Question is, where do you even find Vulpix? I would assume the forest after so many points.
Added.I'm here for Dream World Friends.
My code is 3610 7032 8111 white version.
Also is there anyone listing down all of the people that are willing to exchange FCs (and interact at least once) for the sake of being DW neighbors? We should really all cooperate to get to 20000 points before DW service ends (March 31)...
0475 3406 8697 this is mine by the way. I'm in GMT+8 though so I may have different times than most people here... Still, we only need to interact once...
I'm just irked at how we need to send the Pokemon back to the game and back to DW just to confirm the friends though... The mood resets and only 2 trips to the areas before they empty up :/ I'd rather retain the max mood and get 4 trips ._. Or is there another method of adding neighbors that I don't know about?
After that, who among you have Chesto and Rawst Berries (in DW of course)? I'm rushing the modern house but found out that Chesto Berry is only available in the Sea... and Rawst Berry in the Sky (?)... I already have 250 Oran Berries (lol)
Speaking of droughttails...
37 ロコン ひでり - - あくのはどう -
60 ニョロモ すいすい - - - -
Those two are on the wiki now ^^. Vulpix with Dark Pulse (an actually decent move!) and Poliwag (no move listed). Seems like both of Dratini's moves are egg moves: Dragonbreath and Water Pulse. Elekid's special move is Magnet Rise and Natu's is Giga Drain. They haven't been wrong before.
Remember the 'notice' that was on the GL site while it was still down? Announcements kept spewing out and I kept translating them, and when they confirmed DW to be working (while GBU was already running), there was something along the lines of "End of Service: 2011/03/31". I couldn't find it again though... I'll navigate around the Pokémon JP site to see if I can find it. Hopefully I read it wrong though...Wait DW has a deadline? O_O Where is that from?
Wait what, really? After seeing each other in wifi, the details are confirmed already? Pretty sure doesn't work like that in Platinum... how convenient then!It wasn't needed though, all we needed to do was see each other.
I hear all of the magazine codes are one time use. I think My friend is gonna buy one and try out the code for getting Hoenn starters (which is on Nov. 20), let's see if I can use it.
Wait what, really? After seeing each other in wifi, the details are confirmed already? Pretty sure doesn't work like that in Platinum... how convenient then!
Also, about higher points = female... Actually from experience, if you get higher points you get two possible outcomes: male with special move or female.
I'll be in the wifi room for a while if anyone still needs to add me. I didn't hear about the DW service ending! I was hoping they'd be changing the rules a bit and stopping this one hour a day thing! I put my Pikachu coloured Pichu to sleep yesterday but he looks like a regular Pichu in the dream world.
I am going to Australia for a month on Friday so probably won't get much time for DW, I am not sure if I'll get wifi where I am going. I'll try and be in the wifi room today and tomorrow morning before I go to add anyone else.
I want to have the wooden house. I saw a picture of a castle somewhere! Does anyone know if that is obtainable? I am still only on 6,000 something points! How are you lot getting so many? Maybe I just rubbish at the mini games!! :)
Well once again, serebii isn't the most accurate site. I don't see any screenshots showing Vulpix/Poliwag so they're probably going by the same rumor we are.
I hear all of the magazine codes are one time use. I think My friend is gonna buy one and try out the code for getting Hoenn starters (which is on Nov. 20), let's see if I can use it.