Scavengers Official Hunt Thread (Old)

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Tuestday 28th of July, 9 PM GMT+2

Winner: iap.
Second place: Rory Mercury.
Third place:
Fourth Place: imas234
Fifth Place: Whiscash-mega

/startofficialhunt What custom title do users on Smogon get after they are banned?, banned deucer, This is the only Normal-type in the Smogon university logo, Tauros, All Pokemon that have Levitate and can learn Fly are of this type. (Don’t include type), Dragon
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Friday July 31st, 11 PM EST (GMT -4) (I think we're gonna consider this a July hunt)

First place: Manaphy286 (got the bonus!)
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: sinnoh67
Fourth place: Cyllage
Fifth place: Catacomb
Consolation prize to: n/a

1) Giovanni has had this legendary Pokemon as part of an in-game team
2) This main-series location shares its name with a town in a Mario game
3) The Mystery Part and Secret Slab will cause new Pokemon to appear in this area, but said Pokemon will be unrecruitable

Solution: 1) Moltres 2) Petalburg City 3) Temporal Spire

To the ~50 people who were in the room during the hunt's peak of activity, I'm sorry for q3 giving you all carpel tunnel and I'll try to get better at hard but fair questions :(
The end of the July ladder is now upon us. Congratulations to Wan the Avatar in first place with 185 points, GoodMorningEspeon in second place with 170 points, and Chupps in third place with 106 points. Thanks to all who participated.

Wan the Avatar: 185 points
GoodMorningEspeon: 170 points
Chupps: 106 points
Weebl: 86 points
social netwerk: 75 points
Mr. Uncompetitive: 71 points
Aeolia: 70 points
Dylas: 66 points
adiass: 63 points
Gleeb: 55 points
kevinrocks: 51 points
Zipzapadam: 51 points
Catacomb: 47 points
iap: 42 points
Rory Mercury: 42 points
xfix: 35 points
Painter Espeon: 35 points
Flerovium: 31 points
XK-Zuko: 30 points
Manaphy286: 30 points
ILRB: 25 points
blackburn009: 25 points
Shadowscyther22: 21 points
ZeZangoose: 20 points
The Real Red: 15 points
TheAura: 15 points
Toaster McStrudle: 15 points
HeracrossTheGreek: 12 points
eeveeattract: 11 points
MeButYou82: 11 points
Gargoyle31: 10 points
Eyan: 10 points
AnonymouzLSB: 10 points
wow you're bad: 10 points
paleo: 10 points
sinnoh67: 10 points
Animatronic Mew: 5 points
Astentia: 5 points
imas234: 5 points
Cyllage: 5 points
pyorololi: 2 points
racky54: 1 point
death alchemist: 1 point
MagiKanga: 1 point
Whiscash-mega: 1 point
August's ladder twist, as can be seen in the OP, is sequential blitz points: Under 5 minutes gives +2, under 4 minutes gives +4, under 3 minutes gives +6, under 2 minutes gives +8, and under 1 minute gives +10.

The August ladder has started as of now. Good luck to all!!

Cyllage (+6)
Second place: hardenmetapod (+6)
Third place: social netwerk (+6)
Fourth place: ZeZangoose (+6)
Fifth place: Rory Mercury (+4)
Consolation prize to: adiass
Solution: chespin, wigglytuff, tyranitar

1) Pinches is an anagram of which Pokemon?
2) Lucario's Final Smash from SSBB shares it's name with an anime episode. Which Pokemon was featured in the "Who's that Pokemon" segment in that episode?
3) This is the only Pokemon that has both negative and positive Heavy Ball Modifiers throughout the generations that is currently immune to Sky Drop
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Reserving official for 8 PM tonight, GMT+2 (August 2)

Winner: HappyEevee. +6
Second place: FIREEEE. +4
Third place: HeracrossTheGreek. +2
Fourth Place: iap
Fifth Place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Consolation prize to: eevee☆attract, MukUsedDrillPeck, Mega Eevee X, Wan the Avatar, Dan☆Hood, ZeZangoose
Solution: cursedbody, batonpassclause, hiddenpower.

/startofficialhunt What is the only ability exclusive to Ghost types?| Cursed Body| What is the newest clause affecting the official tiers, being updated on July 13th? | Baton Pass Clause | This Normal-type move can hit Ghost-types super-effectively without making the use of any ability or move. | Hidden Power
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08/03/2015 GMT+0

iap (+8)
Second place: Painter Espeon (+8)
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon (+4)
Fourth place: Rory Mercury (+2)
Fifth place: social netwerk
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: socialmedia, 54362, mixandmega

1) This room was featured in the PS! news on May 24, 2015.
2) Under the assumption that it is a perfect sphere, what is Electrode's volume in cubic inches, rounded to the nearest integer?
3) This Other Metagame allows players to change the stats of almost any Pokemon based on which mega stone they are holding.
08/03/15 3:00 PM GMT-4

Winner: a wanderer (Wan the Avatar) [+6]
Second place: Painter Espeon [+6]
Third place: DwindlingStorm
Fourth place: hardenmetapod
Fifth place: Cyllage
Conslation prize to: no-one

Solution: cruiseconoisseur, korrina, countershield

1) In Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, which medal do you receive once you've sailed on the Royal Unova ten times?
2) Excluding those who are his major traveling companions, which Gym Leader has Ash battled against the most in the anime?
3) This tactic used in the anime creates a vortex around the user to prevent the opponent from attacking or approaching.

Congratulations to all of the finishers! Thanks to kevinrocks for quality checking and also Instant Apple Pie for quality checking as well as hosting! n_n
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Winner: social netwerk (+6)
Second place: Gleeb (+4)
Third place: Tamashiii (+4)
Fourth place: Cyllage (+4)
Fifth Place: GoodMorningEspeon (+2)
Consolation prize to: Rory Mercury, Chupps, Aeolia, imas234, Silvertabby
Solution: yellow, moonball, ikeclosecombat

Questions :D
Q1: Which character gave a previously unknown species its name in the Pokémon Adventures manga?
Q2: In Generation 2, what ball other than the Poké Ball has no catch rate multiplier under any circumstances, and no effect on the Pokémon after it is caught? (include “ball” in your answer)
Q3: In Super Smash Bros. 4, there is a non-Pokémon character with a custom side special that shares a name with a Pokémon move. What is the character and the move, in that order?

Special thanks to Cattail Prophet, ILRB, and Snaquaza for quality checking the hunt/parts of the hunt, Instant Apple Pie for hosting, and congratulations to everyone who completed the official! :D
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08/04/15 GMT -0

Painter Espeon
Second place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Third place: Chupps:pirate:
Fourth place: Rory Mercury
Fifth place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: no-one

Solution: cathy, sinnohsports, birthisland

1) This is the only Skier that has used a Steel-type Pokemon in-game (don't include the trainer class)
2) This television show in the main game series reports on live wrestling matches
3) In Pokemon Emerald, there is no background music at all in this location
08/05/2015 GMT-4

Winner: kevinrocks [BLITZ] (+10)
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon (+8)
Third place: social netwerk (+8)
Fourth place: Mr. Uncompetitive (+8)
Fifth place: Chupps (+6)
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, MukUsedDrillPeck, Tamashiii
Solution: beedrill, battling101, linebacker

1) Darumaka shares the same Special Attack base stat with the Mega Evolution of which Pokemon?
2) What is the name of the forum used for Smogon's competitive tutoring program?
3) Doing /avatar 176 gives the user a trainer sprite for which trainer class?

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A bit late but anyways

08/06/2015 11:00 PM GMT -4

Winner: social netwerk
Second place: f r i d g e o f f (chupps)
Third place: Painter Espeon
Fourth place: Rory Mercury
Fifth place: incognito gleeb (Gleeb)
Consolation prize to: N/A
Solution: darkpersian, suikawari, zweilous

Nobody got the bonus :pirate:

1) Some copies of this TCG card were printed without any HP.
2) In the original version of "Hey You Pikachu!", Pikachu plays this game instead of pinata.
3) Prior to the introduction of Kyurem-B, the move Outrage was most powerful when used by this Pokemon.

Hope y'all had fun (It certainly feels nice to do a hunt where people don't complain a ton but still take 10+ minutes to finish ^^). Shoutouts to GME and Snaq for qcing and ashie for hosting (iap pls)
08/07/2015 GMT-4

Winner: Mr. Uncompetitive (+8)
Second place: Painter Espeon (+8)
Third place: Mambo (+8)
Fourth place: Chupps (+6)
Fifth place: GoodMorningEspeon (+6)
Consolation prize to: Rory Mercury, kevinrocks, Manaphy286
Solution: makuhita, klefki, shadowpunch

1) A Fighting-type Gym Leader had a Pokemon evolve during an Gym Battle in the anime. What was this Pokemon?
2) This Pokemon moved from BL to OU in the most recent usage-based tier shift.
3) This Ghost-type move is an egg move for a single Pokemon, which is not Ghost-type.

08/08/2015 GMT-4

Winner: GoodMorningEspeon (+8)
Second place: Rory Mercury (+8)
Third place: iap (+8)
Fourth place: Kangaaroo (+8)
Fifth place: ZeZangoose (+8)
Consolation prize to: Mr. Uncompetitive, Catacomb, Cattail Prophet, adiass, emboar11
Solution: bergmite, kupo, scratch

1) This is the heaviest Pokemon Grass Knot will hit for 80 Base Power.
2) This Pokemon Showdown global mod's username starts with k
3) There is an event Meowth with the move Petal Dance. What other attacking move does this event Pokemon have?

Winner: Gleeb (+6)
Second Place: AyyronBalls
Third Place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Fourth Place: ps I am cute (adiass)
Fifth place: iap
Consolation prize to: Chupps, GoodMorningEspeon
Solutions: willow, jynx, beatup

q1) What is Pryce's middle name?
q2) Who is the only Pokémon in a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon game whose speech cannot be understood?
q3) What attack can lower the user's speed by the most stages in only one use?

First of all let me apologize for the immense trouble brought on by q3, as well as the numerous alt answers (Psych Up, Transform, Topsy Turvy) that could also have worked and that I did not take into account. Sorry about my worst hunt to date guys :(

Thanks to kevinrocks and Manaphy286 for qc'ing and ashiemore for emergency hosting! :heart: And as always, congrats to everyone who finished the hunt!


edit: apparently, beat up does not make contact. i apologize for my 100% screw up question :(
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08/10/15 11:00 PM GMT -4

Winner: Painter Espeon
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: social netwerk
Fourth place: Gleeb
Fifth place: iap
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks
Solution: yellowforest, none, gardevoirex

Pepseon came close to the +2 bonus but barely missed it :pirate:

1) A Wild Pikachu with Surf can be caught in this location
2) This unused Field Move in the Pokemon Ranger games can destroy Save Machines
3) Amongst the first Pokemon cards to have 2 weaknesses in the TCG, this is the only card whose featured Pokemon is OU in Generation 6

[23:20] +Mr. Uncompetitive: q3 hint spoiler: Darude - Sandstorm
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Reserving an official for tonight, GMT+2. 8 PM


Winner: social netwerk. +8
Second place: Mr. Uncompetitive. +8
Third place: iap. +8
Fourth place: adiass +8
Fifth place: Zipzapadam +6
Consolation: sfeels.
Solution: thetowerofterror, shipping, mtsilver.

/startofficialhunt What was the first Pokemon episode (name) to mention that the Ghost-type is super effective against the Psychic-type?, The Tower Of Terror, Which prefix is given to add a warning to articles which cover relationships on Bulbapedia?, shipping:, In which non-city is the player able to encounter diamond dust?, MT Silver
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08/11/2015 GMT-4

Winner: GoodMorningEspeon (+8)
Second place: Mr. Uncompetitive (+6)
Third place: Painter Espeon (+6)
Fourth place: Rory Mercury (+2)
Fifth place: social netwerk (+2)
Consolation prize to: no-one
Solution: snore, fightarea, sleighshowdown

1) This Generation II move did not debut in the anime until the XY series.
2) In DPPt the player's rival will battle them in this location on Saturdays and Sundays only.
3) This was the name of the PS seasonal metagame in December 2014.
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08/12/2015 GMT -4

Winner: Cattail Prophet (+4)
Second place: Chupps:pirate:
Third place: Astentia
Fourth place: Rory Mercury
Fifth place: adiass
Consolation prize to:
shedinja, darkprimeape, lucario


1) This fully evolved Ghost-type Pokemon has a unique base stat total
2) This was the first Pokemon Card to appear in the anime
3) Excluding formes, In Gen 4 this Pokemon had a unique type combination, however in every other generation it does not
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08/13/2015 GMT-4

Winner: GoodMorningEspeon (+8)
Second place: Mr. Uncompetitive (+8)
Third place: iap (+8)
Fourth place: kevinrocks (+2)
Fifth place: Cattail Prophet
Consolation prize to: Rory Mercury, Chupps
Solution: noeggs, megakick, veteraninlove

1) The undiscovered Egg Group is known as what in Pokemon Stadium 2?
2) This is the first move in index order with 120 Base Power.
3) This is the only user that has won more than one season of Smogon Tour.
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08/14/15 GMT -4

Winner: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: Chupps
Fourth place: Rory Mercury
Fifth place: Meteordash
Consolation prize to:
Solution: kingler, ginemaberry, battlelorekeeperzinnia

1) This was the first Pokemon to have an OHKO move as one of its starting moves
2) This held item has the same effect as the White Herb
3) A main-series Pokemon composer debuted by co-composing a game with Yasunori Mitsuda and Akari Kaida. What is the 2nd "Battle! ()" theme that this person composed for the main series? (Bulbapedia name)

Yeahhhhhh this hunt though...

I think I'll be taking a break from making officials for a while. Since I've moved from unofficials I've been having increased writer's block with questions so I need some time for new ones that are good (aka not q2) :x
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08/14/2015 GMT-4

Winner: Painter Espeon [BLITZ] (+10)
Second place: social netwerk [BLITZ] (+10)
Third place: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ] (+10)
Fourth place: Mr. Uncompetitive (+8)
Fifth place: Rory Mercury (+8)
Consolation prize to: Flerovium, Gargoyle31
Solution: featherbadge, specialpikachuedition, narissa

1) This Hoenn badge will cause Pokemon up to Level 70 to obey the player.
2) In Pokemon Red and Blue, "Gotta catch 'em all!" is printed on the boxart. What is this replaced with in Pokemon Yellow?
3) This Pokemon anime character has a Ditto that used Poison Jab via Transform.
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08/15/15 11:00 PM GMT-4

Winner: Painter Espeon [+8]
Second place:
chechmate [+6]
Third place:
what even the HECK (Chupps) [+6]
Fourth place:
txnnyo [+2]
Fifth place:
Conslation prize to: Catacomb, Astenti(♥a♥), Twix, Adiass♥VC (adiass), SergioRules

Solution: delibird, colorchange, sinnohfield

1) This Pokémon has access to two abilities with the exact same in-battle effect.
2) This was the first ability ever seen in the anime.
3) All Combee that are found in this location will never be able to evolve.

Sincere apologies about missing the original intended time for the official, which was seven hours prior. Also, sorry for a late post of results! n_n;

Congratulations to all of the finishers! Thanks to Xylen for quality checking and also ashiemore for quality checking as well as hosting! n_n
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18/08/15 5:00 PM GMT-4
(silly americans putting month before day)

kevinrocks [+6]
Second place:
social netwerk [+2]
Third place:
Fourth place: GoodMorningEspeon
Fifth place: pyorololi
Solution: vividscent, ragescratch, logan


1) This Cologne decreases the Heart Gauge of a Pokemon by the largest amount.
2) On the TCG card in which Totodile is a lightning type what 2 moves does he have (alphabetical order)?
3) This in-game Trainer has 6 Shedinjas on his team (don't include trainer class).

Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Oh,w rong language… Gratz to all of the finishers! Thanks to ashiemore for qc'ing and Instant Apple Pie for qc'ng and hosting!

Hope you liked my first offishul ~
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08/16/2015 GMT-4

Winner: SergioRules (+8)
Second place: social netwerk (+8)
Third place: Painter Espeon (+6)
Fourth place: Mr. Uncompetitive (+4)
Fifth place: Gleeb (+2)
Consolation prize to: Catacomb, Rory Mercury
Solution: gust, tm09, basculin

1) Which Normal-type move became a Flying-type move in the transition from Gen I to Gen II?
2) Which Generation II TM can only be acquired by trading a certain Pokemon from a Generation I game?
3) This Pokemon's first ability is different based on its form despite its second and hidden abilities remaining the same.
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08/17/15 9:00 PM GMT-4

Winner: Painter Espeon [+4]
Second place:
social netwerk [+2]
Third place:
Wan the Avatar
Fourth place:
Fifth place:
Conslation prize to: blackburn009, YelloMello

Solution: linksearcher, snoverberry, caterpillarfungus

1) This Pokétch application has a similar function to that of the C-Gear.
2) Which berry in the Pokémon anime can grow off of a Pokémon? (Include the word “berry” in your answer.)
3) According to Professor Oak, what is the proper term for the fungus that grow on the back of Paras?

Congratulations to all of the finishers! Thanks to ashiemore for quality checking and Instant Apple Pie for quality checking as well as hosting! n_n
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08/19/15 3 AM GMT

Winner: Painter Espeon [+10]
Second place:
Rory Mercury [+6]
Third place:
Flerovium [+6]
Fourth place:
iap [+6]
Fifth place:
Dylas [+6]
Conslation prize to: social netwerk, GoodMorningEspeon, Catacomb, Cattail Prophet, Silvertabby

Solution: cloyster, primordialsea, flymetothemoon

1) Which one of World Champion Abram's Pokemon in the World Championship's Tournament in 2012 was holding a Choice Scarf?
2) This signature ability has the longest name
3) A character and a Pokemon with the names of the brothers who invented the first successful airplane were featured in this episode of the anime

Thanks to the participants, the quality checkers, and ashie for bonus recording!!
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