5th Generation & Pickup
Pickup only works if you don't run.
Carrying 6 Pickup Mons and defeating a wild poke:
It cycles 7 times after battle if you don't get a pickup, 8 times if one gets a pickup, hence a calc proccing another calc immediately after.
Exiting Seed from the battle is considered the Initial Seed for this post:
Pickup Table located here, although the placement for the 1%'s is off. Prism Scale is 98 for level 100 (leftovers is 99).

Pickup only works if you don't run.
Carrying 6 Pickup Mons and defeating a wild poke:
It cycles 7 times after battle if you don't get a pickup, 8 times if one gets a pickup, hence a calc proccing another calc immediately after.
Exiting Seed from the battle is considered the Initial Seed for this post:
Advanced Once,
if SEED*100>>32 is < 10
then [SEED+1]*100>>32 for Pickup Item Value (0-99)
else, advance once and repeat for next slot.
6 iterations, there is one calc afterwards for something else.
Pickup Table located here, although the placement for the 1%'s is off. Prism Scale is 98 for level 100 (leftovers is 99).

0-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-94 95-97 98 99
30% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 5% 3% 1% 1%