Claiming from my first two wins in a looooooooooooong time (11 matches, to be exact): and
From the first, I claim 2 TC, bringing me to 11 CC.
Harry (Volcarona) gets 3 MC and 1 KOC. I'll put the KOC into my CC, bringing me to 12, and I'll spend his 3 MC plus the 1 he had to buy him Hidden Power [Ground 7] and Safeguard (BW TM). He now has 0 MC, and his move total is 32.
Ginny (Duosion) gets 1 EC (2 with KOC) and 2 MC. This brings her to 8/9 EC and 2 MC.
Spit Fyre (Tropius) gets 2 MC and 1 DC. He's now at 1/5 DC, and I'll spend the MC on Whirlwind and Body Slam (BW Level-Up), leaving him with 0 MC. For my reference, his move total is now 14.
The second has much more to claim, including 4 TC that bring my total to 16.
Septimus Heap (Flarelm) gets 1 EC, 2 MC, and 1 DC, bringing him to 6/9 EC and 3/5 DC. I'll spend those MC on SolarBeam (BW TM), leaving him with 0 MC. His move total is 18.
Silas Heap (Bulbasaur, now Ivysaur) gets 1 EC (3 with KOC), 2 MC, and 1 DC (3 with KOC). (What a pro, getting 4 KOC in a 6-vs-6 match. :D) He now has 7/9 EC and 5/5 DC, unlocking Chlorophyll (awesome). I'll spend the MC on Venoshock (BW TM), bringing him to 0 MC and a move total of 18.
Sarah Heap (Cherubi) gets 1 EC and 2 MC. She now has 3/6 EC and 3 MC, which I will spend on Worry Seed (BW Level-Up) and Hidden Power [Rock 7] (BW TM), leaving her with 0 MC and a 16 move total.
Boy 409 (Sewaddle) gets 1 EC (2 with KOC), 2 MC, and 1 DC. He now has 3/9 EC and 2/5 DC, and I'll spend his MC on Safeguard (BW TM), leaving him with 0 MC and a 14 move total.
Alther Mella (Exeggcute) gets 1 EC (2 with KOC), 2 MC, and 1 DC. He now has 3/6 EC and 2/5 DC, and I'll spend his MC on Sludge Bomb (BW TM), leaving him with 0 MC and an 18 move total.
Last, Marcia Overstrand (Deerling) gets 1 EC, 2 MC, and 1 DC. She now has 3/6 EC and 2/5 DC, and I'll spend her MC on Flash (BW TM), leaving her with 0 MC and an 18 move total.