Recent content by TheDougArt

  1. TheDougArt

    Ayo u messaged me on sd We gonna play rn?

    Ayo u messaged me on sd We gonna play rn?
  2. TheDougArt

    Ight I'll chall

    Ight I'll chall
  3. TheDougArt

    ADV ADV OU Global Championship - Round 2 (Tiebreak on Post #66)

    Won in 2 vs Shitrock Enjoyer ggs
  4. TheDougArt

    Ya that fits

    Ya that fits
  5. TheDougArt

    I'm -4 and ya I can play tomorrow it's cool

    I'm -4 and ya I can play tomorrow it's cool
  6. TheDougArt

    Ya dat works vro

    Ya dat works vro
  7. TheDougArt

    Ayo I'm gmt -4 too I can play whatever day u want, sorry for taking so long to respond, I forgot

    Ayo I'm gmt -4 too I can play whatever day u want, sorry for taking so long to respond, I forgot
  8. TheDougArt

    Oh, rly? Sure thing

    Oh, rly? Sure thing
  9. TheDougArt

    ADV ADV OU Global Championship - Round 1 [Tiebreaker @ Post 152]

    Also Since the deadline is tomorrow, I'm attempting to call act against Charmayenne They have not responded to me to schedule yet, and I doubt that they intend to.
  10. TheDougArt


  11. TheDougArt

    Ya, chall Yellowdorus Therian

    Ya, chall Yellowdorus Therian
  12. TheDougArt

    Ya I can play whenev

    Ya I can play whenev
  13. TheDougArt

    Hai, chall YellowdorusTherian

    Hai, chall YellowdorusTherian