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  • Are you slow or something? It was simple question, you don't have to give me that attitude. And btw, congrats to hax victory. Next time you won't be so damn lucky.
    yeah i need to stop battling and watching TV at the same time. ;)

    do you have an NU team perchance?
    ah damn. i can never remember who i've fought with what team. -.- oh well, maybe next time i'll remember. ;)
    Thank you. I'm sorry for the trouble - would you like the captured result (modest Horsea/Seadra if possible) or a pokemon from my thread that's of my OT? It's up to you ^^
    Yes, quite so. Could you wait a few minutes though? I have to help a friend with some trades first? If it's possible, may I VM you after I'm done?
    wow, well played man. right from the very beginning i was completely thrown off my game, and i just kept making bad move after bad move. that coupled with the three ALMOSTKILLS...T_T heh, and then the Fire Blast miss and the Tbolt crit at the end was just salt on the wound. xP
    That was an example of the dangers of using predictable movesets, overused pokemon for the tier, and common pokemon combinations. I was confident that you would switch in a Mismagius on the EQ despite not yet seeing it, and standard SD Venusaur gave me a free switch as well as a free attack on a predicted greedy Nasty Plot. Setting up early game is typically extremely risky.

    Good game, but unpredictability is very important and decided this match.
    Ugh! Now I feel bad! )))= I wanted to give you a shiny squirtle, but I don't have one apparently. And you even gave me a shiny Shuckle. Bahhh. )=
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