Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records need at least 170 wins in the hall to make the top 20 now

ET why don´t you post one of your records? :p

played DP tower doubles "just for fun" during the weekend, 3/4 of the pokémon used were previously bred abusing emerald RNG, should´ve lost at battle #56 but I virtually called a CH hydro pimp last turn (where I was about to lose) in a ludicolo vs articuno 1on1 situation

anyway lost later at #85 due to a first turn infernape´s king´s rock close combat flinch on my rain dancer (kingdra)...I should´ve fake outed infernape instad of gallade (I know of its ability, but felt more dangerous than ape turn 1)
- the team was:
ludicolo @ lum (fake out, ice beam, hydro pump, energy ball) - 31/4/31/31/31/31, modest
kingdra @ sash (rain dance, surf, hydro pump, draco meteor) - 31/4/31/31/31/31, modest
metagross @ QC (meteor mash, explosion, thunderpunch, ice punch) - 31/31/31/21/31/31, adamant
zapdos @ powder (thunder, thundebolt, protect, hp ice 67) - rash

yeah...hydro pump sucks ass I mean seriously it´s a 50/50 move in the tower ._. I´d use double surf next time, it does more damage anyway

random note: for the first time I had animations on (just for fun) and boy energy ball is such a cool attack :)

EDIT: hmm the ones who have 25 posts per page on smogon surely missed post #350, oh well...whatever, the link is in the first post
Just wondering, why isn't there a section for battles with a partner over wifi? Or is that included under link battles?
Just lost at 37 in the battle factory, really pissed off. I had Machamp (Cross Chop, Bullet Punch etc), Eggy (Trick room etc) and Gastrodon (some all out attacking version). Lost to an Electivire whose TPunch paralyzed and FP'd my Machamp, then criticaled with Fire Punch on Eggy (after I switched in on EQ) and another crit EQ on Gastro. Feels like an excess of bad luck over 1 battle :-/
Hi Jump Kick, eh? Cute. :)

It was mostly a filler that I strapped onto the Smeargle I bred with for an extra slot that I would have while training it. I even have it over Extremespeed for now, since there's not much in the Battle Frontier i'll be using it on, but once it hits Level 100, or once i'm done with the Battle Hall, i'll most likely replace HJK with Extremespeed.
350,Cloyster2,Impish,Leftovers,125,147,255,94,65,9 0,Avalanche,Dive,Toxic,Protect,Attk/Def

Extra space between '9' and '0' here. Great work. Will you do the same for the Battle Hall sets? Or did you already and I missed it?
Okay, so I didn't get too far into the tower but just enough before I got focus band haxed out of the tower for the second time in a row that I can confirm that the trainers after 49 that can use multiple sets can use any of the sets, I faced Heracross 1/Medicham 3/Gliscor 3 on that last battle.

Edit: now I'll go to the factory and check IV's there for both level 50 and 100, I'll tell you what I find after the streaks end.
Thanks for the hard work, Peterko! I have a few questions about your lists:

1. When the only Banette you list is "Banette 2", I would assume that means that "Banette 1" is considered too weak to be here and would only appear at lower levels, correct?

2. Do you have any in-depth information on the Factory? I've been working on it and would really like to know what Pokémon appear when, what sort of IVs your opening 6 Pokémon options have, what trainers use Pokémon with 31 IVs, the effect that your number of swaps has, etc.

3. At all facilities, are the opponents' (and yours in the Factory) abilities totally random if there are two possibilities?

I also have a few questions in general about the Battle Frontier for whomever:

4. Is there anything else of interest in the Frontier besides the facilities / BP exchange / record hall, such as the IV man and the BP gambler that Emerald had?

5. Has anyone compiled some type of "threat list" for the Battle Hall? If so, where is it? If not, it might be a nice idea. I see numerous mentions of several Pokémon such as Weavile and Poliwrath.

Thanks everyone!

EDIT: I see Diana is doing some research on the Battle Factory... awesome! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help!
350,Cloyster2,Impish,Leftovers,125,147,255,94,65,9 0,Avalanche,Dive,Toxic,Protect,Attk/Def

Extra space between '9' and '0' here. Great work. Will you do the same for the Battle Hall sets? Or did you already and I missed it?

OK can someone help me with this? The list I posted doesn´t have those random spaces all over the place

no I haven´t done the battle hall sets, maybe I´ll do them though

@ Misdreavus

1. use with the trainer list I posted earlier, the name says it all...trainers and pokémon sets above battle 49, nobody should need the first 250 pokémon lv.50 stats (if you do you probably won´t make the list anyway) can still find the movesets in jump´s list (in the first post)

so can face only banette 2 after #49, banette 1 is < #50 only

2. being worked on but I don´t "control" the people that work on this so maybe you´ll have to wait until I get the game

3. I think random as they were in the previous games, but not sure

5. I see no reason for this...there are the sets and if you want to try a pokémon other than garchomp/salamence, just run through the 208 rank 10 movesets
@ Misdreavus

1. use with the trainer list I posted earlier, the name says it all...trainers and pokémon sets above battle 49, nobody should need the first 250 movesets (if you do you probably won´t make the list anyway)

so can face only banette 2 after #49, banette 1 is < #50 only
Yep, that's what I wanted to confirm.

2. being worked on but I don´t "control" the people that work on this so maybe you´ll have to wait until I get the game
Cool. No rush... I'm just wondering.

3. I think random as they were in the previous games, but not sure
That's what it's seemed like to me so far

5. I see no reason for this...there are the sets and if you want to try a pokémon other than garchomp/salamence, just run through the 208 rank 10 movesets
Okay, just a random thought... I haven't done BH yet, so I don't know all of the info.
Thank you!
Well in the level 50 factory it seems to go up by 4's, 0 IV's in battles 1-7, 4 IV's in 8-14, 8 IV's from 15-21, 12 IV's from 22-28, 16 IV's from 29-35. I didn't get farther than battle 30, but no one here has on level 50 I think. Apparently it's the same on level 100, though I need to break through this 35 mark so I can confirm higher battles.

I also BARELY missed the record too, but at least it was my own record, lol

I'm also still trying to figure out the ability thing but I'm not going to easily be able to pull that off on my own. I can list what abilities in the factory my rental Pokemon got but I'll need others to list theirs as well so we can do some checking. At this point I'm more researching more than going for records it seems but I'm good with that, gives me something to do.

for this run in level 100 factory (I'll edit as I go):

367 Granbull: Intimidate
393 Ambipom: Technician
397 Slowbro: Oblivious
431 Bronzong: Levitate
433 Luxray: Intimidate
435 Machamp: No Guard
474 Kingdra: Swift Swim
503 Granbull: Intimidate, Quick Feet
504 Jynx: Forewarn
524 Shiftry: Early Bird
541 Toxicroak: Anticipation
577 Gliscor: Hyper Cutter
616 Arcanine: Flash Fire
636 Marowak: Rock Head
641 Mr. Mime: Soundproof
666 Hypno: Forewarn
714 Tentacruel: Clear Body
738 Lapras: Water Absorb

There we go, found a multiple, so the abilities ARE random in the factory, apparently I did do it myself o_o

lol been working at this for four hours straight now, should get a little sleep but I have stuff to do at 9 (it's 6 now) so might as well stay up at this point.

4:35 mark: frontier brain at level 100 round one, he gives me a 96%, then again I was 3-0ed when he gave me 95% once and I 2-0ed him when I was at 11% so.. Then again he was right this time, it wasn't really close, I should have known when it said "first out will be a tough, Attack Order using Vespiquen".

Lost after 27 battles at 7:09, after a Metagross I was facing had Quick Claw activate, critical hit with Meteor Mash, AND get the attack boost, I had no shot after that. I guess it's another run for me.
i also suspect abilities might have something to do with the trainers using the pokemon using them, probably not but worth looking into even if it's a bit more research
i also suspect abilities might have something to do with the trainers using the pokemon using them, probably not but worth looking into even if it's a bit more research

Never thought of that, but it's worth taking a look at for sure, this one might be harder but who knows, a lot of it will depend on luck, lol

At least we figured out that abilities aren't entirely set by moveset so I feel accomplished, still up to more, though I have to take a break in an hour to do other things.

Edit: Misdreavus, if you want to help, you can help see if the abilities really do depend on the trainers, if two people work on it we might figure it out faster.

Also, Peterko, forgot to thank you for the awesome list, like usual. lol
Waitress Ashley: Porygon Z Adaptibility
Worker Shane: Porygon2 Trace
Camper Herbert: Walrein Thick Fat
Waiter Orin: Porygon2 Trace, Drapion SniperBattle Girl Alta: Skuntank Stench ( is Aqua Tail direct damage ? )
Black Belt Harris: Rhydon Rock Head
Veteran Padgett: Hypno Insomnia
Cyclist Kaylene: Rapidash Flash Fire
Idol Basia: Roserade Poison Point
Worker Shane: Porygon-Z Adaptibility

Checked some so someone else might say if he/she got sth different / the same
hi, first post, but i have read through this thread and the d&p battle tower one,
i wanted to post a record for open level battle factory, 33 with 12 trades
Heading up to the tower now for the research, sorry about not getting more done, after class yesterday I kind of crashed in bed and slept for 15 hours, lol

Welcome to Smogon, prototypeone! Do you remember how you lost in the streak? Most posts have that, not a big requirement but just for future reference you probably should.

Also, UsainBolt, any idea which set of the Pokemon you faced in those?

Again, I'll update as I go so here we go:

Ace Trainer Cruz: 444 Porygon2 (Trace), 366 Quagsire (Water Absorb)
Ace Trainer Zane: 447 Gardevoir (Synchronize)
Beauty Tiffany: 134 Porygon (Download), 116 Delcatty (Normalize)
Bird Keeper Trinity: 131 Yanma (Speed Boost)
Cameraman Hudson: 20 Shinx (Rivalry)
Clown Prescot: 330 Stantler (Intimidate)
Fisherman Farley: 688 Poliwrath (Damp)
Gentleman Zante: 330 Stantler (Frisk)
Idol Kiley: 580 Porygon2 (Trace), 536 Tauros (Anger Point)
Idol Utah: 580 Porygon2 (Download)
Lass Liliana: 502 Quagsire (Water Absorb)
Pokemon Breeder Adriana: 318 Banette (Insomnia)
Pokemon Breeder Tatyana: 318 Banette (Frisk)
Ruin Maniac Henrik: 118 Mawile (Hyper Cutter)
Sailor Derrian: 580 Porygon2 (Download)
Socialite Carmen: 218 Banette (Insomnia)
Veteran Eric: 217 Hitmontop (Technician)

Ugh, Palmer's first battle this time was tough because Scizor was fully paralyzed twice and Starmie died to Rhyperior thanks to a Focus Band hax. Luckily Garchomp's Outrage did JUST enough to Milotic for me to win, now onto some tougher trainers and harder to figure out sets.

Crap, I missed Lady Juliana's Porygon2's ability, got distracted by the phone call >_>

All right, 2:16 PM, first run through done, 43 wins, lost to a Critical Hit by Electrode followed by it confusing Garchomp with Signal Beam, Chomp hitting itself twice, and Electrode exploded for the TIE. I know it gives me a chance to repeat trainers I went through once already but I hate when that happens. We really need self-ko clause in the frontier..
thanks for the welcome, unfortunately i don't remember how i lost, but my battle 28 was really cool. I thought i was about to lose, coming down to a 1 on 1 with my bronzong vs charizard, both full health, i use zen head but, it crits for the ohko. I was really excited, i thought i was gonna lose that match up
Tuber Hank: Exeggutor ( 449 ) - Chlorophyll
Pokefan Ewan: Ludicolo ( 387 ) - Swift Swim
Lady Juanita: Tauros ( 400 ) - Intimidate, Gastrodon ( 382 ) - Storm Drain
Rick Boy Alvan: Rapidash ( 417 ) - Run Away
School Kid Foster - Absol ( 374 ) - Super Luck, Luxray ( 433 ) - Intimidate, Nidoking ( 408 ) - Rivalry
Cyclist Kaylene - Poliwrath ( 552 ) - Damp

I dun know the numbers for the last one, sry about that =(
Okay, thanks, that helps a lot, I'll repost the results of both of ours on this page and keep that updated then. (thanks a ton for the help, UsainBolt)

Ace Trainer Cruz: 444 Porygon2 (Trace), 366 Quagsire (Water Absorb)
Ace Trainer Zane: 447 Gardevoir (Synchronize)
Beauty Tiffany: 134 Porygon (Download), 116 Delcatty (Normalize)
Bird Keeper Sally: 743 Porygon-Z (Download)
Bird Keeper Trinity: 131 Yanma (Speed Boost)
Bug Catcher Amadeus: 444 Porygon2 (Download)
Cameraman Hudson: 20 Shinx (Rivalry)
Clown Prescot: 330 Stantler (Intimidate)
Cyclist Kaylene: 552 Poliwrath (Damp)
Cyclist Kaya: 208 Jumpluff (Leaf Guard)
Fisherman Farley: 688 Poliwrath (Damp)
Gentleman Zante: 330 Stantler (Frisk)
Guitarist Tad: 480 Arcanine (Intimidate)
Idol Ada: 66 Drowzee (Insomnia)
Idol Kiley: 580 Porygon2 (Trace), 536 Tauros (Anger Point)
Idol Utah: 580 Porygon2 (Download)
Lady Juanita: 400 Tauros (Intimidate), 382 Gastrodon (Storm Drain)
Lass Liliana: 502 Quagsire (Water Absorb)
Pokefan Ewan: 387 Ludicolo (Swift Swim)
Pokemon Breeder Adriana: 318 Banette (Insomnia)
Pokemon Breeder Tatyana: 318 Banette (Frisk)
Rancher Leon: 117 Sableye (Keen Eye)
Rich Boy Alvan: 417 Rapidash (Run Away, Flash Fire)
Ruin Maniac Henrik: 118 Mawile (Hyper Cutter)
Sailor Derrian: 580 Porygon2 (Download)
School Kid Foster: 374 Absol (Super Luck), 433 Luxray (Intimidate), 408 Nidoking (Rivalry)
School Kid Jonas: 567 Bronzong (Heatproof), 583 Gardevoir (Synchronize)
Socialite Carmen: 218 Banette (Insomnia)
Tuber Hank: 449 Exeggutor (Chlorophyll)
Veteran Eric: 217 Hitmontop (Technician)
Started yesterday in Diamond's Battle Tower with this team. I am at 175 and now teaking a break. I've got only 2 hard matches so far. Read below and find out.

Cresselia (F) @ Choice Scarf ** Brain
EVs: 252 HP/4 Def/252 Spd
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Trick
- Flash
- Reflect
- Thunder Wave

The Cress Jump came up with. You have to use it, it's pretty good lol. Onliest thing so far this thing has problems with are Head Smash scarf Rampardos, since it 2HKOs Cress and OHKO all my other teammembers, and Seaking(fuck yeah). I remember a battle where Seaking got the scarf and Horn Drilled my Cress and Mence. Luckily enough he missed on Scizor. Jumpman, how do you handle with those?

Salamence (F) @ Lum Berry ** Tiamatria
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP/252 Atk/8 SDef
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Substitute
- Outrage
- Roost

Pretty much win here. I like Mence more then Latios, and it's more easy to set up with, though; I don't say it's better then Latios. This thing can set up on everything. Can outstall Blizzard and Stone Edges. 248 HP gives 201 at level 50, which allows me to get 4 subs. Lum berry is to be sure I have 4 Outrages at least, which is always enough, unless they have 2 bulky steels, which does not show up that much.

Scizor (M) @ Leftovers ** Gripe
Ability: Technician
EVs: 76 HP/252 Atk/180 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Bullet Punch
- Superpower
- Swords Dance
- Roost

Hmm. This thing works really good. Though, it's not half as bulky I expected. I almost lost against a Shadow Balling Gengar because he got to much SpDef drops. Not much to say. Thinking about a more bulky Scizor, or at least drop its speed to 81 so I can still outspeed Magnezone. Or.. maybe replacing Scizor for something else. For some reason, I think CM Bliss would be great, since Cress and Mence definetly decrease the usuage of Fighting Pokémon/Attacks. ^_^

Help me.
Battle tower single streak: 199


I am pretty annoyed at myself, because I played the final battle terribly.

Battle 200: I forget most of the battle but I was winning 3-1 with Latios against 100% Suicune. Latios was red health and locked into dragon pulse. Scizor was at ~85% and Gyarados was at ~75%. I should have attacked, and then finished Suicune off with 2 outrages. However, I took the inferior/unnecessary line of switching to Scizor to scout for Cune's moveset (I must have been on autopilot), mistake 1. This would have been fine 75% of the time - inferior only against the calm mind moveset. Scizor shrugged off an ice beam, but now I knew I could be in trouble, because this revealed Suicune 4 with calm mind and wacan berry. Here, I switched to Gyarados, mistake 2. I should have bullet punched twice or (better) swords danced before attacking, dealing as much damage as I could. Instead, I switched to Gyarados giving Suicune a free calm mind. Now I had nothing better to do than outrage. Of course, ice beam CHed for the KO meaning that I had 2 chances to CH (12.5%) or this was lost. Latios dragon pulsed (no thunderbolt due to wacan berry) Suicune down to CH bullet punch range, but Scizor is not that lucky.

In short, at 3-1 with Latios v Suicune; I chose a 96.14% line over a 100% line and that 3.86% happened. At least I know what this team is capable of now, and there is no reason why I can't break 300 as long as I am reasonably fortunate against the ice specialized trainers. The good thing is that each 7 battle streak averages 18-20 minutes (12-15 minutes up to 49, because I just spam dragon pulse) so losing at ~200 only costs me ~9 hours (6-7 days).

My team can be found here.
i reflect or flash on rampardos can't remember which, rampard is kind of lame but i've never lost to it. it's lame because reflect doesn't last as long as i'd like, flash doesn't work on struggle, and head smash only has five pp. sometimes i'd rather cress learn charm but that would make it workse against metrgross which is kind of a no-no.

seaking isnt even remotely a threat though because latios is faster than salamence. salamence can't really set up on everything in that regard

also why dont you have sub on scizor, that goes a long way to stopping indirect hax. neutral SpA gengar still breaks your sub with shadow ball but you're not going to have that problem with froslass or mismagius, and more importantly you are going to render half of froslass's ice beams incapable of breaking your sub. you dont want that thing freezing you for no reason. but most importantly, heatran is going to murder you eventually without a sub, Focus Sash Brightpowder and Quick Claw for three of them, which are reasons 1-3 (not in that order) that Sub rules
Guitarist Tad - Arcanine ( 480 ) - Intimidate
Sailor Godwin - Shiftry ( 388 ) - Early Bird
Bug Catcher Amadeus - Porygon2 ( 444 ) - Download
Rich Boy Alvan - Aerodactyl - Rock Head, Arcanine ( 480 ) - Intimidate
Tuber Tia - Rapidash ( 417 ) Flash Fire
Rancher Leon - Sableye ( 117 ) - Keen Eye
Cameraman X ( first letter was X >.< ) - Houndour ( 72 ) - Early Bird
Idol Ada - Drowzee ( 66 ) - Insomnia
Waiter Cyan - Farfetch'd ( 100 ) - Keen Eye
Veteran Eric - Scyther ( 249 ) - Technician
Cyclist Kaya - Jumpluff ( 208 ) - Leaf Guard
Socialite Elizabeth - Bibarel ( 167 ) - Unaware
Reporter Marble - Growlithe ( 96 ) - Flash Fire

hum, nothin in common up until know I guess
i reflect or flash on rampardos can't remember which, rampard is kind of lame but i've never lost to it. it's lame because reflect doesn't last as long as i'd like, flash doesn't work on struggle, and head smash only has five pp. sometimes i'd rather cress learn charm but that would make it workse against metrgross which is kind of a no-no.

seaking isnt even remotely a threat though because latios is faster than salamence. salamence can't really set up on everything in that regard

also why dont you have sub on scizor, that goes a long way to stopping indirect hax. neutral SpA gengar still breaks your sub with shadow ball but you're not going to have that problem with froslass or mismagius, and more importantly you are going to render half of froslass's ice beams incapable of breaking your sub. you dont want that thing freezing you for no reason. but most importantly, heatran is going to murder you eventually without a sub, Focus Sash Brightpowder and Quick Claw for three of them, which are reasons 1-3 (not in that order) that Sub rules

So Flash is the safest option against Rampardos. Dumb me, I use Sub on Scizor, ofcourse. Anyways, I'm still going, 210 so far. I come back later.
Okay, thanks so much, UsainBolt, that Rapidash you found was exactly what we needed. Now, with the same trainer using that same Rapidash set with separate abilities, it's sure that the abilities are truly random.

The bolded Pokemon is in the post higher up in the page.

Edit: Actually, anything else we need to research that I can do? It's good for boredom.