I believe you mean Swords Dance for Garchomp, not Dragon Dance.
Problematic pokémon include Sceptile and Alakazam.
I got beaten by a Cursenoir that keeps getting lucky with the confusion hits, confusion again ruined my streak. Fuck this game, fuck it to hell.
Those Trick leads are not going to help me, I need as much free kills as possible.
btw, is the luck still manipulated like in Emerald in Frontier to make the game "more fun"?
848 Weavile Jolly Razor Fang Night Slash Ice Punch Aerial Ace Brick Break Atk/Spe
you will literally never beat this pokemon unless you get lucky with sandveil hax or garchomp is already out and subbed, tyra takes 86% min from bb and you have to switch it in to night slash or ice punch anyway, besides the fact that you're slower even with choice scarf and can only ohko weavile with the worst move in the game
Yes, I met this very Weavile earlier today, at around 95 I think (my streak is up at 105 now), and the only reason it didn't break my streak was a Sand Veil hax. I looked at one of your teams that happens to have the exact same pokemon, but with ScarfChomp and DDtar instead, and it seems like that might be the better option. Still, I don't know if I want to re-breed a Tyranitar and a Garchomp right now. I'll just use this team and pray I don't run into that Weavile again and go as far as possible till the streak is broken.
How is that possible? ;)Scizor "Kamakura"
Adamant 252 HP 252 attack 4 defence @focus sash
Swords Dance
Stone Edge
Bullet Punch
4. I had water, dark, and ice left on the board. I chose water and
drew a Slowbro. I failed to OHKO with outrage, he did not with icebeam.
Has it not been therymoned enough that Focus Sash>Choice band
Seems my last post about getting haxed by honchkrow got deleted but anyways got around to finishing my next battle hall try.
1. Platinum, Battle Hall, Single, 201
2. Level 50
31 / 31 / 25 / 28 / 26 / 31
EV Spread 6hp/252atk/252spd
@ Choiceband
Hydro pump
Hydro pump to guarantee OHKO rhyperior, flamethrower for sash-counter scizor.
4. I had water, dark, and ice left on the board. I chose water and
drew a Slowbro. I failed to OHKO with outrage, he did not with icebeam.
Would Aqua Tail be a better choice for accuracy against Rhyperior and wouldn't it do the same purpose of OHKOing or am I missing something?
yes you are, solid rock:
607 Atk vs 344 Def & 356 HP (90 Base Power): 342 - 405 (96.07% - 113.76%)