Please direct all CMTs to RockinX. He has all the Pokemon listed here, OmegaDonut's included. OmegaDonut will not respond to CMT requests.
Also, just to be clear, I don't do third gen breeding projects.
Stuff Here Rarely\Never Found Elsewhere
Also, just to be clear, I don't do third gen breeding projects.
OmegaDonut said:I had some Pokemon that few people had and a lot of people wanted, but the hard truth is, I'm not interested in most stuff people have to offer. So I decided to put them in the care of someone who did.
- We don't trade with .pkm files. Fake GTS servers, Pokécheck, Pokésav, Pokégen or save files are out of the question so don't ask.
- If you want to trade, you MUST have an active trade thread here on Smogon. Don't link to other Pokémon forums when you CMT.
- Don't PM or VM us with CMTs unless a very high amount of time has passed after you CMTd on my thread.
- If we arrange a trade, do not cancel it later because you want to do it yourself now or because you found a "better" one from someone else or whatever. That's just rude and unfair... If you do that, do not expect to trade with me in the future.
- Please have someone clone your pokémon before we do a trade if you can't do it yourself. It's a huge hassle for me to clone a pokémon, so I will most likely not be willing to trade if you need me to clone it for you. Though in special cases, if you are fine with me only cloning my copy and then giving you back your poké, then I can do the cloning.
- If your Pokés can't be nicknamed, the chances of me wanting them are about 5%.
OmegaDonut said:I do not use an AR. However, I do backup my save files, either via flashcarts (4th gen) or using NuGaSa (Colo\XD) because I really don't feel like playing through it over and over just to score a half-decent Baton Pass Zapdos. No, I don't have 10 cartridges to download 10 copies of the TRU Arceus.
Some Pokémon are caught using an emulator, like the Sapphire Kyogre or the Selfdestruct Mewtwos. These Pokémon come from games where the RNG is very difficult, if not impossible, to manipulate without using one. You can be certain that anybody else who has Pokémon from these games also had to use an emulator to get them.
Most Pokémon listed in my section of the thread are ones that RockinX cannot nickname directly. However, those listed with the *NICKNAMEABLE!* tag are ones he can.
Stuff Here Rarely\Never Found Elsewhere
31\31\31\30\31\31, Timid (HP Electric 70)
Hatched at: Sandgem Town
Although the Mystery Gift algorithm specifically prevents the creation of shiny Pokemon, it only checks to see if hatches shiny on the game it was created. There's nothing stopping you from trading the egg to a game where it DOES hatch shiny, which is what I did here. I used Wild Eep's Pandora's Box program to RNG for an ID\SID combo that had this spread as shiny.
WARNING: Because Game Freak never foresaw the RNG and Mystery Gift being abused in this manner, they automatically assume all shiny Manaphy are "hacked" and thus will not allow Battle Recorder videos containing them to be uploaded. For this reason, a non-shiny Manaphy is available.
This was done as a project for Negator. He, RockinX and I have the sole redistribution rights on this.
Mewtwo [JPN]
31\30\31\30\30\1, Sassy
Tutored moves: Selfdestruct, Counter, Dynamicpunch
Huy used this very Mewtwo to get in the top 8 (#2 seed) of the official 2010 VGC World Championships, held in Hawaii by The Pokémon Company. It was specially designed to be a Trick Room Mewtwo, which took all his opponents by surprise.
Comes UT at L70.
Mewtwo [JPN]
30\31\30\30\30\0, Quiet
Tutored moves: Selfdestruct, Counter, Dynamicpunch
A spitback from trying to RNG the above Mewtwo. For some reason, Leaf Green switched to Method 2, contrary to Smogon’s article on PID\IV creation – it says that legendaries are only Method 1, but this proved it wrong. The IVs were right, but the nature was wrong. I was lucky it still gave me a –Speed nature.
Comes UT at L70.
Mewtwo [JPN]
31\31\30\31\31\31, Hasty
Tutored moves: Selfdestruct, Counter, Dynamicpunch
Comes UT at L70.
31\31\31\31\31\0, Quiet (HP Ice 64)
Special moves: Eruption, Magma Storm (not otherwise obtainable at L50)
This is the special Heatran that comes from Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Lights (Japanese). Best used as a Trick Room Heatran.
Comes UT at L50.
Heatran ♂ [JPN]
30\30\31\30\31\31, Quiet (HP Grass 70)
Special moves: Eruption, Magma Storm (not otherwise obtainable at L50)
This is the special Heatran that comes from Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Lights (Japanese). This one has a 31 Speed IV, so it can outspeed SOME things with enough Speed EVs.
Comes UT at L50.
31/5/30/30/30/1, Quiet
A Kyogre that is as slow as possible will win the weather war against a Groudon that is brought out at the same time. Unless they're both tied for speed. Then it's a coin flip. But this is a Kyogre RNG'd in Sapphire on an emulator, so it can be at L49 and underspeed those L50 Groudons. Also makes it a faster Kyogre under Trick Room.
Comes UT at L45.
Togekiss ♀
31\31\31\31\31\31, Brave
Trait: Hustle
Togekiss may have 50 base attack, but with Hustle and Life Orb, Extremespeed off this thing friggin' hurts. Sure, it has an accuracy drop, but 80% of the time, it works every time. Want damage calculations? It's 2HKO on standard Palkia and Kyogre.
Comes UT as L1 Togepi OR EV-trained as L50 Togetic with 252 HP \ 252 Attack \ 4 something else.
Lots of people have this one, but it’s listed here because it’s nicknameable!
31\31\31\31\31\31 Timid\Jolly\Modest\Careful\Impish\Naive\Hasty\Calm\Bold
I've gotten every single nature except Adamant. It just never appears.
Comes UT at L5. Despite being an event Pokémon, I can nickname it because I RNG'd a game save with the same ID as the Mew (11219).
Semi-redistributable (you may trade to others, but they may not trade further)
Shiny Zapdos
/ OT: RokinX^_^ (HeartGold) [ENG]
A Zapdos that works inside a Trick Room. Add a Macho Brace and it's sure to be VERY slow. I caught it in Level, Love and Friend Balls because everyone uses Fast and Ultra Balls.
Kecleon / OT: アルヘニス (SoulSilver) [JPN]
31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 0
Nasty Plot, Recover, Fake Out
I'm surprised that I haven't seen another one like this on Smogon. Bred in my retail SoulSilver cart.
Kecleon / OT: アルヘニス (SoulSilver) [JPN]
31 / 31 / 31 / x / 31 / 31
Nasty Plot, Recover, Fake Out
Since I had the egg moves, I decided to RNG another one with a +atk nature.
Mewtwo - ミュウツー (Myuutsuu, its default Japanese name)
(JP) / OT: アルヘニス (Current LeafGreen save). [JPN]
31 / 31 / 31 / 10 / 29 / 31
Self-Destruct (XD tutor move), Psychic, Disable and Swift
After days of waiting, I finally hit my frame. I could have gone for a completely flawless one, but I don't really give a shit about a higher frame just for two stupid points. I taught it Self-Destruct with the Mimic glitch because I don't have XD. This comes from the dumped save file of my LeafGreen cart. Comes UT at level 75 because after teaching it SD, it had Psybeam, SD and Rage, so I wanted to use Rare Candies to level it up to levels where it learns the default moves, but I looked up the levels only after using the first rare candy, and decided I didn't want to level up each one to level 93 so they could learn Safeguard (why did they have to change the levels so much???). Anyway, I also caught one in a Great Ball, but I didn't Pal Park it. I might do that later upon request.
Female Tyranitar / OT: Argenis (Emerald) [ENG]
Dragon Dance (Egg move), Counter (FRLG, Emerald-exclusive Tutor Move) Crunch, Rock Slide
IVs: 30 / 31 / 29 / 19 / 31 / 31
I spent days on this Breeding Project for Kisk, but I was finally able to hit the right frame. It was really hard because Larvitar eggs take AGES to hatch.
I used Rare Candies to level it up and teach it Counter.
Date: It will display the date on which it was Pal Parked. Comes untrained at level 55.

31\31\31\30\31\31, Timid (HP Electric 70)
Hatched at: Sandgem Town
Although the Mystery Gift algorithm specifically prevents the creation of shiny Pokemon, it only checks to see if hatches shiny on the game it was created. There's nothing stopping you from trading the egg to a game where it DOES hatch shiny, which is what I did here. I used Wild Eep's Pandora's Box program to RNG for an ID\SID combo that had this spread as shiny.
WARNING: Because Game Freak never foresaw the RNG and Mystery Gift being abused in this manner, they automatically assume all shiny Manaphy are "hacked" and thus will not allow Battle Recorder videos containing them to be uploaded. For this reason, a non-shiny Manaphy is available.
This was done as a project for Negator. He, RockinX and I have the sole redistribution rights on this.
Mewtwo [JPN]

31\30\31\30\30\1, Sassy
Tutored moves: Selfdestruct, Counter, Dynamicpunch
Huy used this very Mewtwo to get in the top 8 (#2 seed) of the official 2010 VGC World Championships, held in Hawaii by The Pokémon Company. It was specially designed to be a Trick Room Mewtwo, which took all his opponents by surprise.
Comes UT at L70.
Mewtwo [JPN]

30\31\30\30\30\0, Quiet
Tutored moves: Selfdestruct, Counter, Dynamicpunch
A spitback from trying to RNG the above Mewtwo. For some reason, Leaf Green switched to Method 2, contrary to Smogon’s article on PID\IV creation – it says that legendaries are only Method 1, but this proved it wrong. The IVs were right, but the nature was wrong. I was lucky it still gave me a –Speed nature.
Comes UT at L70.
Mewtwo [JPN]

31\31\30\31\31\31, Hasty
Tutored moves: Selfdestruct, Counter, Dynamicpunch
Comes UT at L70.

31\31\31\31\31\0, Quiet (HP Ice 64)
Special moves: Eruption, Magma Storm (not otherwise obtainable at L50)
This is the special Heatran that comes from Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Lights (Japanese). Best used as a Trick Room Heatran.
Comes UT at L50.
Heatran ♂ [JPN]

30\30\31\30\31\31, Quiet (HP Grass 70)
Special moves: Eruption, Magma Storm (not otherwise obtainable at L50)
This is the special Heatran that comes from Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Lights (Japanese). This one has a 31 Speed IV, so it can outspeed SOME things with enough Speed EVs.
Comes UT at L50.

31/5/30/30/30/1, Quiet
A Kyogre that is as slow as possible will win the weather war against a Groudon that is brought out at the same time. Unless they're both tied for speed. Then it's a coin flip. But this is a Kyogre RNG'd in Sapphire on an emulator, so it can be at L49 and underspeed those L50 Groudons. Also makes it a faster Kyogre under Trick Room.
Comes UT at L45.
Togekiss ♀

31\31\31\31\31\31, Brave
Trait: Hustle
Togekiss may have 50 base attack, but with Hustle and Life Orb, Extremespeed off this thing friggin' hurts. Sure, it has an accuracy drop, but 80% of the time, it works every time. Want damage calculations? It's 2HKO on standard Palkia and Kyogre.
Comes UT as L1 Togepi OR EV-trained as L50 Togetic with 252 HP \ 252 Attack \ 4 something else.
Lots of people have this one, but it’s listed here because it’s nicknameable!

31\31\31\31\31\31 Timid\Jolly\Modest\Careful\Impish\Naive\Hasty\Calm\Bold
I've gotten every single nature except Adamant. It just never appears.
Comes UT at L5. Despite being an event Pokémon, I can nickname it because I RNG'd a game save with the same ID as the Mew (11219).
Semi-redistributable (you may trade to others, but they may not trade further)

Shiny Zapdos

A Zapdos that works inside a Trick Room. Add a Macho Brace and it's sure to be VERY slow. I caught it in Level, Love and Friend Balls because everyone uses Fast and Ultra Balls.

Kecleon / OT: アルヘニス (SoulSilver) [JPN]
31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 0
Nasty Plot, Recover, Fake Out
I'm surprised that I haven't seen another one like this on Smogon. Bred in my retail SoulSilver cart.

Kecleon / OT: アルヘニス (SoulSilver) [JPN]
31 / 31 / 31 / x / 31 / 31
Nasty Plot, Recover, Fake Out
Since I had the egg moves, I decided to RNG another one with a +atk nature.

Mewtwo - ミュウツー (Myuutsuu, its default Japanese name)

31 / 31 / 31 / 10 / 29 / 31
Self-Destruct (XD tutor move), Psychic, Disable and Swift
After days of waiting, I finally hit my frame. I could have gone for a completely flawless one, but I don't really give a shit about a higher frame just for two stupid points. I taught it Self-Destruct with the Mimic glitch because I don't have XD. This comes from the dumped save file of my LeafGreen cart. Comes UT at level 75 because after teaching it SD, it had Psybeam, SD and Rage, so I wanted to use Rare Candies to level it up to levels where it learns the default moves, but I looked up the levels only after using the first rare candy, and decided I didn't want to level up each one to level 93 so they could learn Safeguard (why did they have to change the levels so much???). Anyway, I also caught one in a Great Ball, but I didn't Pal Park it. I might do that later upon request.

Female Tyranitar / OT: Argenis (Emerald) [ENG]
Dragon Dance (Egg move), Counter (FRLG, Emerald-exclusive Tutor Move) Crunch, Rock Slide
IVs: 30 / 31 / 29 / 19 / 31 / 31
I spent days on this Breeding Project for Kisk, but I was finally able to hit the right frame. It was really hard because Larvitar eggs take AGES to hatch.
I used Rare Candies to level it up and teach it Counter.
Date: It will display the date on which it was Pal Parked. Comes untrained at level 55.
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