Going with the community's concept approach of making Belly Drum usable, I researched for an inspiration that is preferably organic because it MUST have a real belly, and could possibly be a striking characteristic. The Frigate Bird fit my criteria perfectly. Frigate Birds are known for their inflatable gular pouches tinted in vivid red, which makes a perfect catalyst for Belly Drum.
Design Justification
Relation to Stats and Abilities
Pokemon Description
This Pokemon usually inflates its front to scare off other Pokemon that gets in its way. It then pounds its belly while letting out a shrill noise if the opponent doesn't back down, which Pokemon researchers observed as a last warning before it attacks the foe mercilessly.
There have been sightings of groups of this migratory Pokemon flying steadily through storms, unwavered by the intense lightning and powerful winds. Using its mass and its dangerously sharp steel beak, it swoops down in frightening speeds to pierce and capture prey that swims near the surface of the sea. It was believed that the anchors used by ships and vessels are inspired from the shape of this Pokemon's beak.
Supporting Art
Back Art, Relative Scale, and Flight (Click Thumbnails for enlarged view)
Demonstration of Belly Drum, Bullet Punch and Taunt (Click Thumbnails for enlarged view)
This is my CAP 6 entry, whose design is inspired from the Frigate Bird.
Relation to the CAP 6 Concept: "Show Me Your Moves!"
This is my CAP 6 entry, whose design is inspired from the Frigate Bird.
Going with the community's concept approach of making Belly Drum usable, I researched for an inspiration that is preferably organic because it MUST have a real belly, and could possibly be a striking characteristic. The Frigate Bird fit my criteria perfectly. Frigate Birds are known for their inflatable gular pouches tinted in vivid red, which makes a perfect catalyst for Belly Drum.
Design Justification
Steel/Flying is a typing that also fit the bill for the Frigate Bird design. Because my inspiration is a frigate bird, I took its other meaning (navy ship) and applied it into the design. Using navy elements to justify its steel typing, I opted for the anchor beak as a central design feature, supported by the steel-plated admiral's coat.
With which I quote myself:This design is too Honchkrow!
I also want to add that this design has been done with the real-life frigate birds' physique in mind. In comparison, a little food for thought: why is Honchkrow fat when crows generally aren't?It has been pointed out to me since the start that it does resemble Honchkrow. However, this does not automatically mean that it affects the integrity and/or originality of my design. If anything, I'm actually glad it resembles a pokemon since we're technically creating a pokemon here. But then again, I believe that my frigate bird has plenty of elements to differentiate itself from Honchkrow. Also if you're curious, there's a reason why I chose the black-and-red color scheme, which is based upon the natural colors of a frigate bird.
I opted for the design approach being aware of this kind of feedback. It may have a vibe of Water/Flying, but I believe that it represents Steel/Flying better. And just a heads up: All Water-type birds have webbed feet. (See Golduck, Swanna, Empoleon) My Frigate Bird design, as well as its IRL inspiration, does not have webbed feet and thus are unable to swim.But it kinda looks like Water/Flying because of the navy elements!
This list shows that the Frigate Bird is one of the faster birds in terms of flight speed, reaching speeds of over 150 km/h. That speed, coupled by the sturdy-looking physique that my design exudes, goes well with the 130 DEF and 118 SPE stats. The 92 ATK means it's not a slouch on the offensive side either (see arms), while 50 HP just balances with the fact that pokemon birds in general have low hp stats. (See Swellow, Dodrio, Pelipper, and Farfetch'd among others)
Because of the Navy theme approach I did on the design, it ties in with the Intimidate ability very well. The inflatable red belly helps increase its mass too which can be used as intimidation. Volt Absorb is made possible through the “golden buttons” located on its frontal steel plating and the back near its vertebrae. These buttons conduct electricity and channel it around the body, which is converted into energy as well as preventing electricity to flow through the entirety of its body.
Because of the Navy theme approach I did on the design, it ties in with the Intimidate ability very well. The inflatable red belly helps increase its mass too which can be used as intimidation. Volt Absorb is made possible through the “golden buttons” located on its frontal steel plating and the back near its vertebrae. These buttons conduct electricity and channel it around the body, which is converted into energy as well as preventing electricity to flow through the entirety of its body.
This Pokemon usually inflates its front to scare off other Pokemon that gets in its way. It then pounds its belly while letting out a shrill noise if the opponent doesn't back down, which Pokemon researchers observed as a last warning before it attacks the foe mercilessly.
There have been sightings of groups of this migratory Pokemon flying steadily through storms, unwavered by the intense lightning and powerful winds. Using its mass and its dangerously sharp steel beak, it swoops down in frightening speeds to pierce and capture prey that swims near the surface of the sea. It was believed that the anchors used by ships and vessels are inspired from the shape of this Pokemon's beak.
Supporting Art
Back Art, Relative Scale, and Flight (Click Thumbnails for enlarged view)

Demonstration of Belly Drum, Bullet Punch and Taunt (Click Thumbnails for enlarged view)

Overall I really had fun in creating, developing and finalizing this design as my second art entry to the CAP Project. I think Frigate Bird got quite its own fair share of good and bad points, all of which I appreciate wholeheartedly. I'm grateful for the support, critiques and suggestions given by everyone in this thread and in #cap IRC. Thanks everyone!

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