For reference, here is the rest of my team.Someone will give me a starter egg from another region. Upon defeating Roark (which will be done without my starter if possible) and obtaining my second pokemon, I will trade my Sinnoh starter for any of the following eggs:
The Sinnoh starter I choose will be the same type as the Starter in my challenge.
This also allows you to give me some crazy egg moves if you like.
@HotDave: Take a Meditite named Broken. Your Meditite has mad skills when it comes to fighting, but it is mad that Medicham is NU. Your rival, named Eo, is one of the greatest OU battlers ever; for this, Broken hates him. Broken must KO three of his Pokemon every time you fight him after you get Broken (I don't know how many times this is). Broken must learn at least one HM move to show its superiority (it rocks with bad moves), and it must learn one STAB move of each type. It sympathizes with its NU brethren and may not even attack any Pokemon in the Elite Four that is in NU as of the most recent Gen IV tier list. However, it must KO every Pokemon in the Elite Four that is in the OU tier. It must also solo Cynthia's Garchomp.
@Hotdave: You get Boxer the (male) Duskull. This Duskull has seen Fighter so many times and has watched WWE for so many years that he HAS to be a fighter. It has to punch everything into the ground. Teach it Shadow Punch and any other elemental punch of your choice. Its nature determines it's next move
+Atk- Earthquake
+Def- Will-o-wisp
+SpAtk- Night Shade
+SpDef- Substitute
+Spd- Shadow Sneak
Neutral- Confuse Ray
To evolve into a Dusclops, it must solo Maylene. It has to evolve into Dusknoir after defeating Iron Island but before beating Byron.
HotDave, I'm giving you a bad ass, and useful, HM slave. It is the most bad ass of all HM slaves you will ever encounter!
It must learn only HM moves when it's possible to teach it HMs (pre-evolved it can learn Surf, Strength, Rock Smash, and Waterfall. After evolution it can learn Rock Climb). It must also be the highest level Pokemon in your party at all times. (edited to be a bit more fair)
*edit* Saw you had a nickname requirement. Nickname it Aspirin, because it's going to need a lot of it.
You get Dancer the Cacturne. It must know the on-site Evasive Subseed moveset (You will need a Heart Scale for Leech Seed). Have it solo Bertha (2nd Round).
You get Will the Drifloon.
He must be male. To show off his vast masculinity, Will can only use physical moves (status moves are fine too). Once the Fly HM is obtained and once he has evolved into Drifblim, he must be taught the move. Once you get Blackglasses from Celestic Town, he must be equipped with them.
I'm surprised no one besides me is preparing a Black and White scramble. Although I am familiarizing myself with the japanese import of Black before I attempt the scramble challenge on the US Black and White.
Its_A_Random said:Amarillo gets Ka-Boom!!! the Electrode, who must know & keep Explosion (Until then, It must know & keep SelfDestruct).
If Ka-Boom!!!'s health drops below 50% at anytime, it must use SelfDestruct/Explosion the next turn without hesitation. Must solo 3 E4 Pokemon.
Have Fun.
Added. Now to RNG for the winner.Take a Turtwig. It must know Substitute, Leech Seed, and Synthesis.
Fianl move is determined as follows:
+Atk=Razor Leaf
+SAtk=Wood Hammer
+Spd=Giga impact
Neutral=Anything but no SRing.
Solo every Pokemon in the game.
This is going to be a long solo run...Take a Turtwig. It must know Substitute, Leech Seed, and Synthesis.
Fianl move is determined as follows:
+Atk=Razor Leaf
+SAtk=Wood Hammer
+Spd=Giga impact
Neutral=Anything but no SRing.
Solo every Pokemon in the game.
PikminAlso, Sprocket, could you NN your Bulbasaur you gave me?