, so lonely, that I knew things between us would never be quite the same. He was questioning my skills as a trainer. In truth, I was too. I didn't know what was going to happen in the days to come.

Beside me Nimbus, my recently caught Swablu, was roosting. He had immediately taken notice of my saddness, and had taken to offering his wings as a pillow for me. Ragnarok was especially cold toward Nimbus: who was blissfully untouched by the pain that wracked Ragnarok and I. He was to new to the team to have known the late members of my team. Troll the Slakoth sat between Ragnarok and I, acting as a type of barrier between us. She had only briefly known the members who had passed away, and as such she didnt feel much pain either.

After taking in this sad sight I slowly sat up and got ready. The Pokemon were all returned and the fire was doused. Looking westward, I saw Meteorite Falls in the distance. That was where I had to go, and so I hoisted my pack onto my back and headed off to my destination.

The Falls was exactly how I had heard they were. Extremely large, very wet, very loud, and full of rushing water. It wasnt a place I particularly enjoyed being in. As I walked along I heard a screech and then felt a hard thump on the back of my head which knocked my head forward and left me seeing stars. A Zubat had began assaulting me. I knew how difficult Zubat's were to train, but I was desperate. I released Nimbus and the aerial battle immediately ensued. It was quick and easy, and within minuted the Zubat was mine. Naming him was simple: he would be called Radar. Satisfied, I placed Radar on my belt and continued forward through the falls.

As I continued forward I began to hear the sounds of people speaking in harsh gruff voices. I moved deeper into the cave and found myself facing Team Magma.

"What are you doing her boy?" they snapped, Pokeballs in hand.

"Magma, you wont get away with this!" another, seemingly familiar, voice shouted. From the gloom Archie appeared, his Team Aqua goons in tow. "Team Magma, you can never had your way with the world."

"Haha," Magma laughed. "Arhcie and Aqua are here. But this is a little to much for us to handle. Come after us if you dare, we'll be waiting on the top of Mt. Chimmney." Then with another cackle they pushed past me and were out of the way.

"You there, what are doing here?" Archie snapped as he approached me. "Arent you the boy who ruined my plans in Slateport? Well no matter, Magma is nothing but trouble. They dream of ruining the world by increasing the land mass. We of Team Aqua wont allow that. We shall give chase, Team Aqua, away lets go!"

The tunnel grew quiet as Team Aqua's footsteps died away and I was left alone with my thoughts. After seeing those Team Magma goons blocking the cable car and seeing how Team Aqua terroized Slateport I knew that I had to help out. But as I looked at my team, I knew just one mistep-- like taking on Team Magma-- could cause a lot of unnecessary deaths on my already limited team. If I traveled south to Rustboro, I might be able to get help from Mr. Stone, who still oweded me for delivering the letter to Steven. After some deep thought I decided to go to Rustboro.

The road south was rather quick, and I arrived in Rustboro before the sun was low in the sky. The Devon Building loomed in the distance, a monument of wealth, power, and invention. That was my destination.

When I arrived at the tower the secretary told me Mr. Stone had been expecting me for awhile now and then she guided me to his office.

Mr. Stone sat in his usual place at the head of his long chamber behind his imposing mahogany desk. "Ah Severus," he said, "I have been expecting you. Don't look so frightened, I knew who were since the moment I met you. You are the son of Norman, and a Nuzlocker."

"A Nuzlocker, sir?"

"Yes, it is a rare condition. It is a condition that significantly weakens the spiritual bonds between trainer and Pokemon. That weakening of the bonds means that Pokemon no longer faint, they die."

This final news hit me like a bomb. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"Yes, I saw when your Zigzagoon died. As soon as I witnessed that I knew exactly who and what you were. Nuzlocker's syndrome is a hereditary syndrome passed down from parent to child."

"Parent, but my parent's--" but Mr. Stone cut me off.

"Your father, Norman the Gym Leader, he is of the Nuzlocker blood. Why do you think he trains so hard? Why do you think he fled from his home region? He lossed many Pokemon back home, and couldnt bear it any longer."

"I-I..." I stammered out.

"Nuzlocker's syndrome isnt all bad. The Elite Four's of regions all over the world have been in search of Nuzlockers. The constant fear of death creates battle hardened, cold, calculating, battlers that can sieze any weakness in a foe and use it to their advantage. That is the fate of Nuzlockers. Now, I know you do not want to face this. I could tell when I saw you. So I am here to help you. I will give you this EXP. Share. It will help you train your replacement Pokemon without putting them in the direct line of fire. Let your battle hardened Combusken take on foes for the time being."

I looked at the strange crown-like device Mr. Stone had given me. "Thank you sir." I managed to whisper out.

"Stay strong son, you'll make it through this," Mr. Stone said. "Now, I have to get back to work, and you have to go. Good luck out there."

I took his cue, and left the building, EXP. Share in hand. The sun was setting as I got out onto the streets of Rustboro. Down the road I could see the street lamp Sly's memorial was placed under.

Now I know why.

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes, and I made a break for it. I ran as fast as I could until I hit the entrance of the Rusturf Tunnel. The sky turned dark overhead and I collapsed before the cave, unable to go any farther.

The Team:

Ragnarok the Combusken (M)
Nature - Lonely
Level - 31
Moves - Double Kick, Peck, Ember, Bulk Up
Ability - Blaze

Opinion: The undisputed king of the team. Ragnarok is the sole survivor of the powerhouse team I had before the indcidents of Route 114. He has survived multiple Self-destructs while watching his good friends fall around him. Now the burden of carrying the team through these dark and uncertain times rests squarely on his shoulders.


Nimbus the Swablu (M)
Nature - Quiet
Level - 21
Moves - Peck, Fury Attack, Astonish, Sing
Ability - Natural Cure

Opinion: Nimbus joined the team in a very dark time. It is long road ahead of us and the weak simply wont make it. Nimbus lacks power and bulk, so only time will tell if he can stand the tests of the Nuzlocke.


Troll the Slakoth (F)
Nature - Serious
Level - 9
Moves - Scratch, Yawn, Cut, Rock Smash
Ability - Traunt

Opinion: While Troll has been on my team many times on my journey, nothing was ever expected of her. So far she has been merely an HM Slave, seeing breif moments of companionship when she was needed and then put back away so that other more powerful members could join. But times have changed, and desperation & necessity breed opportunity. Troll is now a perminant member of the team. And after some grinding is done we will see what she is truly made of.


Radar the Zubat (M)
Nature - Serious
Level - 17
Moves - Leech Life, Supersonic, Astonish, Bite
Ability - Inner Focus

Opinion: The newest member of the team, Radar doesn't seem like much to me. He lacks moves and strength or bulk, so I dont know how long he will last. This Nuzlocke may prove to much for him. But I hope he survives until long enough for me to establish a strong recovery team.
Standard rules:
1). Catch first pokemon you see.
2). No pokemon count towards Rule 1 until I recieve Pokeballs.
3). No Duplicates
4). Faint => Cemetary Box
5). Catch all shinies ASAP!!
6). Kill all Legendaries
7). Allow Gift Pokemon
8). Unlimited PokeCenter usage
9). Unlimited PC Usage

Now that the rules are done, here's Chapter 2:

  • I went ahead and boxed the Togepi egg in the "Cemetary" Box. I then withdrew the Slugma egg.
  • As I head down Route 32, Magma Evolves after taking out a trainer's Nidoran (female).
  • After easily tearing through the trainers of Route 32, I am finally at the entrence of Union Cave. I have found that while the rest of my team is 1 and 2KOing everything, WingBlade is barely 3KOing his foes. If things don't pick up after it evolves, I'm going to box it and find a replacement.
  • WOOT!! Volt has evolved!! Now all foes shall perish....except for ground-types >_>
  • Before entering Union Cave, I take a quick Detour down Route 36 to get Rock Smash. 'Lil Boom will be my Rock Smash slave.
  • Enter the Union Cave!! Lets see what new friend that I find!!
  • The first Pokemon that I find is Sandy the Quiet Sandshrew. Sadly, I don't believe that I'll be using her for a while. To the Box she goes!
  • WingBlade has the lowest total HP, so I figured that this Shell Bell would benefit it most.
  • I enter Route 33 and find.....a Hoppip =_='
  • Well, I capture Fluffy the Naive Hoppip. It will go into the box and will never come out unless I am in the most hopeless situation possible...
  • I finally reach Azalea Town and it appears that Team Rocket has taken over the Well. I guess I must save the world....
  • With my "No Duplicates" rule in effect, I search all over Slowpoke Well for a Slowpoke. I'm rather happy that I caught a Zubat early.
  • I caught my Slowpoke, but I forgot to name her and she has a Special Attack lowering nature. Luckily, the Name Rater in Goldenrod isn't too far away, so I can fix my mistake in the next chapter.
  • You know, the Slowpoke Well is freaking easy!! Specz soloed it with Confusion spam.
  • Anyway, with Team Rocket gone, its time to grind my team to Lv. 17 so that I am on par with Bugsey's team.
  • After a little healing to compliment my training, I enter the gym in order to defeat the gym trainers.
  • After heroically taking out a Beedril, Wingblade evolves and its stats recieve a much needed boost!!
Trainer King VS Gym Leader Bugsey!!

Trainer King's Party:
Leader Bugsey's Party

Ok, going into this battle I have a severe advantage over Bugsey as all four pokemon of my team has STAB Super-Effective attacks and two of my team can leave Scyther crippled.
Ok, I decide to lead with Volt against his Scyther because not only is Volt my bulkiest pokemon, but Volt can either Thunder Wave it or hit it with a strong ThunderShock. After much thought, I figure that Thunder Wave is my best bet. Let's see what happens.
Scyther used Leer!
Volt used Thunder Wave!​
(-1 Def)VS
Looks like my plan worked! I figured that Scyther would Leer or Focus Energy. It usually does things like that when it can hit an opponent for neutral damage before U-Turning out. I'm going to switch to WingBlade to absorb the upcoming U-Turn.
Trainer King withdrew Volt!
Trainer King sent out WingBlade!
Scyther used Focus Energy!​
(Paralyzed; Focus Energy)​
It seems like my prediction wasn't as I wanted. However, this does not change my plans! WingBlade has a Def-boosting nature and a resistance to U-Turn. I believe that even a Technition-boosted Quick Attack would fail to beat this bird in one go! I will Gust and that should do about a third to Scyther.
WingBlade used Gust!
Scyther used Leer!​
(-1 Def)VS
(Paralyzed; Focus Energy)​
My prediction was incorrect a second time. Despite that, I believe that WingBlade can take a hit and Gust it into Sitrus Berry range. With that berry gone, my team can procede to deal damage....fatal damage
Scyther used Quick Attack!
WingBlade used Gust!
Scyther ate its Sitrus Berry!​
(-1 Def)VS
(Paralyzed; Focus Energy)​
This time, I was correct in my assumption that Wingblade could survive a Quick Attack! Although I know that it could survive a second, I am worried that won't survive a Crit. However, I will use a Potion on WingBlade and see what happens.
Trainer King used Potion!
Scyther used Quick attack!​
(-1 Def)VS
(Paralyzed; Focus Energy)​
We're back to where we started last turn. It looks like I will have to take a slight risk and go for that Gust.
Scyther used Quick Attack!
WingBlade used Gust!​
(-1 Def)VS
(Paralyzed; Focus Energy)​
Scyther does over 20 damage with each Quick Attack. With this in mind, I am switching to Magma. I believe that he can survive even a crit while at full health and KO back with Ember.
Trainer King withdrew WingBlade!
Trainer King sent out Magma!
Scyther used Quick Attack!
A Critical Hit!​
(Paralyzed; Focus Energy)​
I knew that Crit was coming! Its time to use one of my 3 Super Potions on Magma because I can sense that Quick Attack coming a mile away.
Trainer King used Super Potion!
Scyther used Quick Attack!​
(Paralyzed; Focus Energy)​
The time is now to be brave and bold! Time for an Ember barrage!
Scyther is Paralyzed! It couldn't move!
Magma used Ember!
Scyther fainted!
Leader Bugsey sent out Metapod!
Trainer King sent out Specz!​
YES!!! Unless something seriously wrong happens and Metapod becomes a LV. 100 Bulk Up ShedRest Scrafty, I have this match in the bag!
Specz used Gust!
Leader Bugsey sent out Kakuna!​

No Scraftys here, so this will end in one final attack!
  • After claiming my prizes and heal, I save and end this chapter....​
Magma the Quilava

Nature: Lax
Location Found: New Bark Town
Ability: Blaze
Level: 17
Stats: 49/31/28/36/28/35
- Ember
- Quick Attack
- Tackle
- Leer
Magma, though lacking coverage, has more than enough speed and power to absolutely destroy all who opposes him.

Volt the Flaaffy

Nature: Rash
Location Found: Route 32
Ability: Static
Level: 17
Stats: 55/27/23/39/25/23
- ThunderShock
- Tackle
- Thunder Wave
- Growl
Volt has most of the same problems that Magma has except Volt sacrifices speed for bulk.

Specz the Butterfree


Nature: Quiet
Location Found: Route 30
Ability: Compoundeyes
Level: 17
Stats: 50/23/26/39/33/27
- Gust
- Confusion
- Sleep Powder
- Stun Spore
At this moment, Specz is my most powerful and most reliable attacker. Nothing gets between Specz and his attacks and lives for very long.

WingBlade the Pidgeotto

Nature: Lax
Location Found: Route 29
Ability: Tangled Feet
Level: 18
Stats: 52/31/33/26/23/32
- Quick Attack
- Gust
- Tackle
- Sand Sttack
Evolution has really helped WingBlade become a greater use to the team. Sadly, WindBlade is going to quickliy fall behind as it doesn't learn Wing Attack until late. WingBlade will most likely have a future of being a Fly-slave...

???? the Slugma Egg

According to the "Egg Watch," It appears to move occasionally. It may be close to Hatching.

'Lil Boom the Jolly Geodude


Venus the Lax Bellsprout

Sara the Sassy Zubat

Sandy the Quiet Sandshrew

Fluffy the Naive Hoppip

???? the Careful Slowpoke (I will give a name at Goldenrod)
??? the Togepi Egg (Decided that since I already got the Slugma egg from Primo, I'll leave this one alone.)
As I'm in the woods, I work on training up Gex and Fang. Along with Biscuit[the Adamant Shroomish], trying to see if she can prove a different look than Gex already gives me. I don't see much thrill coming from Biscuit.. so I box her for good; Gex can cover them both right now.

Gex and Fang get up to level 14, Bite and Quick Attack are looking to be very solid moves.

Once we leave the woods we head straight up behind the berry house, hoping for maybe a Marill, if it's even around. I want a water Pokemon asap.

Taillow.. well.. a bird Pokemon would be nice, let's go for it.

Caught.. Timid nature.

It's a shame, I gave it such an awesome name, Rocket. Oh well, boxed it is. Although still in-game.. I need all the ATK stats I can get.

Gex and Fang.. who now go by 'Gang' work on the trainers on the way to Rustboro.

Easy work, nice levels still. 14 Gex/15 Fang.

We bypass all the buildings and look for the new route for a Pokemon.. the odds are good.. and out pops a


Welcome Nina the Nincada.. Docile.

As I work on leveling her up.. I notice how underwhelming she is.. and honestly.. it's stressful. But man.. I want that Shedinja.. so let's go for it!

I teach her Cut and slash away at Wild Pokemon, getting her to level 10.

I save ppl, Peeko, yada yada.. good times. I decide to catch a Whismur since it's in the tunnel.

Mach the Whismur is aboard. And holy hell.. this thing actually packs a punch. Pound and Uproar are great.. especially in the Tunnel since Soundproof blocks opposing Uproars. Word.

I get that beauty to level 13 in no time.

We battle Roxanne. [I think that's her name]


Gex really destroy everyone with Absorb.. still a Treecko.

Now to the Gym Leader. Again.. Gex beats the first two Pokemon.. and out comes Nosepass.

1. I forgot it was level 15. [same level as Treecko now]. 2. I forgot it's bulky as fuck, and Absorb is a weak-ass Grass-type move.

Gex is also unable to handle powerful hits atm.. so Rock Tomb does some major damage. Unfortunately I was only able to dish out two Absorbs.. and could only take two Rock Tombs before being down to less than half health.. no way in hell will Gex survive.. damn.. I think I'm screwed.

I need to sacrifice someone.. I have no other option. The next hit will surely kill Gex.. severely weaken Fang which will help me in no way whatsoever.. or kill Nina.. :( [Mach was showing a lot of potential, couldn't risk her]

I sacrifice Nina.. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.. I'm sorry you beautiful bitch.


Nina takes the hit like a champ.. as she turns and looks at me before falling.. to say, "Fuck you man.. fuck you."

I switch in Fang.. he's my only hope. I have one option.. Sand-Attack the fuck out of Nosepass.. I pull off 6 Sand-Attacks.. while taking 1 Rock Tomb.

Sand-Attack.. the bitchiest move.. whatever.. I was pushed into a corner. Gotta survive.

Then I proceed to Bite the hell out of Nosepass until he drops. Mind you.. Potions, Super Potions were happening non-stop. Thankfully he fell.. and 'Gang' we both able to level up in the process. I dodged a huge bullet.


Guess who evolved?

Looking pretty boss tbh.. unfortunately the Emerald sprite doesn't look as awesome.. but that speed.. THAT SPEED.

We win, we then battle a few trainers by the cave to level up a bit.

As we head back down.. May is waiting for me. I have confidence.. my team is looking decent.. let's roll.

I forgot her exact team.. but I do know she has a Torchic. Mach killed the first Pokemon.. Since Mach the Whismur was already in.. and since I know Torchic doesn't have a fighting move.. I stay in for the final matchup.


Lv 14 Whismur vs Lv 15 Torchic

I honestly thought I would be able to handle the baby bird.. but I messed up.. I used Uproar instead of Pound. Which locks me into the battle.

Torchic Embers.. then Embers again for the KO. Fuck man.. Brain-fart.

Mach is done. Ughhhhhhhhhh. I wasted two Pokemon potentials.. kind of avoidable.. but I don't feel too upset at myself.

I finish Torchic off with Fang.. and save file.

My Team atm:



Next up, boat to Dewford, caves, and hey.. OLD ROD. I'll get that water pokemon.. lol.
Nuzlocke Update: Soul Silver

Gym Leaders Conquered

** Images are being used via Serebii
** Edit: I killed Jasmine 5 minutes after writing this update. I'm just gonna add her here :P

These updates are going to be slightly rapid. Chuck and Jasmine are right next to each other in terms of battling, and since I update after every gym, her update will come soon ^.^

In any case, the road to Cianwood after seeing Jasmine brought me a Tentacool. I like tentacool... and never used one ... so I decided to. I replaced Sally with Flop the tentacool, and I know it's not very inteligent to have 3 water types on a team ... but their unique typing is ... well unique lol. They actually do not have the same weaknesses :D

Before fighting Chuck ( and in my smartness visiting a pokemone center) I decided to explore the town and ran up, to find SUICUNE :O It saw me and ran, and oh dear Neptune that magician Eusine shows up. Dratnair was first and at half health, scared me have to death that battle but we prevailed, the rest of the team clearly help kill Eusine's.

After the battle ( and seeing how much a drowzee, haunter, and electrode scared me) I decided it was time for some team training. I intended on training both Flop and Dratnair to level 30, but I grew bored after training Dratnair to level 31 ( didn't let it evolve yet so she could learn Aqua tail, then let her evolve ;D ) and went straight to the gym. I figured Prank would be able to whip the gym. Wow what a fool I was lol.

The trainers themselves were no challenge to Prank bar Hitmonchan and his 4 punches of doom. He took everyone on my team's health down halfway, yet we did not have any casualties. That shoould have been a sign to stop being lazy BUT NO i pushed forward :D

The gym leader battle took about 20-30 minutes. Primeape died cleanly to Prank via Hypnosis+Confuse Ray and Shadow Punch Spam.
Poliwrath decided to give my team some trouble. I now know why Yoller got water absorb instead of Damp. :D
- At full health Yoller can take one of Poliwrath's Focus Punches (non criticalled of course)
- At full health Prank could take one of Poliwrath's Surf ( non critcalled of course)
I know that when a person does a nuzlocke, the critical chance of any enemy raises to 99.99% BUT I STILL PLAYED ON THAT .01%
and it thankfully worked in my favor. I weakened / slowed the poliwrath using Yoller's Mud Shot, thinking after a few heals and hits We could kill it, but abandoned that idea after it used Hypnosis then went to town with Focus Punch. Switched in Prank to block focus punch and try to put it to sleep. Why I did't use confuse ray THEN hypnosis I will never know. But after a few fail tries, potions ( from Palmy the little aipom with pick up ^.^) we managed to put it to sleep, confuse it, and destroy.

If that isn't a lucky win i don't know what is.

Heading back to Olivine Town to heal this amphoros and destroy Jasmine, and now just defeated her. I decided it's yoller's turn to take a gym, he's never gotten a chance to do one himself, and he did not dissapoint :) flawless victory :P

Prank the Naughty Gengar
Lv. 27
Ability: Levitate
Holding: Colbur Berry (From mom's shopping sprees. I'm sure i will be using Prank against a magical normal type with a dark move I do not know of. This is just incase that happens)
- Hypnosis
- Shadow Punch
- Night Shade
- Confuse Ray


Yoller the Sassy Quagsire
Lv. 27
Ability: Water Absorb
Holding: Quick Claw
- Surf
- Headbutt
- Amnesia
- Mud Shot


Chompy the Serious Croconaw
Lv. 25
Ability: Torrent
Holding: Nothing
- Ice Fang
- Headbutt
- Water Gun
- Bite


Palmy the Careful Aipom
Lv. 26
Ability: Pick Up
Holding: Nothing
- Shadow Claw
- Pay Back
- Fury Swipes
- Tickle


Dratnair the Calm Dragonair (Could not stand seeing it be dratini any longer)
Lv. 31
Ability: Shed Skin
Holding: Nothing
- Headbutt
- Thunder Wave
- Blizzard
- Aqua Tail


Flop the Hasty Tentacool
Lv. 25
Ability: Clear Body
Holding: Nothing
- Acid
- Toxic Spikes
- Bubble Beam
- Surf


Lola the Quiet Zubat


Stingah the Lonely Weedle


Billard the Docile Togepi


Swirl the Naughty Ekans


Pinpoint the Quirky Nidoran


Toughness the Docile Ledyba


Tommy the Impish Hoothoot


Marva the Naughty Meowth


Sally the Timid Bellossom


Lookout the Timid Sentret


Chippy the Lonely Rattata


Flight the Bashful Spearow
- sigh.. haxed.


Lone Star the Quiet Scizor
- Out skilled :(

I guess it is off to Mahogony Town now :)
Ok so started a Emerald nuzlocke.
My team consists of:
Skipper The Mudkip

and while I am at it, I will post these badboys (the chapters for the story):

Nuzlocke-Cody Jameson Chronicles
Season 1-Emerald
It all began one summer’s day, it was a day like any other, until...the accident.
Hello, my Name is Cody Jameson and this is my story of happiness and despair, what I lost and what I gained with this…..this curse.
This is a tale of a hero and a villain.
This is the tale of a............Nuzlocker...
*dramatic music starts playing*
I will defend Hoenn from the Likes of Team Magma and Team Aqua.
I will break this curse.
I will become the champion.
I will defeat legendries to reach my goals.
I cannot lose. I can never give up. I’ll never say never.
Why you ask?
It’s because...I am a nuzlocker.
*dramatic music continues to play as random fight scenes start appearing*
I won’t lose.....I can’t afford to lose…..For the sake of the world…..
*Insert iconic picture here with the conclusion of the music and the fight scenes*
Chapter 1
The Accident
"Nurse what's his condition?" The doctor asked as they ran the young man on the girdle through the hall.
"He was in the back of a moving truck when they got in the accident, his around the age of 16 and has several broken bones and internal bleeding just about everywhere" the young nurse said while she rammed it through doors.
"He was in the back? Whose good idea was that?" The doctor asked astonished some idiot would do that.
"His stepmothers, they were on their way to Littleroot town when they attacked the truck, we still don’t know why" The nurse said, taking him to the surgery room.
"Damnit Team Aqua, let’s hope we can save him in time" The doctor said as he pulled on plastic gloves and put on the mask and grabbed the surgical tools and started the operation.
After half an hour of surgery nothing had changed.
"Damnit, we're losing him Birch" The assistant said as the heartbeat started accelerating.
"Damnit, I don’t want to do this, but I must" The Doctor said, running over to his briefcase and pulls out a syringe.
"What are you doing Birch, that is experimental, who knows what the side effects are" The assistant said grabbing his arm.
"Well I have to do something or we will lose him" Birch said through gritted teeth as the assistant let go of him reluctantly and Birch injected the formula into the boy and his heartbeat started to slow down.
"Birch we did it" the assistant said with relief as the boys condition stabilised.
"Not let we haven’t, we still need to finish the operation" Birch said as he continued, filed with dread as to what the needle, unknown to him that it was a virus called the Nuzlocke Formula, would do to the boy.......
1 Hour of surgery later, the boy was basically good as new.
"That boy looks familiar, but where have I seen him" He thought as he walked towards the young boy's stepmother.
"Ah you must Karin Jackson, my name is Doctor Birch, I am the head of this hospital and the regions head researcher in Pokémon" He said shaking her hand.
"Yes, now how is he?" She asked anxiously.
"Well after about half an hour of surgery, his condition didn’t improve" He said as she started looking grim.
"Oh no, he didn’t die, we ran out of options, so I injected him with an experimental Medicine, your son here was the first test subject, and I must say it was a success, if only we knew who made it" Birch said as Karin sighed with relief, but also looked incredibly pissed.
"And who gave you permission to inject that into my son?" She asked, furious they did it without acknowledging the mother first.
"Well considering it was an emergency, and we thought you would want your son alive, we thought you wouldn’t mind, plus if you didn’t put him on the back of that truck none of this would've happened and another thing your only the stepmother not his real mother, so we would have to consult the father who isn’t here so don’t get high and mighty with me!" Birch snarled, pissed that this woman dared try to have a go at him.
"Well his father is currently in his gym where he needs to be" She said snarling back, but then looking depressed "He doesn’t even know yet.....How will I tell him" She asked looking heartbroken.
"Tell him the truth; also his father wouldn't be Norman Jameson, would he?" Birch asked curiously.
"......Why do you ask?" She asked, trying to size the doctor up.
"Well that boy just seems familiar, and me and Norman go way back.....I owe him big time for a lot of things" Birch said trailing off "Including my life, he and me have a bond that made us brothers, even though we didn’t share the same blood, and if this is his son then I want to know" Birch said, glaring at the women.
".......Yes" She admitted as she sat down, her head in her hands.
"What happened to Kaitlin? He asked, concerned about the boys birth mother.
"No one knows, she just disappeared" Karin said, doing a motion that displays disappearing into thin air "She was declared dead and that’s how come I married Norman" She said sounding very sad.
"Why do you sound sad about her disappearance? I mean no offense, but most Step don’t care about the ones before them, despise them even" Birch asked, confused that the step mother misses the birth mother.
"Because me and her were good friends.....Sisters even, basically a you and Norman" She said grinning at some old memories.
"How come I have never met you before?" He asked, sitting down next to her.
"Because I never had the time to meet any of her friends, she always wanted to introduce me to you guys, but something always came up" She said shrugging.
"Doctor another patient is waiting" A nurse said, as Birch nods and tells Karin that she can see the boy in a few hours and leaves the sad stepmother alone to her thoughts.
A few hours later
One of the nurses looked at the young man covered in plaster and felt sorry for him.
“It is all that stupid step-mothers fault, if she didn’t put him in the back of that truck” The nurse thought furiously, as she changed his IV drip, muttering curse words under her breath and leaves, still muttering as she bumps through Karin as she enters and glares daggers at her and goes down the hall and is seen muttering something into a phone like device.
“Cody honey, you awake?” Karin asks the little boy as she hears a muffled yes through the plaster and she tries to hold back tears.
“You know I didn’t mean for this to happen right, you know I love you” She says, trying, but failing to hold back tears.
“I know mum” Cody said, muffled by the plaster and Karin just breaks down into tears and Cody tries to warn her about the man in blue behind, but is too late as a sword is stabbed through her chest and she falls to the ground, dead with tears still coming out.
The man approaches Cody and smirks, blood still dripping from the sword.
“That crash should’ve killed you, but oh well, die!” The man shouts, just as Birch comes in and stops, as if time was frozen.
“Team Aqua” Birch shouts with a snarl on his face and lunges at the grunt, making him jump back and drop the sword in surprise as Birch slams him through the wall and into the nearby room, punching the grunt and knocking him unconscious.
“Security come here, we have an attempted murder and you guys let him through the security booth with a sword? Useless bastards! Nurse come over and check on Cody” Birch shouts as the security guards run over and detain the grunt until the authorities arrived and went to check on Karin and saw she was way beyond dead and cursed under his breath.
Birch picks up the sword, after putting plastic gloves on of course, handed it over to security and then decided to go over the security cameras.
“Hmm the cameras captured everything that happened, those bastards think they’re so untouchable do they? Well I hope the authorities can change that, now if you need me I need to check on Cody” Birch says to one of the security officers and he nods in agreement, as the young nurse from earlier ran up to him.
“Dad are you ok? I heard that someone died and, and” She said and stopped as she cried.
“It’s ok May, just a Team Aqua grunt breaking in, apparently he was sent to kill one of the patients and his step-mum…..He succeed on killing the Step-mum” Birch said as they walked towards Cody’s room.
“Which patient?” She asked curiously, as the police walked past them.
“The one which was hit by that truck…in the truck” Birch said, as he realised there was a bit of irony in the accident and chuckled.
“What is so damn funny about a truck accident?” May asked furiously, looking at her dad.
“Um nothing, hey you know, Cody’s your age, maybe you can help him get over his step-mothers murder in front of his eyes trauma, if he has any that is” Birch said and May just nods and they both walk into the room to see Cody asleep.
“Ok May you stay here, I need a minute” Birch says as he walks over to the nurse who bumped into Karin and May walks over to Cody and sees his good eye open suddenly, which startled her and made her jump back.
“What do you want?” Cody asked, clearly still pissed and sad about his step-mums death.
“Well I heard you were my age, and decided to visit you, is that so bad?” May asks, still in her nurse’s outfit and Cody’s one eye size’s her up.
“You’re 5’9, with a small, light agile build, with brown hair reaching your middle back, with brown eyes, a green bandana, with that white nurses outfit with the red cross on it, but underneath you’re wearing a red shirt with a green, plastic like skirt which practically melds with your shirt, along with black and white sneaks, you also have some decent sized boobs” Cody said, getting it all right, but infuriates May.
“Don’t look at my breasts” She says with venom in her voice.
“Hey, I needed to look over everything I saw to get a good look of you, you don’t want me to look at you, then leave” He says with even more venom then May just did, which made her shiver and she just storms out of the room, leaving Cody to his thoughts as her dad ran after her.
It would be a month later but the only people Cody would see were the nurses, Doctor Birch and the cleaning crew. Apparently no-one, not even Birch, knew how to contact his dad, because his dad was away on business from the gym. But all Cody really did was stew and turn bitter, and once he was out he decided he would head on a journey and kill every last member of Team Aqua to avenge his step-mums death and also because he had no-where else to go.
And that is how he would, without realising it, forge his own destiny.
1 month later
Cody felt a sigh of relief as the last of the plaster was cut off.
“There you go Cody, that’s the last of it” Birch said taking the last piece off and putting it in the trash can that May was holding, and hiding behind so Cody wouldn’t look at her.
“Hmm he made a miraculous recovery; I mean I can’t believe that anyone could walk again after that incident, let alone in a month! Could this be from the injection?” Birch thought, as Cody got up.
“Thank you Doc” Cody said standing up to reveal his height, which May secretly really wanted to know.
He stretched for a minute and wobbled on his legs, but was steady and revealed he was 6’2, with a light, but heavily muscled build, with a scar which went across his right cheek over his left eye to his left ear and had scars all over his arms, legs and back, all in different spots, all had different sizes, etc.
“You will be ready to go once we organise some clothes” Birch said leaving Cody, with May close behind, not wanting to be left alone with Cody and they left Cody with his new-found freedom of being able to walk again, after so long of being on his butt, all he did was walk around for the next hour as Birch sent May back in.
“Here are your clothes” She said dully as she dumped them on the bed and left Cody taken back by her rudeness, but recovers and puts the black jeans on first, followed by the grey sneakers and was about to put on his shirt when May walked back in and saw his bare, heavily muscled chest, with a lone scar stretching from one end of it to the other and she just stared at him.
“What? You can stare at me and but I can’t at you, you’re such a hypocrite May” Cody says, shaking his head and putting his shirt on.
“Yes, problem?” She asked with an eyebrow raised and Cody just sighs.
“What do you want?” Cody asked, stripping the bed and putting it with the gown.
“Well dad said he had to run a few errands, so I am in charge of you while he is gone, but he asked me to give you this” She says handing him a letter.
“And this is?” Cody asked, trailing off and motioning her to continue explaining.
“I don’t know, my father just said give it to you, now take it” She demanded, practically throwing it at him.
“Temper, Temper” Cody said wagging his finger like the naughty, naughty gesture and opens the letter as May just storms out of the room.
It reads:
Dear Cody
If you’re reading this, that means I have failed at protecting you from the virus known as the "Nuzlocke formula" made and created by Kanto Champion Red 200 years ago, he created it so he can be the only one with Pokémon’s. It can and will kill anyone Pokémon’s the nuzlocker get, instead of them fainting. He has gone insane from being alone and has created the crime syndicates, Team Magma and Aqua, to do his dirty work in Hoenn, while Team Galactic is doing evil in Sinnoh and Team Plasma in the Unova. But he crushed Team Rocket in Kanto, so he decided to recreate it in Johto, so he rules over Kanto with an Iron Fist. The only way you can beat him is to crush the other leagues, now do and so and make me proud.
Sincerely Kaitlin Jameson
Cody just sat down in disbelief as May came back in.
"What’s amatter?" She asks sitting down next to Cody.
"This is from my birth mum" Cody said, still not believing it.
"Really?" May asked and curiously looked over Cody’s shoulder, her cheek brushing past Cody’s and she blushes.
"Sorry" she says quickly, but before Cody can say anything else and they all hear a blood curdling scream.
"That was the Doc" Cody said, jumping up and running out the door, leaving May behind with the letter and she just pockets it and gives chase.....
Chapter 2
The Point Of No Return
Cody ran out of the hospital and towards the nearby alley and saw Birch being attacked by a massive Zigzagoon, about 3 metres long and 1.3 metres tall. Cody’s Jaw dropped at the sheer size of the thing and saw it flinging the Doc around like a giant with a ragdoll.
Birch saw Cody and shouted at him, but the Zigzagoon roared at the same time so Cody didn’t hear.
"WHAT?" Cody shouted at the Doc as the Zigzagoon tackle the trash bins behind him, barely missing the doc.
"IN MY BAG THERES THREE POKEBALLS, CHOOSE ONE AND BATTLE THIS THING" Birch shouted as he barely jumped over the next attack.
“Why do you-Oh never mind I don’t care” Cody said, shaking his head. Cody then runs over to the doc’s bag and grabbed the pokéball on the right.
"Please let this be a good Pokémon" Cody thought, throwing his arm back.
"Go whatever is in this pokéball, Ready for Battle" Cody shouted throwing the pokéball and out popped....A Mudkip?
"Mud, Mud Kip" The Mudkip shouted joyfully, happy to be out of the pokéball.
"Good work, now command it to use tackle, quickly" Birch shouted as he was cornered and the Zigzagoon grinned and lunged forth but was stopped by the Mudkip.
"Good work......Skipper, now use Tackle again" Cody commanded as the Mudkip did so, completely pissing off the Zigzagoon and it lunges at Skipper and sent it flying.
Behind Cody a huge crowd was gathering as May pushed her way through and saw Cody had her dad's Mudkip and was fighting a huge Zigzagoon, and her dad was in the alleyway struggling to get up.
"DAD!" She shouts out and runs to him, as Skipper and the Zigzagoon crashed together and she helps her dad over to the crowd as Skipper easily holds its own against the giant Zigzagoon.
"Now finish this, use tackle and send it into the trashcans" Cody commanded as Skipper nodded and shouted a quick war cry and ran full speed at the Zigzagoon and hit it straight on in the chest, sending it flying into the trashcans, and the Zigzagoon is quickly crushed to death by the heavy trash bins falling on it, as it screams one last time and then all goes silent.
As the air is filled with cheers, as Cody struggles to work out what just happened, May runs over and hugs him.
"Thanks for saving my dad" She said as the crowd whoot, cheer and do that annoying sound when something cute happens.
"Dude this is so going on YouTube" a random guy from the crowd shouts.
A news reporter comes out randomly and starts poking the microphone in Cody’s face.
"How does it feel to be a hero?" The reporter asked Cody who’s still stunned from all the noise.
"Ummmmm good I guess I don’t feel much different" Cody said shrugging his shoulders and the crowd cheer.
"Wow he is kind, nice, handsome and modest. His the complete package" The reporter says, facing the cameraman "And this was live feed, from the front of Littleroot Town Hospital" The reporter finishes, someone yells cut and they leave and so does the crowd once the Police and hospital security start moving everyone out that is.
Cody then realises that May is still hugging him.
"Ummm May, personal space" Cody says, giving her a light shove.
"Oh sorry" She said, stopping the hug and blushing "It’s just that you saved my dad’s life and all" she added, still blushing.
"Yes Cody, you did, you know you're just like your father, always getting me out of messes, keep that Mudkip as your reward you deserve it" Birch says, going through his bag "Also take this" Birch said, giving him a weird red device.
"Umm what is this?" Cody asks, confused about the little red device.
"It’s a Pokédex; it’s basically a handheld technological encyclopaedia. And you will need this too" Birch says giving him a little bottle.
"Umm thanks guys" Cody said, and then suddenly realises he doesn’t have the letter "Ummm May, please tell me you have the letter" Cody said, hoping for a yes.
"Why yes I do have it, you left it when you heard my dad’s scream" May said, pulling it out of her pocket and handing it to Cody.
"Oh yeah, before I forget, don’t forget to pick up your stuff at the front desk" Birch says, patting him on the back and heading back inside "Oh and if i didn’t already say this, thank you for saving me from that oversized Zigzagoon, too bad it was crushed beyond recovery, I would've liked to study how it got that big" Birch said with a chuckle and headed back inside the hospital, leaving the two teenagers outside.
“This is where I say goodbye I guess" Cody said, turning to face May.
"Guess so" She said glumly.
"You could ask your dad for a pokemon you know" Cody said, trying to cheer her up.
"Ok I will, meet me on route 103, we will have a battle there" May said, giving him a kiss on the cheek
"Consider that my thanks" she says and walking off to the hospital blushing and leaving Cody red hot and he leaves for Oldale Town, after getting his stuff from the officer at the front desk. And leaves to Route 103, but stops at the house he was meant to move into and sees another letter from his birth-mum. He picks it up and sits down and opens the letter, it reads:
Dear Cody
If you have found this, then you have decided to take the Nuzlocke head-on, instead of cowering like a coward, I had hoped Norman and Karin would raise you well and it seems my hopes were correct, now you should find you father, I am sure he has vital info for your journey.
Sincerely Kaitlin Jameson (aka Mum)
PS-Look in the inside the envelope
Confused Cody looked inside and pulled out a wad of cash, $3000 dollars’ worth to be precise.
"Wow, thanks mum" Cody said with a sincere grin and puts it in his wallet and headed out to Route 101.
Chapter 3
The First Encounter
Cody walked through the deep, green forest like route, and kept on the winding path as he walked for hours before he finally stopped for the night.
"This place seems as good as any to set up camp" Cody thought, as he pitched a tent and started to gather some firewood. A few hours later Cody was sitting next to the fire, with Skipper next to him.
"Man I wish you could talk" Cody said to Skipper as Skipper cuddled up to him.
"Mud, Mudkip" Skipper said, and he lies down on Cody’s lap and closes his eyes.
"Oh really now?" Cody asked, with one eyebrow raised, "You think I am crazy for thinking that, glad to see you have faith in me" Cody added shaking his head as Skipper laughs.
"Hey you can’t talk, but I can understand you" Cody said, finally realising that quite important detail.
"Mudkip" Skipper said, rolling his eyes
"Don’t you give me that kind of attitude mister" Cody said, giving Skipper stern look.
Skipper just ignores him and going over to a puddle and splashes water on the fire, putting it out, throws mud on it and heads into the tent.
"Yeah, yeah I get the point, time to sleep" Cody said, muttering a bit as he hops into his sleeping bag and falls sound asleep.
The next day Cody awakes and packs up his tent and sleeping bag, than him and Skipper leave after a short breakfast.
"So when do you think we will get to Oldale?" Cody asked Skipper, for no apparent reason. He just shrugs and keeps going as a wild Wurmple comes out and shoots a string shot at Skipper.
"Skipper quickly block with mud slap" Cody commanded quickly, knowing it was too late to dodge, but hoped he could stop it from hitting.
Skipper threw some mud up into the air, which stopped the string shot in its tracks.
"Now use Tackle" Cody commanded, as the Wurmple started to charge, and the Skipper just runs and rams right through the Wurmple, coming back covered on blood and guts as the Wurmple falls on the ground, or what remained of it, quite dead,
Cody just stood there, shocked at what just happened.
"I must be dreaming, that shouldn't have happened" Cody thought as he went over to see if Skipper was ok, after he was satisfied with the fact that Skipper was ok, he continued onward, but what happened to the Wurmple was still fresh in his mind.
"Ok first that Zigzagoon that I defeated died, and now the Wurmple”
“WHATS GOING ON?!?!?!??!??!?!? Mum said that pokemon that I owned would die if they were defeated, not random wild ones I battled" Cody thought furiously, as he reaches Oldale Town roughly 5 hours later and heads straight to the Pokemon Centre, to rest Skipper and to get a room.
After doing so, Cody leaves Skipper with Nurse Joy and goes to explore the town, finding a Pokemart clerk in the middle of the street.
Curious, Cody goes to investigate as the clerk turns around.
"Howdy young man, fancy a free sample potion" The clerk asks, me, holding out a weird bottle thing, the same type that Birch gave him.
"Umm what is that?" Cody asks, confused as the clerk looks at him like his an idiot.
"This is a potion, its standard for all trainers, you can buy them or a type of potion, in every Pokémart around the world" The crazy man exclaims as Cody just backs away after taking it and heads to this "Pokemart" and stocks up on supplies, but was disappointed when he was told they were out of pokéballs, so he heads to the Pokemon Centre to rest for the night.
The Next Day, Cody gets up roughly around 10:00AM, and goes to get Skipper and then leaves the Pokemon Centre.
"Come on Skipper lets train" Cody shouts, jumping into the air as Skipper shouts in agreement (Note he didn’t speak English, you could easily assume he would shout, yell, etc. in agreement).
And then they both run into Route 101, and start training in a frenzy, surprising enough no other Pokémon’s died except Skipper seemed to take hits a lot harder than the wild Pokémon’s did.....But Cody just shook the thought away as the hours passed and they head to the Pokemon Centre for dinner, and then bed, as Skipper was proud to grow stronger, and they gave May time to catch up.
Cody drops Skipper off to Nurse Joy and goes to bed, tired and satisfied from both the food and the training.
Day 3 of Journey-Roughly 7:30AM
Cody wakes up from the sound of his alarm and turns it off, yawns and stretches the sleep out of him and then goes through his morning rituals of waking up, including:
Taking a Cold Shower
Eating an Apple (proven fact that apples wake you up more in the morning then coffee, and tastes better)
Goes For a Jog
And morning exercises.
After doing that, which takes him roughly a 1 and a half, he goes to return his room key and get Skipper and heads off to Route 103, to meet May.
After walking for a minute in the grass, a wild Wingull appears.
"Go Skipper, use Tackle" I command as the Wingull tries to growl me into submission, but Skipper hits it head on, knocking it out in one hit and it falls to the ground, its neck bent at a weird angle, as Cody just looks confused.
"It happened again.....There must be a connection here…Hmm" Cody thought as Skipper goes ahead, so Cody pursues watching Skipper battle, but no more Pokémons died, after an hour worth of walking, Cody finds a nice spot next to a ledge and camps for the night.
"Ok so if May isn’t here tomorrow evening we leave" Cody says to skipper as they both go to sleep, as Skipper sleeps soundly, Cody is plagued by the current events, waking up several times from nightmares and by the time its morning, had barely sleep 2 hours that night, as he does his morning rituals, just minus the jog, and he founds a cold pond to use instead of a shower.
It wasn't until midday, when Cody heard a sound.
"May that you?" Cody shouted out, as a figure appears, clouded in Shadows.
"No I am not this "May" you speak off" Says the figure, clouded in shadows.
"Well who are you?" Cody asked, preparing to pick up a nearby tree branch.
"I wouldn’t do that if I were you, I come here to tell you something important" The figure says, indicating to the stick and it explodes, making splinters go everywhere.
"Now with that gone, I must ask you, have you seen.....Strange things occurring, such as pokemon dying when you defeat them?" The figure asks, as Cody looks confused.
"Yes, how do you know about that?" Cody asks, curious now to see what the figure knew.
"Well first to answer your earlier question, I don’t have a name anymore, so just call me.....M" The figure says, after a pause of thought.
"Now to answer your current question, I know a lot more than you think, and I have been watching you ever since you left Littleroot Town....god I sound like a stalker" M says, as he mutters the last part, which Cody barely heard.
"Now you’re probably filled to the brim with questions, I will answer one of them now. What’s happening has happened before, about 300 hundred years ago, now there hasn’t been much progress since then in technology, but there was a legend, of 3 heroes destined to save the world from this threat known as....The "Nuzlocke" Case, but there was a price..."M says, trailing off.
"What was the price?" Cody asked, knowing the answer wouldn’t be very good.
"Well there were 10 Nuzlockers at that time, 3 of them the warriors, but you see for them to succeed they had to kill the other Nuzlockers, and defeat every league......The strongest of them, Larry defeated the Sinnoh in no time at all, but was swiftly defeated by the Hoenn league champ, Steven and wasn’t seen again. The next Simon didn’t get past the Elite 4 of Johto, before his lost. Then Maxie, the third and final warrior, now he beat the Unova, Sinnoh and Hoenn leagues, but disappeared on the way to the Johto, ever since then the Nuzlocke cases have gotten worse, more.....deadly" M carries on.
"So what does this have to with me?"
"Well it seems that they have found a way to use this as a virus, it had ups and downs through"
"That doesn’t answer my question......"
"That’s because I haven’t finished yet, now where was I? Oh yes, the Nuzlocke virus, now as you see there are 2 main benefits from this:
1. It gives the user the ability to regenerate, which is why you survived that accident
2. It gives them extraordinary pokemon training abilities, so Skipper will became stronger quicker
So you understand so far?" M asks, as Cody looks at Skipper and he nods his head.
"Good, now where there’s advantages, disadvantages aren’t far behind, now before you go any further you must listen to what I say VERY carefully" M says, as he pulls out a book.
"What’s that?" Cody asks, pointing to the weird book in the shadowy figures hands.
"Oh this? This is a Nuzlocke volume, it tells you the story of the Nuzlocker who owns this, and this was Larry’s if I am not mistaken...." M says, looking it over and then nodding.
"Yep, it is" He adds, almost as his talking to himself.
"So what does Larry's book have to do with me?"
"Everything Cody, it holds all the secrets of the Hoenn Region, along with Larry’s experiences and memories" M says, as Cody swears he saw a little smile on M's shadowy face.
"And now it’s all yours" M says, as he pulled out several more copies.
"Really? For me? Why?" Cody asks, as he is suddenly filled with a million questions.
"Because, it belongs to the next warrior of legend of course" He says, handing him it and 3 more.
"Who owned these?" Cody asks, as he feels a familiar presence coming from 3 of the books.
"Well, the green one I handed you was Larry’s, this red one is Simon's book, the blue one is Maxies, I believe his will be most useful, and the last one is a blank one for you" M says, as he starts to fade a little.
"But why am I getting these? Why do I need one?" Cody asks, as he looks at the massive volumes in his hands.
"Simple, because a new prophecy has appeared it tells of a nuzlocker, the most powerful ever seen, and how he will finally defeat Red" M says, as he starts to fade a little more.
"Does that mean? ...."
"Yep, I have reason to believe you’re him, since Red has already used Team Aqua to try and kill you and all" M says, as he starts to go fuzzy and fades even more,
"What’s happening?!" Cody demands, as he sees M fade more.
"My time here is up, I must return, I will see you again Cody" M says, as Cody knows this time he sees a smile, smiling as he disappears in a flash of light and Cody’s vision goes Black, as the last thing he hears is Mays voice crying out his name.
Meanwhile in an alternative dimension/world.
“M, are you sure this is him?” A red shadowy figure asks, as they watch Cody collapse from their world.
“Yes, I am certain it is him” M says, as he turns blue.
“M you know how dangerous those books could be in the wrong hands right? I mean they hold the secret to defeating Red, plus why did you lie to the boy? Maxie never disappeared he-“
“You had better shut-up about that subject L, I told him all he needed to know at the time” M says, interrupting L as he glares at him.
“You had better be right, now let’s go. S requests our audience in the main hall” L said, taking one last look at the Human world and thought he saw someone he knew, but shook his head and walked over to M.
“Of course L, now let’s go meet S” M says, as the two of them disappear in a purple light.
Meanwhile in an unknown place on Mt Silver
“Red, the child has appeared, as planned” Team Aqua Boss Archie announces, as he and the boss of Team Magma, Maxie walk in.
“Perfect, Maxie ready Team Magma, Archie ready Team Aqua, knowing this warrior, he will make the exact same mistakes the ones before him made, and he will fall to my might,” He says, slamming his fist on the table.
“But sir, my Intel reports that he has made contact with….HIM” Maxie says, handing Red the report.
“Damnit M, always getting in my way….No matter, he wouldn’t have handed over the volumes to a child, even he isn’t that irresponsible, I mean, what if I got my hands on those books?” Red says, as a plan starts to take shape in his mind, as he starts to laugh.
“M, L, S, I crushed you’s once, I can do it again and will crush this boy as well” Red declares, as the entire room cracks up into evil, crazy laughter, except for one Magma Boss Maxie…..
Chapter 4
The Decision
"Where....Where am I?" Cody thought, as he drifted inside a white space.
"Is this death? Am I dead?"
"No....I can’t be dead, this must be my subconscious"
"Wrong human"
"Holy s****! Who the f*** are you? Where the hell are you?" Cody asks, as he spins around, looking for the figure which made the voice.
"You can’t see me? Oh well, you must be the owner of the new book of Nuzlockers, volume 60 I think it is...." The voice says, as he starts to mutter to himself.
"Umm I guess so"
"You guess so? Or know so?"
"Umm well M gave me my own book I guess...."
"Wait, M? Where have I heard that before....No matter, you must be here to sign the contract, as all Nuzlockers must to carry on” The voice says, as a black figure appears in front of Cody with a sheet of paper, with parts missing.
"Why are parts missing?" Cody asks, as he is handed the paper.
"Did this M character tell you anything?"
"Umm not really"
" *Sigh* guess I will have to tell you then, well its simple why its blank, because every contract is different, depending on the person depends on the restrictions they are given, but they must follow the two golden rules:
1. Any Pokémon’s that usually faint, die
2. and you can only catch one pokemon per route, usually the first
, but they can be edited to suit the persons style and also some Nuzlockers are male, some are female, some are 16 some are 30 so we have those gaps for them to fill out" The voice says, as a pen appears in front of Cody.
"Now sign it and be gone from my dimension" The voice says, as the figure disappears, leaving Cody all alone.
"What does he mean restrictions? Wait, do I get to add my own restrictions? So that means if I write, can only buy healing items....Hmmm….No spare spaces in the restriction area but one…." Cody thought as he read the 7 restrictions, following the guidelines that came with the contract to make the eighth and filled in the obvious gaps, like his name, gender, etc. And decides to edit a bit of the second rule.
Name: Cody Jameson
Age: 16
Gender: Male
1. Any Pokémon’s that faint die.
2. I must catch the first pokemon I see on the route, unless I have already caught it or it’s the evolved form of a pokemon on my party (EG if i have Wurmple, i can catch Silcoon or Cascoon).
3. Can only buy healing items.
4. Can only catch 1 legend (for the Regi’s, I can catch the Pokémon’s required, but not use them unless they were the first pokemon I saw on that route.
5. Can only use how many Pokémon’s that gym is using. (EG when I go up against the 2nd I can only use 2 Pokémon’s).
6. No doubling up on types. (EG if I have a Tailow (flying, normal) and a Whismur (normal) that is illegal).
7. Can’t use gift Pokémon’s and no trading is allowed (Starter is excluded from the gift pokemon section.
8. Can only use 1 pure type pokemon (Pokémon’s that evolve into dual types are not included in the pure type category).
Signed: C.J
"There, done" Cody says, looking for the figure, as it reappears in front on him, snatches it and disappears in a flash of light, as he covers his eyes and he blacks out again.......
Cody slowly opens his eyes, as he realises his wrapped in a blanket and next to a fire, as the sun sets in the distance.
"Argh, what happened?" He mutters, as he starts to get up.
"I would like to know that too" May says, as she appears with an arm filled with firewood and Cody yelps in surprise of her arrival.
"When did you? ...." He asks, as she dumps the wood in a pile.
"I've been here for 2 days waiting for you to wake up poo-brain" She says poking the fire with a stick.
"So, what did your dad say?" Cody asks, as he stretches his arms and legs, ignoring the insult.
"He wasn’t happy with the request, but he gave me a pokemon and this to give to you" She says, as she rummages in her bag until she pulls out a letter and hands it to him.
Cody takes it and opens it, and reads it.
"So, what does it say?" May asks, going back to her poking the fire with a stick.
"Just a notice for the funeral, and a message from my father, it says he awaits my arrival at...Where the hell is Petalburg City?!” Cody asks, shaking his head.
“Jeez, I just got here and my dad expects me to know where everywhere is already? Bah I know I am smart, but I don’t know much about this region, let alone its cities….”Cody mutters to himself, forgetting that May is there.
“Ummm, I can take you there, you know after our battle tomorrow” May suggests, as Cody grins.
“Ah, so you want to join me in my quest of vengeance eh? Well the more the merrier, but first I will test your strength-Now” Cody says, pulling out Skippers Pokeball.
May sighs, as she pulls out her own.
“I thought you would want to battle immediately, but I won’t go easy even if you just woke up, go Treecko” May says, throwing the Pokeball up in the air and a Treecko erupts from it and appears on the ground in a flash of red exclaiming “Treecko”
“Hmmm a Treecko eh? Type advantage or not, Skipper will take it down, Go Skipper battlestation” Cody yells as he does a cricket bowling action to hurl the ball into the air and Skipper erupts from the air from the Pokeball and lands on the ground and lets loose
“Now Skipper use Mudslap!” Cody commands, as Treecko is caught off guard and mud is hit straight into its face, doing minimal damage.
“Damnit, Treecko use Pound” May commands, as Treecko slams its tail into Skipper, sending him flying.
“Hmmm so it seems I underestimated you, but no matter, Skipper use Mudtackle!” Cody commands, as Skipper covers itself in mud and slams into Treecko, covering its body in mud as the mud dries.
“What?!” May exclaims, completely caught off-guard by the combo.
“Now with Treecko immobilised, climb to the top of the tree and finish it with an aerial tackle” Cody commands, as Skipper rans up the tree, utters a war cry and lunges at the Treecko, as May bows her head in defeat.
“Sorry Treecko” She says, as Skipper slams into the Pokemon, smashing the mud and knocking out Treecko.
“Treecko return” May says, as the Pokemon disappears in a ray of red light and back into the Pokeball, as the battlefield is shrouded in the last of the days rays, turning it red and all dramatic looking.
May looks at Cody as he checks on Skipper, and smiles.
“It seems what dad said is true, he is the chosen one” May thought to herself, as she walks over to him.
“So, how did I do?” She asks, as Skipper hops onto Cody’s head.
“Well me and Skipper have decided that you’re pretty average, I mean you’re the only trainer I’ve versed, but I can say that if you trained harder, you could’ve done better” Cody says, shrugging and walks off to the camp, as May fumes.
“And to think I actually thought he had changed” May thought, shaking her head, as he was still the same Cody she had originally meet in the hospital, and walks off after him.
“So, have you considered my proposal?” May asked, as they reached the camp, which was only 2 minutes away from their battlefield.
“Yes, and I do need a guide….I know how this can benefit both of us, I can help you train your Pokémon’s, and you can teach me about the Hoenn Region, deal?” Cody asks, offering his hand for a handshake.
May looks at the hand, and then back to Cody’s unemotional face.
“Deal” She says finally shaking his hand.
“As long as you give me my privacy” She adds quickly, as Cody grins.
“Only if you give me mine May” He says, as he hops into his sleeping bag and goes to sleep, as May puts out the fire, and Skipper puts mud on it, and goes to bed. Skipper curls up into a ball and also goes to sleep, as the group is being watched by 2 figures in the distance.
“You sure that’s him M?” S asks, as the blue figure looks at him.
“Of course it is, can’t you sense his spirit, it’s…..Unique” He says, grinning.
“You better be right…” The yellow figure trails off, as both him, M and S knew the risks behind this all, as both him and M disappear in a flash of orange light, which goes unnoticed by the sleeping pair not that far away…
Thats all the edited chapters for now, but expect more when I am done :P
So many emerald Nuzlockes, this is getting confusing.

@Phadunk, it's a shame about Mach, but I don't think Nina is a massive loss. Ninjask has a terrible movepool and Shedinja is a massive pain in a Nuzlocke.
Also, raise that Taillow! It will completely wreck Brawly, and I always find Swellow to be pretty decent in game. (Unless you're not using TMs).
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