There’s been many issues surrounding the metagame as of late. We have arguments and debates, although more so arguments, about whether or not Garchomp is uber, whether or not Wobbuffet should be rebanned, and should some long standing uber-tier Pokemon be moved down, or at the very least be tested. Well I don’t care about any of that, but I’ll try to address it without any bias or ignorant thoughts.
Although I don’t care about the debates itself, I do feel that everyone has a different opinion due to one important factor that no one seems to mention, and that is each own person’s playing style. Now granted, most users here at the moment are a product of this new generation of Pokemon, Diamond and Pearl, but coming from someone who’s been here since the very beginning (2001), each generation has a bit of itself in everyone’s style. We have RBY which gave us the style of luck. It’s quite fun to spam Thunder Wave/Air Slash Togekiss and Brightpowder Garchomps, but it was a lot more fun when your critical hit rate was based on your speed and anything had a chance to be good, or you could just play Lesm46 (imagine playing 6 Garchomps when you lead a Tyranitar). Then along came in GSC, and it brought the wonder strategy of stall. Imagine if abilities were in GSC, Zapdos, Raikou, and Suicune were used on every single team, up to the questionable statistics of Blissey nowadays, who by the way dominated then as well. Those who complain about stalling teams nowadays, do you know what it is like to sit through 64 turns of Growl from each Pokemon while playing Celia? Then if any of you came in before DP, it would most likely be from the RSE era. RSE brought us a mix of everything, whether it was stalling thanks to the aforementioned ability Pressure, or to the introduction of Choice Band to have a sweeping galore and Magneton to back it up. DP is very close to how RSE is, except it’s expanded with about a hundred extra Pokemon and some change in mechanics, such as Taunt.
Now who am I to tell anyone anything or even voice my opinion? Not anyone you should probably listen to for the most part if I put you up to a task, as evident by my wonderful profile page, which courtesy to moderators, have 11 former infraction points (although you won’t be able to tell so hopefully you don’t ignorantly click on my name and check it out before reading this line, but in case you do, sucker). Don’t think that me being a senior member of this community, the fact that I joined 2-3 years just at Smogon, much less the Pokemon community as a whole, before any of you did has anything to me voicing my opinions. I’ve been a former moderator here, multiple badge holders (don’t be fooled, there use to be more), countless feuds with higher administrators, but most importantly, I’ve been lucky enough (or unfortunately enough) been able to witness the coming and goings of all of the online Pokemon battling community. So basically, you should probably listen to this if only because I’ve been through all and seen it all.
As we get back on track, I mentioned that your playing style has a lot to do with how you handle certain things. While I still don’t care about the debates, I will use it as an example. Let’s start with Garchomp. We all can comprehend why it’s too good for OU, or not good enough to be banished to ubers. We can at least agree upon it’s qualities, for less of a word to fit it. But wait, let’s back it up a bit. For the sake of this whole post, I’m now acknowledging the words over-centralization, arbitrary, and statistic as much as I would a user as Curt in my buddy list (this means they don’t exist to me other than to use to point out this rule to you, in case you’re kind of…thick). Anyways, as we build our teams, we sometimes only use “revenge killers” as our main defense. Let’s face it, sometimes you just can’t beat a SD Heracross (for example), so your only choice is to let it kill something while doing whatever damage you can and bring out your next thing to kill it. One thing that just amazes me that is everyone forget that you don’t have to use super effective attacks to be a revenge killer. I just sit here thinking and wondering how forgetful people can be when they complain “we have to get rid of Ice Beam first, and then send in a faster Ice Beamer to kill it.” Okay genius how about just send in a ScarfHeatran and use Dragon Pulse, or ScarfHeracross to use Close Combat. I guarantee you that you’ll do a rough 60% at the minimum. (Wanna know a secret, if you know it’s Yache, than why not Psycho Boost the thing rather than Ice Beam it? PB will do 7-9% more.) What is the issue here? Now all you anti-Garchomp users, don’t get flustered, I will turn to your view a bit later, just hear me out (plus if you read this whole thing, you might forget what you wanted to say so I might win with this anyways). This is how the offensive minded player thinks. If you your main form of defense is to sacrifice something to bring something else out and then kill it, then Garchomp should most definitely not need be added to ubers. Chances are you use your own, and you know perfectly well how to use it. (If we use logic in Pokemon, if two users uses Garchomp and they don’t tie, then Garchomp is definitely stoppable.) In an offensive player’s team, their not afraid to sacrifice Garchomp. It’s all about how you play. (<- You’ll be reading this term a lot here on out.) Perhaps the bigger picture to set up Lucario. Perhaps the bigger picture was to let Metagross sweep. It doesn’t matter what your plan was with the offensive team, cause the ultimate goal is one of your sweeper will win the game for you. Garchomp is just another piece in your artillery. So how do people feel when they easily dispose of Garchomp, yet get raped by another Pokemon? Do they just admit to being inferior to the other player? This style of play goes along with Wobbuffet as well. If you’re trying to save something by stating up, your opening the door for other users to stat up on you. I view this like the game show “Who Wants to be A Millionaire?” What is the point of having a lifeline for a later question, if you can’t even get past this question? Do you honestly think you’re going to win if you give a stat up Pokemon to stat up right now? Honestly, I see no acceptable reason to why you would attempt to do that. You know it, they know it, once you give up that little room for them to operate, you’re fucked, defeated, raped, whatever. Now if you continue your assault and do as much damage as you can in those 2 turns they use to Encore and Counter/MC back your attack, you prevent the stat up, although you sacrifice something, and actually have a chance of winning. You have 6 sweepers, none especially more important than another since the final goal was to win with a sweeper, not giving a shit which one it is. If your playing style is all offense, why would Wobbuffet ever be an issue as well? Wobbuffet want to come in the supposedly uber Garchomp at the same time? Earthquake the bitch twice and take it down to 30% and finish up with Lucario.
Now not everyone likes to use all offense. You feel as if you rather try to protect against every single threat out there. Guess what? You can’t. Now this isn’t a persuasion to get you to stop using stall team, but to just let you know, you don’t always to have everything covered. I personally don’t understand why a stall team would have problems with Garchomp, ever. You have Cresselia, a great switch in always to any Garchomp regardless. You claim Garchomp has CB Crunch? Good job, now I know my Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, and Spikes and Skarmory will definitely win. They had a Magnezone and I forgot Shed Shell? Gee, you’re telling me they use another Pokemon, to get rid of a Pokemon that the first Pokemon had a problem against? You want to play Digimon now? We can Digivolve and Digivolve and Digivolve and eventually fuse ourselves with them and see who is physically stronger and have a little lesson in Darwinism going on here (handicap people would probably disagree with this). Anyways, I don’t comprehend how stall teams would ever have problems with Garchomp, not with SDYacheChomp, and definitely not with ScarfChomp. If you couldn’t handle the most common Pokemon in the first place, I’m wiling to bet you’d probably would’ve lost to CBDragonite as well. But with stables such as Toxic Spikes, Skarmory and Cresselia as well as Weezing, stall teams should not be claiming uber against this dragon. Are you complaining that the Pokemon is doing too much damage to your tank even though you’ll win the match up against it? Does that make it uber? This isn’t the Elite 4 where everything always has to be healthy. Is your goal to win 6-0 or to win? Now Wobbuffet is a whole different story. It’s alright to give up a physical wall such as Weezing to stop Garchomp, because it did it’s job, but Wobbuffet does pick its spot and takes one thing out beyond your control. I realize that might seem uber, but doesn’t certain teams have certain things that pick apart the team? We’ve already establish you can’t stop everything, so this holds true. Although I can see that it would be uber as a whole as it would force the entire metagame into a offense only mode (but that would mean no more stall teams, so no more Wobbuffet, so people will try to sneak by with a stall team and then people will come back with Wobbuffet, well what do you know, people are actually competent. How about that?). Now going back to the way you use stall teams. It’s all about command and control, and if something you can’t control is there, then you’re going to bitch about it. Makes sense to me, the circle of life, etc, etc.
Now then there’s the kind of teams who like to lure things out to kill it, before accomplishing the sweep. This is quite the most common type of teams people use, as it seems to be consistent no matter what phrase the metagame is in. I remember back in RSE, I used a multipurpose Pursuit+Hidden Power Grass Tyranitar, which took care of Swampert for my Metagross to sweep, and Gengar for my RestTalk CurseLax to sweep. However well that strategy works, in DP it’s hard to pull off. Why might you ask? You can’t stop everything. I can easily sit here and build a 2 minute team centered around a Pokemon, but would it matter since it will lose to another team. For example, I can build a team all around a Lucario sweep I want, but I might never ever put in the possibility that I’d get swept by a Nidoking (this is only an example, I‘d kill myself if I got swept by a Nidoking, much less a Nidoqueen.) This seems to me like a softer stall team with a sweeper than anything, so with that, you probably still shouldn’t worry about Garchomp. (For the record my 2 minute team would’ve been: Lucario, Spiritomb, Forretress, Blissey, Gyarados, Celebi. I honestly typed that from 12:14 AM to 12:15 AM but I‘m rounding up seconds since I‘m so understanding.)
Then we have another thing going on here. Theme teams. No I don’t mean your Naruto, Christmas, Mono Pure Ghost, Sailor Moon, Pokemon teams. Oh. Anyways, it’s about the Explosion teams, the Trick Room teams, the Rain Dance teams. I personally believe that these have the least issues with Garchomp or Wobbuffet, as you should have many set uppers of what you want to accomplish, and many sweepers to take advantage of, or if you’re using an Explosion team just blow up the motherfuckers.
Now at the end of this all, it seems like I’m largely against Garchomp being sent to ubers. And why should it? Is it because of the luck? It has to be because of the luck, but sometimes, luck happens. If luck is the only variable in which determines that a Pokemon should be banned, then you know what those cynical people would say, ban all luck based Pokemon. (Don’t get me started on Serene Grace!) However, I do see how unreasonable that is, that to ban all that have one trait because one is just better at using it. If we go down the line of battling though, no team is undefeated, and you will lose as a result of luck, whether it’s that of a freeze, a Ice Beam that could’ve froze that missed against Garchomp, or a critical hit. I wish I could say deal with it, but some people just seem to not embrace it. It’s kind of like a young kid who could make his ball team win every time if he just did the dirty work instead of going for personal stats and glory. I’d have to say Garchomp is nowhere near uber, regardless of what argument you bring up, it will always have holes, just as reasons why it shouldn’t be. Remember guys, it’s not like Garchomp is Exodia. If there was a Yu-Gi of Pokemon, he’d just bust out a new made up move the writers just wrote and win. You don’t automatically win if you have a Garchomp (same thing applies to all ubers but come on, work with me here).
Wobbuffet on the other hand however, that simply put is uber if only because it takes the control out of players completely. Although, one thing I’ve yet to seen is two teams that use Wobbuffet against each other. Who wins that? But as we move along, we can see that Wobbuffet should be banned not because it automatically kills something, or could potentially kill something, but it seems too much like a trump card. Wobbuffet is kind of like Crush Card, anything you have over 1500 in attack, dead. In this metaphor, 1500+ monsters would be stalling Pokemon, while all the offensive beast are the lesser attack ones (yes I realize the irony). Myself personally, my stall teams don’t mind Wobbuffet at all, but I’m not going to put that into any argument cause then we’d have wiseass say that I imply they’re not good to win and make me seem elitist (which I am) but I rather not go down that path, but at least you know you can still win!!!
Other thoughts on my mind however off subject they are. New users can easily question the intelligence and knowledge of older users, and you know why? Because if the new user gets put in their place, they’re forgotten. The older users, should they lose face, they’re here to stay, so they’ll be known forever as not having such authoritative opinions.
Even if you’re a dumbass now, doesn’t mean you have to be a dumbass later. You have no idea how many chances you have so stop being ignorant. If someone says something you disagree with, just let it go. I mean I once had a 40 reply each PM with Jumpman over an infraction. However fun you might think that goes, well actually that was fun but my inbox got purged during a banning…Anyhow…I guess that’s about it. You might think I’m pretty awesome. You might be to, but I doubt as much as me. Remember, they’re obviously my opinion, so you can’t tell me I’m wrong. =] I love being not wrong.