DrEnzyme's latest activity

  • DrEnzyme
    DrEnzyme replied to the thread Gate Close.
    Thanks! It does look like they have all of mine, though I'll double check just to be sure. That's 4 years YOUNG thank you very much...
  • DrEnzyme
    DrEnzyme reacted to doipy hooves's post in the thread Gate Close with Like Like.
    ProjectPokemon has a database of most event mons/wondercards preserved in their event gallery. You can check if there's anything...
  • DrEnzyme
    DrEnzyme reacted to BIG ASHLEY's post in the thread Gate Close with Like Like.
    my 2 gf jirachis. and yes, they smoke weed.
  • DrEnzyme
    DrEnzyme posted the thread Gate Close in Smogoff.
    I've been dragged out of my decade long slumber by a great disturbance in the poke-force. The bridge between generations is weakening...