How did you choose your Dark Horse Pokemon for this project? What lead you to choose the Pokemon you did? Did you have regrets or were you happy with your selection?
-I chose Crobat as he has been one of my favourites since he was released in GSC, as well as possessing fantastic speed with decent bulk and attacking potential, and typing that granted 4x resistances to fighting and bug. Lower down the ladder he tended to perform better, as people didn't expect a taunt or a powerful Brave Bird. Later, it became harder to switch him in and he was less effective in general.
-Cradily is a poke I'd used with some success in DPPt. His 376/322/376 defences in Sandstorm, along with access to recover, is quite frankly amazing. Combined with a water immunity, he was almost impossible to break down with unboosted special attacks. Weaknesses to fighting and bug with lack of decent offence meant it could sometimes allow free switchins to 'mons such as Scizor, never a good thing.
How did you go about building a team for your Dark Horse Pokemon? Which kinds of teammates did you consider? What factors contributed to the team you created?
-Obviously with Cradily I needed SS to be up. Cradily itself had SR so I went with a banded Ttar as my weather starter. Scarftran provided a nice special attacking boost as well as acting as a nasty surprise (why do most people leave their Heatran in when I switch mine in on them? WHY?). The last two slots were a bit more up in the air. Volt Switch Forry provided spikes/spin support with the ability to give me some momentum. (Crobat/Forry Volt-turn combo FTW). The final slot started out as SD luke, but went through several changes and I never found a permanent member.
Do you think it is more difficult or less difficult to ladder with a Dark Horse Pokemon? Why? Does the element of surprise play a factor in your battles? Is it easier to fight with a "highly used"" team or with Pokemon that are less common?
-Cradily in particular benefitted from being rarely used. I got so many free turns from stuff like Starmie that thought a LO Ice Beam would do something (~20%

). It's also hilarious when Gyara come in, set up 2 DD's and waterfall for no damage while I easily 3HKO with Rock Slide.
(For Non-Hall of Fame members only) What was the most challenging aspect of this project? What did you learn the most from your experience with Dark Horse Pokemon? How has your learning from this project changed the way you battle?
-The most challenging aspect was facing some 'mons this team just wasn't built for. Notable examples include Double-dance Haxorus who just raped my team after a DD+SD, which I had trouble preventing, and Alakazam, although that wasn't too bad as Tran outsped and Cradily was 2HKOd, allowing me to get a hit in.
I did manage to exceed 1300 rating a couple of times, but never managed much higher, both to pokemon mentioned above and just plain being outplayed (and, of course, hax).
I've already started making my team for next month with a new Dark Horse, testing it out on the PO server. Going Ok so far (approaching 1200 ranking) but we'll see how it does higher up/on smogon.