Recent content by Realblazing

  1. Hey, I'm on ps as Realblazing2.

    Hey, I'm on ps as Realblazing2.
  2. I don't have my maths class today so your evening works well. 6:30pm your time?

    I don't have my maths class today so your evening works well. 6:30pm your time?
  3. Hello, we're up against for the battle factory open round 3. When can you battle?

    Hello, we're up against for the battle factory open round 3. When can you battle?
  4. The NU Open XIII - Round 1

    Won ggs
  5. Hey, I'll be on ps as Realblazing2.

    Hey, I'll be on ps as Realblazing2.
  6. Tournament Rands Slam IV - Battle Factory Open - Round 2

    Won, ggs
  7. I can do pretty much any time b/w 5pm-11pm your time on Saturday but let me know a day prior

    I can do pretty much any time b/w 5pm-11pm your time on Saturday but let me know a day prior
  8. Tournament AXPL: Week 1

    Won ggs
  9. Friday 8pm your time?

    Friday 8pm your time?
  10. Tournament National Dex Same Trios II: Round 6

    Won vs Spcplayzz, ggs. Sorry for the speed tie
  11. Tournament Limit Break Series II - Round 1 {No Tera SV Ubers}

    Won ggs
  12. Tournament AXPL I: Player Sign-ups

    Username: Realblazing2 Tiers Played and Preference: Same Solo, Same six, Auction Foreseen Inactivity: School