Search results

  1. askaninjask

    Big City Mafia 2 - Three Districts - Night 3

    I think the best strategy for villagers E0 may in fact be to choose a district at random. The situation we want to avoid is one district being filled with majority mafia. We make it impossible for the mafia to place their people strategically if we just choose randomly. I'd avoid claiming E0...
  2. askaninjask

    [Semi-OC] Big City Mafia 2 - Signups

    sounds cool i'm in
  3. askaninjask

    Big Mafia Mafia 3 - Game Over, Big City + A Fairy + Ditto Win!

    Things I enjoyed about this game: * the dynamic of goons early on to decide who they were going to claim to & when * seeing that i had the 2nd alias alphabetically and going "well hope i'm not scum lmao" then being scum & living to the final cycle of the game anyway * eventually being a driving...
  4. askaninjask

    Big Mafia Mafia 3 - Game Over, Big City + A Fairy + Ditto Win!

    Hey all, I've been outed as a goon by claiming to DLE, so I'm hoping to save you all the same misfortune. It's too bad, I was looking forward to fakeclaiming and getting some revenge on LonelyNess. But unfortunately, the actual cartel is with SB, not with DLE, and all goons should claim to them...
  5. askaninjask

    Ever wonder what it would feel like to get hit by part of a pokemon/move?

    i feel like if a pokemon growled at me i would not be less firm in my strikes in the slightest. i would continue to wail on that thing undeterred
  6. askaninjask

    Big Mafia Mafia 3 Sign-Ups

  7. askaninjask

    Multifaction Recruitment Mafia - Night 13 (Deadline: 17/01 10:00pm GMT/5:00pm EST)

    even though i was in the game for barely a cycle, and i entered during a dramatic moment, i had a lot of fun :) ty for inviting me to sub in
  8. askaninjask

    Multifaction Recruitment Mafia - Night 13 (Deadline: 17/01 10:00pm GMT/5:00pm EST)

    Confused what the benefit is, at all, for freelancers to vote water. Noting all votes for LN right now as likely faction members. No vote
  9. askaninjask

    Mission Mafia: Day Seven

    Vote Haruno
  10. askaninjask

    Mission Mafia: Day Seven

    On night 0, by the way.
  11. askaninjask

    Mission Mafia: Day Seven

    Team 1 claim to me, I can clean 5 people at the same time.
  12. askaninjask

    Mission Mafia Signups

  13. askaninjask

    Please no more recruiters?

    Some hosts seem to insist on putting recruiters in their games. Whenever I'm in a mafia game in which a member of my team was recruited, at the end of that game I feel like I've been cheesed. Actually every time it feels pretty shitty to have a member of your team recruited away from you and I...
  14. askaninjask

    Big 2official2mafia - POSTGAME
