A warstory with Massive Damage and defog finally has a purpose!

Me and Desuknight were on shoddy, We was extremely bored so we thought we'd try and see if we can do as much damage as possible. This may have been done before, But I want to post it anyway because it was awesome!!

Here were our teams:
Me (Ejuck-ulate)



Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Timed Battle
sent out Medicham powered stomach slapper (lvl 100
Smeargle ?).
Ejuck-ulate sent out Stolen ability (lvl 100 Medicham ?).

I'll add these comments if you don't want to read everything... So what happens here is I send out medicham and his smeargle skill swaps to obtain pure power. He then belly drums and Defence curls 6 times.
Stolen ability used Shadow Ball.
It doesn't affect Medicham powered stomach slapper...
Medicham powered stomach slapper used Skill Swap.
Medicham powered stomach slapper swapped abilities with its opponent!

Stolen ability used Shadow Ball.
It doesn't affect Medicham powered stomach slapper...
Medicham powered stomach slapper used Belly Drum.
Medicham powered stomach slapper lost 50% of its health.
Medicham powered stomach slapper's attack was raised.

Stolen ability used Shadow Ball.
It doesn't affect Medicham powered stomach slapper...
Medicham powered stomach slapper used Defense Curl.
Medicham powered stomach slapper's defence was raised.

Stolen ability used Shadow Ball.
It doesn't affect Medicham powered stomach slapper...
Medicham powered stomach slapper used Defense Curl.
Medicham powered stomach slapper's defence was raised.

Stolen ability used Shadow Ball.
It doesn't affect Medicham powered stomach slapper...
Medicham powered stomach slapper used Defense Curl.
Medicham powered stomach slapper's defence was raised.

Stolen ability used Shadow Ball.
It doesn't affect Medicham powered stomach slapper...
Medicham powered stomach slapper used Defense Curl.
Medicham powered stomach slapper's defence was raised.

Stolen ability used Shadow Ball.
It doesn't affect Medicham powered stomach slapper...
Medicham powered stomach slapper used Defense Curl.
Medicham powered stomach slapper's defence was raised.

Stolen ability used Shadow Ball.
It doesn't affect Medicham powered stomach slapper...
Medicham powered stomach slapper used Defense Curl.
Medicham powered stomach slapper's defence was raised.

So he's finished with this smeargle, And he batton passes to the next which has Screech, Defog, Focus energy and Baton pass. I switch out to my smeargle (no# 1) and he screeches it 3 times, Then defogs me 6 times (So rollout won't miss) and then uses focus energy (Raise his chance of getting a crit)

Stolen ability used Shadow Ball.
It doesn't affect Medicham powered stomach slapper...
Medicham powered stomach slapper used Baton Pass.
desuknight switched in Foggy Screecher (lvl 100 Smeargle ?).

Ejuck-ulate switched in Smeargle 1 (lvl 100 Smeargle ?).
Foggy Screecher used Screech.
Smeargle 1's defence was harshly lowered

Smeargle 1 used Splash.
But nothing happened!
Foggy Screecher used Screech.
Smeargle 1's defence was harshly lowered.

Smeargle 1 used Splash.
But nothing happened!
Foggy Screecher used Screech.
Smeargle 1's defence was harshly lowered.


The Clash has entered the room.
The Clash: woooooejuck
Ejuck-ulate: Woo?
Ejuck-ulate: Who be you~?
The Clash: MJ
The Clash: :)
Ejuck-ulate: Cool
Ejuck-ulate: Stay, Watch us get around 90 million % damage
The Clash: lol
The Clash: okies :D
Smeargle 1 used Splash.
But nothing happened!
Foggy Screecher used Defog.
Smeargle 1's evasion was lowered.

Smeargle 1 used Splash.
But nothing happened!
Foggy Screecher used Defog.
Smeargle 1's evasion was lowered.

Smeargle 1 used Splash.
But nothing happened!
Foggy Screecher used Defog.
Smeargle 1's evasion was lowered.

Smeargle 1 used Splash.
But nothing happened!
Foggy Screecher used Defog.
Smeargle 1's evasion was lowered.

Smeargle 1 used Splash.
But nothing happened!
Foggy Screecher used Defog.
Smeargle 1's evasion was lowered.

Smeargle 1 used Splash.
But nothing happened!
Foggy Screecher used Defog.
Smeargle 1's evasion was lowered.

Smeargle 1 used Splash.
But nothing happened!
Foggy Screecher used Focus Energy.
Foggy Screecher is getting pumped!

After all that, It's time to send in Golem. I wasn't meant to baton pass here, But I did it by mistake. Anyway, Golem rollout's 4 times, And it's got a really slim chance of missing due to defog. Each smeargle has a focus sash, So it can take the hit then baton pass.

Ejuck-ulate: Right
Ejuck-ulate: Now#/
Ejuck-ulate: ?
desuknight: we both pass now
Smeargle 1 used Baton Pass.
Ejuck-ulate: I didn't need to.
The Clash: is this a test or something?
Ejuck-ulate: Yes
Ejuck-ulate: I'll pass to smeargle 2
desuknight: you did have to pass
desuknight: yeah
The Clash: wicked.
Ejuck-ulate switched in Smeargle 2 (lvl 100 Smeargle ?).
Foggy Screecher used Baton Pass.
The Clash: :)
desuknight: to golem now?
Ejuck-ulate: Yah
desuknight switched in Ball of Justice (lvl 100 Golem ?).

Ejuck-ulate: We got it a bit wrong, But nothing bad'll happen
The Clash: wicked :)
Smeargle 2 used Splash.
But nothing happened!
Ball of Justice used Rollout.
Smeargle 2 lost 1320% of its health.
Smeargle 2 hung on using its Focus Sash!

Smeargle 2 used Baton Pass.
Ejuck-ulate switched in Smeargle 1 (lvl
100 Smeargle ?).
Ball of Justice used Rollout.
Smeargle 1 lost 2751% of its health.
Smeargle 1 hung on using its Focus Sash!

The Clash: lol roll out may miss
Smeargle 1 used Baton Pass.
Ejuck-ulate switched in Smeargle 3 (lvl 100
Smeargle ?).
Ball of Justice used Rollout.
Smeargle 3 lost 4731% of its
Smeargle 3 hung on using its Focus Sash!

Ejuck-ulate: 6 defogs?
desuknight: we used defog 6 times
The Clash: This is way better done with Shuckle
Ejuck-ulate: Nope
Smeargle 3 used Baton Pass.
Ejuck-ulate switched in Smeargle 4... Close
to the armageddon (lvl 100 Smeargle ?).
Ball of Justice used Rollout.
Smeargle 4... Close to the armageddon lost 10010% of its health.
Smeargle 4... Close to the armageddon hung on using its Focus Sash!

Now it's time, He's done rollout 4 times, and now I'm going to switch to Ledyba. It's level 1 with a -defence nature, 0 IV's and 0 ev's in defence.

Ejuck-ulate: Okay.
Ejuck-ulate: It's time
desuknight: final rollout
Ejuck-ulate: ...Again
Smeargle 4... Close to the armageddon used Baton Pass.
Ejuck-ulate switched in Imma die now K? (lvl 1 Ledyba ?).
Ball of Justice used Rollout.
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Imma die now K? lost 83132691%!! of its health.
Ejuck-ulate's Imma die now K? fainted.
Ejuck-ulate: YES!!!!!!
desuknight: warstory that!
The Clash: AHAHA
Ejuck-ulate: 80million %
Ejuck-ulate: Okay
Ejuck-ulate: Say hi guys
The Clash: HEYYYYY :D
Ejuck-ulate: For some pokemon website
Ejuck-ulate: Lol =D
desuknight: Golem is proud of himself
Ejuck-ulate: We all are

Yup, That's 83 MILLION % damage.
It was alot of fun doing this, Thanks to Desuknight for doing it with me and MJ for just randomly coming in during the match!
Power trick could be baton passed to a shuckle for more damage. Also, It does more on shedinja.

Edit: What item did Golem have? Theoretically, metronome can increase an attack's poweer by 200%
That wasn't a warstory,that was just some smeargles BPing so you could do alot of damage.Funny dosen't eqaul good.
Wow awesome, ahhahaa! But I know how it can get better.

Use a scizor with sword dance 3 times, use defog + fury cutter, and keep fury cutting a protect/substitute breloom... you'll get infinite base power...
That was pretty random. But it always bugs me when the damage recipitent is lvl 1.

Sort of takes away the coolness of massive damage when you're basically punching a baby in the face.

Still, you win bonus points for not using Sunny Day Flash Fire Overheat Heatran vs Shedinja. You did something new... sort of.

Well done.
Defense Curl
Boosts Def 1 stage.
Boosts user's Defense one stage. Doubles the power of Ice Ball and Rollout for as long as the user is in the battle. The Defense boost can be Baton Passed, but the Ice Ball / Rollout boost cannot.
Why 6 Defense Curl? The Ice Ball/Rollout "boost" can't be passed.

Anyway, here's what you need to be doing to try to max out damage that way:

Shuckle: @Metronome, Impish, 252 Def, Passed Power Trick, 3 SD, and Focus Energy
Defense Curl then Rollout. (RhyINFERIOR can't get Defense Curl. ><)

Shedinja: -Def Nature, 0 Def IV, Passed 3 Screech (-6 Def) and 1 Sweet Scent (or whatever is needed to ensure 100% accuracy); alternative is to hope for an Acupressure Accuracy boost for Shuckle

Get as close to that as you can. (-Def and Evasion probably aren't realistic when Metronome is trying to boost power.)

I wish there was a damage calculator that could easily account for all of these factors so that people wouldn't go to Shoddy to test these and post the results. I do admit that these threads get old after a while.

Well, as soon as I finish my damage calculator I'm working on in Excel, I can actually run this kind of situation through it and see what comes up. I haven't been able to devote a lot of time to it lately, though.
Yeah, But we were trying a new way. Loads of people have done it before, We tried it with different pokémon.

I know it's really not a warstory, But I didn't know what else to post it as.
No you haven't. The highest possible damage is


You can get this by doing...

Level 100, 1440 power (Defense Curl, Helping Hand, and 5th turn Rollout), 4912 Attack (614 Attack Shuckle from Power Trick, Pure Power, +6 Attack), CH, Metronome to give x2, max damage in the random number, STAB on any level 1 4x weak Pokemon (all Pokemon with a 4x weakness to Rock can get 1 Defense). Combee and Delibird are favorites for this.

No, Heatran can't do more to Paras or any other objection you have. There is no known way to do more damage.
Rather than Ladyba, you should've used a 0 IV, 0 EV -Defense Shedinja Lv.1 (although that's not particularly legal but for every HP damage it does it will add 1%, so the damage could've been in the hundred-millions)

Power Trick Shuckle is good.

Also, was Golem holding Choice Band?