Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

I love the Amp Plains' music myself! My Sky exploration team is very Pikachu-oriented, so I have the Amp Plains and the dungeon that had Rayquaza (Sky Stairway?) just to get those Pikachu-line-only items, such as a Volt Globe for the Ground immunity (I recall getting nailed by a Nidoking's Earth Power on the way to Giratina), not to mention experience for my team members.

QWAZ: Obbmudd's Tyrogue needs higher Attack than Defense to evolve into Hitmonlee; those Fighting-type Pokémon had better give out lots of Attack EV's.
I'm considering abandoning my Red Scramble, mainly because I wouldn't be able to do prose updates as impressively as the several other prose updaters', and my bullet-point updates wouldn't be as entertaining as Jimera0's. Instead of a Red Scramble, I am thinking of doing a Red Solo Frenzy, where every major battle would be Soloed. I already have an idea on how the updates would go. What do you guys think? Should I go with a Red Scramble, or a Red Solo Frenzy?
P.S. If I go with the Solo Frenzy, the people that gave me submissions for the Scramble (this includes Arceustar, even though he only Reserved.) would have instant reservations.
Why would you quit just because an update wouldn't be "as good"?

It doesn't matter! Just so long as you have fun :)
You have a good point. I could just get on with the Scramble, but I think that if some nobody (me) just demanded Scamblemons from 6 users, only to be nothing special or even bad in his presentation, that nobody would leave a bad first impression and thus feel like he wasted everybody else's time.

Alternatively, you could turn your Red Scramble into a Red Solo Frenzy.
Just ask people to crank up the soloing a ton.
There's just one problem with that, and that is the already accepted Scramblemons. While extra Soloes could make sense on some of them, (have Physical Solo the Fighting Dojo to Evolve to Venusaur, etc. I'm not sure how I could add extra Soloes while still retaining their character.
How so? I know a lot of us, myself included, like to post prose updates. That's because we personally enjoy writing them to accompany our Scrambles. The whole point of these runs is to have fun, right? That's what we want to encourage, regardless of what sort of updates (if any!) you might post. So, don't worry about it and go have fun! ;)
Just because you take a challenge, doesn't mean you have to keep users updated on your progress. If you want to update, it's entirely up to you; NO ONE is forcing you to keep Smogon posted on your challenge. In fact, if you really want to, you could only do one update at the end.

Unrelated, but I'd like to say thank you to the moderator who respects our "weird" traditions...Much appreciated! (Looks at the title of the thread)

EDIT: I've also revived #scramble on the IRC Network! Users may come & go anytime they wish, but be sure to join!
Yesterday I asked a couple moderators to change the thread's name back to the original spelling, but it seems another mod keeps changing it back to "challenge." If it happens again, just PM one of the OI moderators, it is really easy to change the name of a thread and shouldn't be too much trouble.

It also might help if you put the disclaimer that was at the top of the original thread into the OP of this thread.
Just because you take a challenge, doesn't mean you have to keep users updated on your progress. If you want to update, it's entirely up to you; NO ONE is forcing you to keep Smogon posted on your challenge. In fact, if you really want to, you could only do one update at the end.
True, but I don't want to leave people curious about how it's going, only for me to only give an End of Scramble announcement with just MVP-LVP standings and a description of each Poke, which is why I plan on updating where I find necessary.

Currently, I think that cranking the difficulty up to eleven and having to Solo the majority of major battles in the game (hence the "Solo Frenzy" idea) would be more exciting for me, and more entertaining for you, but I don't want to have wasted the time of everybody who submitted/reserved Scramblemons for my Scramble. I will be deciding whether I'll go with the Scramble or the "Solo Frenzy" by the end of the week.
Hey everybody!

I have done the unthinkable, and written about 1500 words for the next chapter of my FireRed Scramble! Who remembers that? Nobody? Excellent.

I forgot how fun writing fiction was.

8luh on essays.
@User: Yay, update us on your Scramble!

In other news, I still don't really have time to write my Scramble updates, and I'm trying to find the motivation to write as well.
A new chapter of Platinum is up!

In this one, I fight Fantina, and dunk her just like I dunk everyone else with pokemon that are super overleveled.
@User: Yay, update us on your Scramble!

In other news, I still don't really have time to write my Scramble updates, and I'm trying to find the motivation to write as well.

Unfortunately, I don't have enough to warrant an update - and what I do have done is actually mid-battle, so I won't be updating right away.

I'm sitting on Cinnabar right now, having gone through the Seafoam islands for the first time in any playthrough since my first time through the game. In the writing, I have just entered Silph Co. I may split this into two updates, depending on word volume - There's a fair bit of exposition coming. This far into the story, I need to be more careful about setting things up for the end goal I have in mind. Also, I'm trying to be much more conscious of having my character take on too much on his own. I hope it still reads well.

Don't worry about a lack of motivation, just make sure that you write something that you're happy with. The absolute worst thing is writing for someone else rather than yourself. Don't feel beholden to us to update.

E: Well, something screwed up somewhere along the way.

Also, 100 posts. I don't think you people celebrate that here, so I'm not doing anything.
Prose Scramble: rules and things

Ok, as almost everyone wants me to do a prose scramble, I will do one. This is the place for all of the rules and regulations. I will not officiall begin until next Thursday.


1). I must have creativity! If you all want me to do this thing, you had better give me something to work with.
2). This will be a Platnium Scramble.
3). The difficulty will top out and mid-level medium.
4). There will be no reservations except ShinySkarmory. Reservations will be void. I will allow up to three submissions for each user. I will then pick the best 5. Shiny gets the auto-reservation because he spearheaded the entire operation.
5). Give me decent mons. Give me mons that aren't a pain. I don't have to have the best in the game, but give me something that I won't regret.
6). No honey tree mons. no explaination needed.
7). No killing off other scramble-mons.
8). No impossible evolution restrictions. Don't espect me to take a challenge where Wingull must solo Volkner to evolve.
9). No more than 2 GL solos.
10). If I have to solo anything with any mon, a reason is needed.
11). Read the mons of other people before making one. I don't want 6 mons that have to solo Volkner.
12). Don't give me a challenge that you wouldn't do yourself.
13). This Scramble will be dark and action-packed. Just a warning.
14). No coin-flipping every time to attack. Sorry about that...
15). No drudgery.

Mons to be accepted:
1). Shiny's mon (will be accepting one of them)
2). StallMandibuzz's Angry Gyarados
3). Tetrinity's Polite Luxray
4). User 18's Musical Krikitune
5). Naix's crazy Eevee
6). Jimera's Goodly-evil Houndoom
Hmmm, I definitely have a Mon for you, KS. Editing as we speak. ^_^

KS, take Anger the Magikarp. Now, this Magikarp is pissed off at the world, and for good reason, since everyone makes fun of its' species in general for being 'weak' and 'pathetic', along with a few other reasons. Since I'm not a mean person, there are no restrictions whatsoever until you evolve it. Then the fun begins. Originally, Anger was a happy, surprisingly intelligent Magikarp that lived on an offshore cave with its' parents. But one day, someone by the name of Cyrus came to this cave and attacked Anger's parents. Despite Anger's best efforts, its' mother was killed by Cyrus' Honchkrow, and its' father was caught by Cyrus. Seeing Anger as a useless Pokémon, Cyrus orders his Honchkrow to kill it, but it miraculously survives the attempt. Soon afterwards, you catch the Magikarp, and notice it has a very belligerent attitude, attacking anything that it saw to attempt to cope. It must participate in at least one major battle before evolving, although it doesn't have to attack. Once it evolves, its' rage amplifies, and now it has the means to enact its' revenge on Cyrus for what he has done. First off, because of its' trauma, it can not use moves above 100BP, and when sent out into a battle, it goes into a violent rage, and will only listen to the first command you give it before going wild. Randomly pick a move each turn to imitate disobedience.

Because of the severe trauma that Cyrus put on Anger with the death of his mother and capture of his father, Anger must take out at least one of Cyrus' Pokémon in the Ruins and Headquarters, and he must solo Cyrus in the Distortion World. Have fun. :O
How about randomly picking a move to imitate disobedience? Since Gyarados are naturally angry and disobedient, I thought it fit, although I do see how constant coin-flipping would get irritating.
KS, take a Shinx called Gentleman (if male) or FairLady (if female).

First and foremost, Shinx must have Rivalry as its ability. This Shinx always puts the opposite sex first - if it could hold a door open for them, then it'd be doing so all day long if it had to. Unfortunately, its preference for the opposite sex had led to an ugly disdain for those of the same sex, whom Shinx feels are not respectful enough. The consequences of this character defect have far reaching consequences.

If Rivalry would boost the power of a move, Shinx may only attack directly using its most powerful attack (after STAB and effectiveness). If Rivalry would lower the power of a move, Shinx may only attack directly using its least powerful attack (after STAB and effectiveness, ignoring immunities). If Rivalry has no effect (i.e. opponent is genderless), then Shinx may use any move it likes.

There are no requirements to evolve into Luxio. However, to evolve into Luxray, it must solo Crasher Wake (if male) or Fantina (if female), as Luxio considers these people to be especially masculine/feminine. Byron is clearly more manly than Crasher Wake, but soloing a Steelix seems a bit tough...
King Serperior, take Variable the Eevee. Variable must be the first Eevee you get that has Adaptability. Variable despises routine and loves to shake things up every now and then, so it is always under the effect of Torment. It also, for the sake of variety, may not fight 2 Pokemon of the same type in a row (Bronzong and Scizor, for example). Whenever Variable is able to learn a move by level-up, it must learn said move. What you Evolve Variable into is determined by its Nature. If +Atk, Flareon. If +Defense, Umbreon. If +SpA, Espeon. If +SpD, Vaporeon. If +Spe, Jolteon. If Variable's Nature is neutral, flip a coin (I'm sorry, I couldn't think of any other way to decide). If heads, Leafeon, while if it lands tails, Glaceon. Also, you may only Evolve Variable at a level where it would learn a new move (22, 29, etc.).
I'll give this a shot. I totally should be writing, as people have expressed interest in reading my updates (okay, just one person recently xD), but whatever.

KS, take a Kricketot, and name it whatever you like.

This Kricketot is a master percussionist, and knows how to create the best grooves. Share your grooves with the world by soloing ten trainers, including one battle of gym trainer or greater importance, in order to evolve to Kricketune.

After evolving, your pokemon has branched out from its origins as a percussionist into the more melodic string instruments, but it has not forgotten its roots. Choose one move it learned as a Kricketot to keep forever.

Now that it has evolved, it wants to compose varied and unique melodies. Learn moves of four different types, to represent four different notes. Because the lines composed by this pokemon are so varied, you may never use the same melody (or pattern of moves) twice in a row. The easiest way to avoid this is to never lead against a new pokemon with the same move as you led against the last pokemon with. (If this part is a bit confusing, ask for clarification.)

Now, you must share your melodies with the world. Solo as many Kricketot, Kricketune, and musically-themed Trainers as possible that you encounter on your adventure, to share your songs with the world. If a solo conflicts, don't do it. It's that simple.

Finally, this Kricketune's goal is to bring the team together through the beauty of music. Solo one gym leader of your choice as a Kricketune, as well as at least one of Cyrus' Distortion World pokemon to show team loyalty.

Optionally, whenever one of your pokemon faints, you must switch to Kricketune, and get off at least one attack before switching, in the interest of team support and unity.

I'll give this a shot. I totally should be writing, as people have expressed interest in reading my updates (okay, just one person recently xD), but whatever.

KS, take a Kricketot, and name it whatever you like.

This Kricketot is a master percussionist, and knows how to create the best grooves. Share your grooves with the world by soloing ten trainers, including one battle of gym trainer or greater importance, in order to evolve to Kricketune.

After evolving, your pokemon has branched out from its origins as a percussionist into the more melodic string instruments, but it has not forgotten its roots. Choose one move it learned as a Kricketot to keep forever.

Now that it has evolved, it wants to compose varied and unique melodies. Learn moves of four different types, to represent four different notes. Because the lines composed by this pokemon are so varied, you may never use the same melody (or pattern of moves) twice in a row. The easiest way to avoid this is to never lead against a new pokemon with the same move as you led against the last pokemon with. (If this part is a bit confusing, ask for clarification.)

Now, you must share your melodies with the world. Solo as many Kricketot, Kricketune, and musically-themed Trainers as possible that you encounter on your adventure, to share your songs with the world. If a solo conflicts, don't do it. It's that simple.

Finally, this Kricketune's goal is to bring the team together through the beauty of music. Solo one gym leader of your choice as a Kricketune, as well as at least one of Cyrus' Distortion World pokemon to show team loyalty.

Optionally, whenever one of your pokemon faints, you must switch to Kricketune, and get off at least one attack before switching, in the interest of team support and unity.


Help asked. Also, what does "GLHF" mean?
Help asked. Also, what does "GLHF" mean?

GLHF = Good Luck, Have Fun

I felt it was appropriate, seeing as you're undertaking a project, and you want to enjoy it.

Basically, what it means is that if you're battling a Trainer, and they send out their first pokemon, you can use any moves in any combination. When you knock out the first pokemon, and they send in the second, use any move except the move you used first against the first pokemon. Then you may use any move you like.

For example, if you have a Kricketune that knows Growl, X-Scissor, Aerial Ace and Toxic:

Vs. First pokemon: Aerial Ace, X-Scissor, KO.
Vs. Second pokemon: (Any move except Aerial Ace) - Toxic, Aerial Ace, KO.
Vs. Third pokemon: (Any move except Toxic) - Aerial Ace, Aerial Ace, KO.

This is an acceptable pattern. Basically, never lead with the same move twice in a row within a battle. However, if you battle two pokemon from a trainer with four pokemon, and they are not in order, you can lead with the same move.

I hope this clears things up - I have the concept clear in my mind, but I don't know exactly how to explain it.
King Serperior, take Variable the Eevee. Variable must be the first Eevee you get that has Adaptability. Variable despises routine and loves to shake things up every now and then, so it is always under the effect of Torment. It also, for the sake of variety, may not fight 2 Pokemon of the same type in a row (Bronzong and Scizor, for example). Whenever Variable is able to learn a move by level-up, it must learn said move. What you Evolve Variable into is determined by its Nature. If +Atk, Flareon. If +Defense, Umbreon. If +SpA, Espeon. If +SpD, Vaporeon. If +Spe, Jolteon. If Variable's Nature is neutral, flip a coin (I'm sorry, I couldn't think of any other way to decide). If heads, Leafeon, while if it lands tails, Glaceon.

Does the learn every new LU move pass on to the Eeveeloutions as well?
Submitting another mon for King Serperior.
Take Dracula the Gligar. Because Dracula is a vampire, he must never be sent into battle outside during the day, and must always know a Dark-type damaging move. All is well for Dracula until he finds out about... it... and its degradation of vampires for commercial gain, not to mention the sheer number of it...'s fangirls and thus must Solo a female gym leader. After the Solo, Dracula may evolve, and must learn one of the elemental fangs. Eventually, Dracula learns that his name has to do with dragons, but mistranslates it to "dragon slayer" and thus must Solo every Dragon Tamer in the game and Cynthia's Garchomp.
EDIT: About the question, yes it does.