Recent content by JoeyH

  1. Tattle Taler's Paradise (Wi-Fi Battles Blacklist as of May 1st, 2013)

    I'd like to report RichieK13 for Disconnecting. (FC: 1335 2609 9796 (BW)) We still had all our Pokemon, but I had the advantage because I kept predicting his moves. I was using a team focused on U-Turn, and he seemed to dislike this: <JoeyH> hi...
  2. Dude, why did you DC on me?

    Dude, why did you DC on me?
  3. Tattle Taler's Paradise (Wi-Fi Battles Blacklist as of May 1st, 2013)

    PiranhaFire69 ( FC: 0733 9763 2108 (BW) I'd like to report PiranhaFire69. He dc'd when he was loosing 4-2 and one of his Pokemon was asleep. Here's the chatlog: <PiranhaFire69> hi <JoeyH> hi <PiranhaFire69> GoinG in <JoeyH> Swagger...
  4. Tattle Taler's Paradise (Wi-Fi Battles Blacklist as of May 1st, 2013)

    I'd like to report that guy over there, FailAtGTA ( FC: 2279 9608 4498 (BW) He wouldn't make a move with only one pokemon left, I don't know if there's a term for that. I had read about him being a dc'er but I wanted to give him the benefit of the...
  5. Tattle Taler's Paradise (Wi-Fi Battles Blacklist as of May 1st, 2013)

    I'd like to report PickyPikachu ( He was requesting a VGC 12 or OU battle. He dc'd when I was about to 5-0 him. Even though he claims to have only one uber on his team (as seen on the chat log) he actually had two (Excadrill and Garchomp)...
  6. Tattle Taler's Paradise (Wi-Fi Battles Blacklist as of May 1st, 2013)

    I'd like to report dandan FC: 1979 3522 3159.The battle was 6-3 on my side. I was stalling his Scrafty, which was Badly Poisoned. I used Protect as he used Hi Jump Kick, and he called it "gay". Next time I used protect, he ended the battle and dc'd. Here's the chat I had with him on the Wi-Fi...
  7. Tattle Taler's Paradise (Wi-Fi Battles Blacklist as of May 1st, 2013)

    I'd like to report astrospimp ( He dc'd when the score was 5-2 at my advantage, right after his Dusclops used Rest via Sleep Talk on my +1 Sp.D Sp.A Reuniclus. I tried to talk about it with him, but he ignored me and went his way to have another...
  8. You broke sleep clause. Learn the rules, kiddo

    You broke sleep clause. Learn the rules, kiddo
  9. Hax entirely ****ed me over. Anyway, GG. I guess

    Hax entirely ****ed me over. Anyway, GG. I guess
  10. ...yes. Yes, it does. God, that was my first battle with that team, and I forgot it. I could've...

    ...yes. Yes, it does. God, that was my first battle with that team, and I forgot it. I could've whirlind it away... I fail so bad... GG, anyway.
  11. reconnect.

  12. Sorry. Someone tripped over my modem's cable. GG.

    Sorry. Someone tripped over my modem's cable. GG.
  13. boy, you lucked out. GG, tho

    boy, you lucked out. GG, tho
  14. you too

    you too