Okay, since my original Black Scramble has been sacked in lieu of a Black Scramblocke, I am reposting my rules. I am requesting twelve Pokémon from across Unova until hitting the E4.
-Will not trade (unless it's to evolve a Pokemon)
-I'd like to see personality in the challanges for the Pokemon (ex, X fears bugs and cannot face bug type Pokemon, est.)
-Pokemon number one must be one of the starters, I don't care which one it is though
-No Legendaries
-No Profane or racist nicknames
-No impossible challenges (i.e: Solo Lance with a Magikarp, or beat Clair with a Caterpie.)
-Going 'til Alder
-Killing all Legendaries (Volcarona included, forced to catch Reshiram)
-No I.Q. challanges. >_> (Already have Stupid the Shuckle to deal with, don't need another.)
-Can refuse requests
And the all-important Nuzlocke rules:
1. If a Pokémon faints, it has died, and can no longer be used. It must then be placed into a grave box.
2. I will be nicknaming my Pokémon, because they are my friends, and each loss will be devastatingly difficult to deal with.
3: Each of my Pokémon will be coming from different routes, to at least attempt to keep the Nuzlocke roots alive.
My Pokémon so far:
1: SirRobin the Pawniard
2: SQUICK! the Venipede
3. Doomsday the Pidove
[I also realized that finding good Pokémon is harder since Unova is isolated from everywhere else. :x ]
@StallMandibuzz: You can make it so SirRobin does not have to use Iron Defense before attacking. I figured that that was a bit cruel. He still must learn it though. I changed it the original post and just wanted to let you know.
Anyway, good luck!