<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Mimic has little competitive use. First of all, the copied move resets when the user switches out, meaning even if the user copies a good move, it will not have it for the entire battle. Second, Mimic is often a wasted moveslot since the Pokemon will prefer a more reliable coverage move.</p>
[HIDE=Mind Reader]
<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Mind Reader has little competitive use because its effects are easily negated by the opponent switching out. Furthermore, a combination takes two turns of Mind Reader and an attack, leaving the user susceptible. The Pokemon would also lose a valuable moveslot, better used for a coverage or set-up move.</p>
<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Lock-On is an exact equivalent.</p>
[HIDE=Mirror Coat]
<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Mirror Coat is a good move on a few Pokemon; the rest are better off attacking than taking hits. Most notable is Wobbuffet, who has Shadow Tag to trap the opponent, allowing it to eliminate troublesome special attackers without fear of them switching out. It should be noted, though, that this leaves it unable to hit special attacking Dark-types. In general, Pokemon with high HP that draw special attacks are the best users of this move. A Focus Sash user can use this move to function as an emergency "revenge" killer, though this tactic is unreliable.</p>
<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Counter is a Fighting-type move that has the same effect for physical attacks.</p>
[HIDE=Mirror Move]
<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Mirror Move has little competitive use, as rarely is the move used by the opponent useful against said opponent. Furthermore, the move is only copied for that turn, giving the opponent too much control over the move you copy.</p>
[HIDE=Mirror Shot]<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Mirror Shot has little competitive use. It is weak compared other special Steel-type attacks, has poor accuracy, and to top it all off, Steel is a bad offensive typing anyway. The chance to lower accuracy is also not a significant perk as relying on lowering the opponent's accuracy is an unreliable tactic.</p>
<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Flash Cannon is a more powerful Steel-type option.</p>
<p>Octazooka is a Water-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Mud Bomb is a Ground-type equivalent.</p> [/HIDE]
[HIDE=Mist]<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Mist has little competitive use. As moves that lower stats are quite rare, there is little benefit to protecting your team from them. Furthermore, the moves that do occasionally lower stats have a low chance, which won't impact one's play. Another thing to consider is the moveslot required—most Pokemon have better things to do.</p>[/HIDE]
[HIDE=Mist Ball]
<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Mist Ball is a move exclusive to Latias, and while the 50% chance to lower the opponent's Special Attack is useful, the moves Psychic or Psyshock are preferred for their power. Most of Latias's targets are not affected much by a Special Attack drop either, as most of them are walls.</p>[/HIDE]
<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Moonlight is somewhat unreliable as the recovery is cut down by sandstorm and rain, two common weather conditions. Furthermore, it only has 8 maximum PP, which can be easily stalled out. For these reason, not many Pokemon use Moonlight. However, on a sun team, or if there is no other alternative, some Pokemon, such as Cresselia, may use Moonlight for healing.</p>
<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Morning Sun in an equivalent.</p>
<p>Synthesis is an equivalent.</p> [/HIDE]
[HIDE=Morning Sun]<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Moonlight is somewhat unreliable as the recovery is cut down by sandstorm and rain, two common weather conditions. Furthermore, it only has 8 maximum PP, which can be easily stalled out. For these reason, not many Pokemon use Moonlight. However, on a sun team, or if there is no other alternative, some Pokemon, such as Espeon, may use Moonlight for healing.</p>
<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Moonlight is an equivalent.</p>
<p>Synthesis is an equivalent.</p> [/HIDE]
[HIDE=Mud Bomb]<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Mud Bomb has little competitive use as it is weak and inaccurate. The chance to lower accuracy is also not a big draw, since lowering an opponent's accuracy is an unreliable tactic. Mud Bomb is eclipsed by Earth Power, which is both more powerful and more accurate.</p>
<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Earth Power is a more powerful option.</p>
<p>Octazooka is a Water-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Mirror Shot is a Steel-type equivalent.</p> [/HIDE]
[HIDE=Mud Shot]<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>For the most part, Mud Shot should not be used competitively since it is weak. However, the secondary effect to lower the target's Speed is desirable for some Pokemon to turn a potential check switching in into a non-threat. Other than this, however, one should always use Earth Power.</p>
<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Icy Wind is an Ice-type equivalent.</p> [/HIDE]
[HIDE=Mud Sport]<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Mud Sport should not be used competitively. The majority of Pokemon with access to this move are immune to Electric-type attacks, and those that aren't would prefer switching to a teammate immune or resistant to Electric-type attacks to put pressure on the opponent.</p>
[HIDE=Muddy Water]
<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Muddy Water is generally inferior to Surf, which is more accurate and has the same power. Muddy Water's secondary effect is negligible too: lowering accuracy is an unreliable tactic since the opponent can simply switch out and reset any changes made.</p>
<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Mud-Slap has little competitive use, mainly because there are many more powerful options. Although there is a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy, this effect can be negated by the foe simply switching out.</p>[/HIDE]