Recent content by Local Dog

  1. Local Dog

    not to be pretentious but yall should really read this… C.H.A.T. (Come Here for All Talk)

    Anyone else feel REALLY uncomfortable when someone tells them about their sex life? I have this coworker, I get along with her very well but she's super open about her sex life with me (not so much with others weirdly enough) and it always makes me feel really uncomfy when she tells me about...
  2. Local Dog

    Competitive pokemon if it was WOKE:

    There's a pretty big overlap between competitive gaming, autism and leftism Nothing wrong about autism or leftism now. It's just that they correlate in conjunction with competitive gaming
  3. Local Dog

    Competitive pokemon if it was WOKE:

    Yeah Slowbro and Exeggutor are lesbians. Ferrothorn dissaproves of their relationships, as he is homophobic
  4. Local Dog

    Serious The Politics Thread

    Seeing the European right wing parties tearing themselves apart is honestly really interesting. The population is extremely receptive to right wing politics at the moment, but they bicker more than they ever have before and lose votes despite the entire climate being extremely favorable for them...
  5. Local Dog

    Post your searing hot takes

    Yeah man fuck cats
  6. Local Dog

    not to be pretentious but yall should really read this… C.H.A.T. (Come Here for All Talk)

    holy shit they killed young sheldon in the series finale
  7. Local Dog

    Post your searing hot takes

    TV shows getting movies can often be a lil weird TV shows look different from movies. They usually have less music, more limited camera movement, have different lighting, the color palettes of scenes are different, it goes from 16:9 to 21:9, the cinematography is more elaborate in movies... It...
  8. Local Dog

    not to be pretentious but yall should really read this… C.H.A.T. (Come Here for All Talk)

    Am I a furry for thinking Nicole Watterson is really really bad Reply to this thread if you think no, make a billboard 100 song if you think yes
  9. Local Dog

    Serious The Politics Thread What the fuck is this You can commit murder in broad fucking daylight and be pardoned if your ideology is the "right" one Everyone has a right to self defense, but there has to be...
  10. Local Dog

    not to be pretentious but yall should really read this… C.H.A.T. (Come Here for All Talk)

    I always try to keep this in mind when I do something creative. I show my work in process to people I know, people who are quite different from one another and try to reflect upon my work with the feedback I receive. I read through my narrative and artistic choices and question whether this...
  11. Local Dog

    Your weird and wacky dreams

    Gus Fring walked into my bed room, removed the Drive poster I sleep under and replaced it with a smaller poster of John Wick 3, but instead of Keanu, Gus was in the middle of it The poster fell off and cheese was under it
  12. Local Dog

    not to be pretentious but yall should really read this… C.H.A.T. (Come Here for All Talk)

    I will never forget the original Watch Dogs Hyped up for years by Ubi, they were so cocky with this game that they wanted to have it directly compete with GTA V (until they found their marbles again and delayed it). It came out, looked average compared to looking god like in the original...
  13. Local Dog

    Life without showdown

    I am now left to think about how I'll turn 24 soon Like holy shit man I got old. I find new gray hairs by the week. Ten years ago used to be me going to my first day of school. Now 10 years ago was me watching Vines and powerscaling Dragon Ball characters
  14. Local Dog

    not to be pretentious but yall should really read this… C.H.A.T. (Come Here for All Talk)

    GoT and Star Vs finished on the same evening, May 19th 2019
  15. Local Dog

    Serious The Politics Thread

    Tbh I don't feel qualified to answer your question, but I think one statement of yours is quite interesting I feel the same way. The nature of the modern internet is that you'll mostly see the things you already agree with. In our overly politized world, there's no such thing as an unbiased...