Finals Smogon Premier League XIV - Finals [Won by Team Raiders]

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is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Two-Time Past SPL Championis a Past WCoP Championis a Former Old Generation Tournament Circuit Champion
World Defender
I'd like to preface this by saying ggs to the Sharks. We got lucky, you guys would've been deserving winners and I know it sucks having it experienced before, many of you are bound to get one. It's now two years in a row we face the sharks in the finals and both series have been extremely competitive and down to the wire, I personally look forward to this rivalry representing itself in following years, be it with same or different managers, who knows. As for ourselves, I'd be lying if I said this win wasn't satisfying after everything we went through this season, this tournament took a huge toll on me and the bans really made it seem like the work put in during the months in preparation of the draft and the tournament was going to waste, but we pulled through against everything. Now, onto shoutouts:

Tricking the first time was so nice we had to do it twice

Gtcha wasnt sure about your motivation before the tour started, but once you expressed your wish to play for us again and promised 100% commitment I was on board. Thanks for another amazing season, throwback to last year shoutouts (''I believe you have what it takes to keep putting up consistent results, as there are margins of improvement''), you proved last spl wasn't a one and done and cemented yourself as a great player. I was slightly mad when we got to tiebreak and we couldn't field our 38.5K player, but I must've forgot how clutch you are in these type of games, how well you adapted to sv mpressed me.

McMeghan possibly the player I most looked forward to teaming with after the draft, I'm happy I got to know you better, meeting new people is one of the main reasons I take part in team tournaments. Despite you saying you weren't that active compared to other team tournaments you played in the past, I was still positively surprised by your chat presence and the help you provided to our old gens. I really appreciated that you stepped up in the tiebreak to play a gen you hadn't played in a while. Seeing you happy to be on a winning team after many unfortunate seasons was great, a season like this was long overdue for you, glad we helped accomplish it.

Skypenguin I wanted to buy you since your stour 31 series against Tricking, looks like we picked the best moment to lol. You truly leveled up this season, in a hard pool you put up 9 wins and established yourself as a top echelon sm player. You always prepared thoroughly and played some extraordinaire games. I was extremely confident in your play and that is why I wanted you to be in the tiebreak no matter what. It could've ended better but nobody is perfect, tb games are incredibly high stakes with huge amount of pressure and mistakes can happen. Overall you had an amazing season, enjoy the red.

bbeeaa this spl would've been too relaxing so you had to go ahead and get banned. we were just getting started when the bans happened, sucks how it turned out because im sure you wouldve contributed much more and ended with your usual insane record, and having to kick you from the chat added insult to injury. thanks for your contributions last year and this one, particularly your input in ss has been pivotal once again (i'm still amazed at how that subzap team won). you said you're quitting so see you in a few months.

Serpi after our last 2 rby campaigns I was set on buying a solid RBY player for this season. Already knew you were competent after last spl where you joined our server for playoffs. You were much more than just solid, just like skype you improved on last years performance and finished the tour with your best record to date. A man of few words outside his channel, you went into your series with great preparation despite rby being the gen we supported the least which I greatly commend.

zioziotrip you were doing things well until your ban and was on track to have a breakout performance. I wish you kept up with the game and continued helping us but I understand it's hard to stay motivated in that circumstance, was still cool having you hang around. Looking forward to you getting back into it when the unban happens, the potential is there.

DAHLI we weren't exactly sure on who to pick after zio got banned, there were a few names floating around, we ended up going with you and it paid off greatly. Another player that hanged around with us in some past tournaments, I'm glad we got to team officially and that you showed everyone you deserved a starting spot from the start. The way you approached this tournament made me slightly less mad we lost zio, similarly you had a great attitude towards preparing games, and your fresh ideas and takes had a big role in making our SV core start winning again.

DeepBlueC After our initial buys we were low on credits and I didn't expect to land a top DPP buy, however our hail mary bid ended up working and I was ecstatic about getting you. Considering our draft strategy, getting a DPP that guaranteed wins for a low price made me very confident our team could've made playoffs. You have what it takes to put up at least 7 or more wins in a season, you play great games but you get into your head during preparation and it ends up holding you back. I relate a lot to your post in the DPP thread and I know it's not something easy to overcome, hell I haven't, overthinking is one of the reasons I don't enjoy this tournament as player as much. Thanks for putting in maximum effort despite being busier than ever, this trophy is also long overdue for you.

Aliss the raiders totem, this season didn't work out for you. It sucks because you know how to play but nerves prevented you from performing as well as you could. I won't lie, seeing you go entire games without your timer showing up once made me mad, but I know not thinking too hard on your moves makes you less nervous, if you can fix the mental aspect of your game I'm sure you'll start winning more. You were a good chat presence as usual, and I appreciated you were always available to sub in if needed, that made me less paranoid about activity shenanigans considering you were our only substitute for a big part of the season LOL.

Baloor this season could've also been better for you, some of the games you played were really rough to say the least. However what's more important is that you clutched your finals game and have been instrumental to our teams success in many ways, from motivating each one of the players in difficult moments, to being a great chat presence that spawned many memes (ROARING LOOR, LTG, etc.) and kept the chat active, to building many SV teams and stepping up to the plate when bea got banned. You did everything you could to win this tournament and that's all it matters to me, fuck the doubters.

RaiZen1704 you played most of your games in a tier you weren't well versed at because the team needed it and you ended up getting some nice victories. I'm glad you got your first sheet wins on our team after some rough experiences, there is still a lot you can improve on but you have some good individual results, so I'm sure that with the right attitude and adjustments teamtour success will follow.

Kebab mlml we wanted you all along, we know you are good and you were in many of our draft plans so picking you up for cheap was a home run. Despite having teamed with you in other occasions I have to say you went above my expectations, this is the tour you put the most effort into and it showed, you had a very positive season and I already told you that, keep this up and it'll be hard for you to have a bad tournament again. I know you wanted to win the finals game really badly and the loss really hit your morale but I'm sure the overall win makes the pill easier to swallow. Enjoy the scudetto here but not irl because you support Inter!

false the galse, I don't think any other player would've been willing to play were they in the situation you were in but you didn't complain and played all your games, getting important wins and among those a crucial final game. Your play is consistent and you've been putting up good results for a while, so I hope this won't boost your ego but yes you are underrated. Perhaps you didn't get to play the tiers you like the most in this tournament but you did what the team needed, having a player as flexible as you in our lineup and given circumstances really saved our season.

Ash KetchumGamer you have been a threat in individual tournaments for a while so you were on our radar and we were really glad to get you on board. The season started well for you (the play you made W1 is still an highlight of the tournament for me), but then irl commitments made it harder and you started hitting some bumps in the road. I was pleasantly surprised by how wholesome of a teammate you are, you were always positive and it helped cheer everyone up in tough times. I liked your willingness to build your own stuff, but also that you realized when some team picks weren't working and trusted others. You have a good mind for the game and it showed in some of the games you played, but inexperience and nerves, this being your first SPL and in a tier with new mechanics, costed you games which is understandable. That said, you have results and a good attitude so I believe you can only get better from here if you put in work.

Jisoo your BW cup run made it clear to me that you were competent in the tier and that you could've performed well in SPL, especially with someone more experienced giving input. Now, there is a big difference between just performing well and going 9-2 beating some of the tiers best so saying I was impressed is an understatement. This season I decided to be more chill than usual in the BW department, your approach was clearly working from the get go and so I let you cook, I always made sure to give my opinion on things and give help whenever it was needed but you picked up the tiers intricacies very well so there wasn't much need of that. I really liked your confidence going into games and in general, for example when you volunteered to tiebreak. I believe that had a big impact in how you played your games, you played very sharp, made ballsy plays when needed but at the same times understood the wincons very clearly, and overall just made close to no mistakes (we don't talk about the Loom), so I agree with Tricking when he says you were the MVP.

-------------Helpers & supporters-------------

100percentpureheat BIHI the veterans, you guys didnt do shit but always nice having you around. bihi you're a cool ass dude and 100 it's always cool talking shit when the ufc ppvs come around.

Excal great help in multiple gens + peak chat presence, hope you took away something from this experience, be it managing wise or whatever. i think about running it back with the spl 11 ogs at times

Sahki thank you for the scouts and general help, took a load of work off of me, appreciate it a lot.

H.M.N.I.P Raga aiutatemi urgente reportate questo coglione mi sta buttando giù la lega di haxball aiutatemi a far girare

Fakee thanks for the tests in multiple tiers, true saviour when noone else was around, your bw help was also appreciated.

njnp Loved how willing you were to help our SV dudes despite not being on the team, you were a potential pick for us so it makes me happy thinking we wouldn't have missed if we got you.

procorphish grazie per l'aiuto in sv, buona fortuna in wcop ma non ne avete bisogno.

clean Kibo schizo couple, epic chat activity and epic sv gaming, thanks kibo for getting banned allowing us to win, clean also appreciated your help in machines, good stuff.

Corckscrew FriendOfMrGolem120 avarice Clementine thanks for being always available when needed for tips / scouts / avatars.

Santu xray Hachimaki clutch guys in the ORASprep, we don't win in gen 6 without you guys, hachimaki i hope you get an opportunity sooner or later.

Mashing for SV help and most importantly helping bleach schedule

Xrn Dark Eeveon for their help in SV and BW respectively

hellpowna Gman capi del fanclub, il vostro supporto è fortemente sentito. hellpowna dovevi giocarla questa spl, te lo saresti meritato.

LuckOverSkill the day 1. another fun experience is now past us, let's see what the future holds.

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is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Past SPL Champion
World Defender
One last sunday raid did it for us, huh. I'm especially happy for my team, because my managers and teammates put in a lot of effort to make this happen. No matter the situation - whether we were leading the charts during the season or down 1-4 in finals - we focused on the games at hand and in the end, it was enough. People are wondering why Tricking 's teams tend to do so well, and I believe that the heart he puts into it as well as his way of bluntly criticizing his players to their face makes them do what needs to be done to reach the next level instead of being fine with an average result - if they're willing to put in the work, that is. Even in the short time I was on the Raiders discord last year, I was able to see that you're a great manager, and I'd love to play for you again anytime.

Kebab mlml Skypenguin McMeghan you all had some tough losses in finals, but you were also super important in taking us this far with your amazing performances, so I'm glad that you guys can just take the trophy after a great season instead of having regret after a finals loss

Jisoo the goat, saved our season, clinical performance, how does he do it?, MVP, etc
RaiZen1704 bro you're ass sometimes oml, but I'm super happy we get to share this trophy and enter the hall of fame together

Aliss McMeghan Tricking Excal ofc it was a bunch of monologues from me in #rby at times, but being able to bounce ideas off of you guys, articulating my thoughts and hearing your input always gave me clarity and ensured that i was on the right path without missing any blind spots. The discussion and test games I got in with Alice early on was super important to kickstart me into the season I think, and you were still busy with starting gsc at that point, so I value that a lot!

My focus in these team tours is always just to win rby, this season my focus on that has been even more extreme ig, but it was still super fun to mess around in #music, it surprised me how compatible our tastes were (zioziotrip McMeghan H.M.N.I.P come to mind) so that was always a nice change of pace from the tryharding

Gefährlicher Random it's really fun to see your journey in rby, obviously you're cracked but crushing spl and proving yourself as one of the best rby players this early on is insane. We're honestly a great team, advancing our approach to this tier together has been super fun and I'm sure we'll go even further

As for me, my goal is to become the best rby player, prove it, and stay at the top for as long as possible. It has been that since the rby cup back in 2020 a few months after I started playing the tier, where I realized that I could make it. It's nice to enjoy this result, but there's still a lot of work for me to do as I'm not the best player yet. So see you next year, I'll keep up the grind until then.


Skype (nguin)
is a Forum Moderatoris a Tiering Contributoris a Past SPL Champion
World Defender
It is so hard to win in this game. Your odds of winning a trophy range from anywhere between 1/10 to 1/2000 depending on the tournament — not to mention the variance in luck and team matchups. I don't think I've ever seen someone put together a string of 10 perfectly played games; there is just too much to manage. With that said, I really want to thank Tricking and Raiza for making this run possible for all of us, and for believing in me this season. You guys put an insane amount of effort into this tour and into fostering a fun, winning environment devoid of league of legends (fellenia). It feels great to take this home after losing in finals or semis of seemingly every official and ribbon tour. You have somehow imbued the Raiders with the winning spirit and plot armour to win back-to-back. Questi spiriti sembrano aver preso il controllo di alcune delle nostre menti, ma è stato un piccolo prezzo per il thropy.

Some more shoutouts...

McMeghan my fellow schizoprep fanatic - you carried this team not just with your play, but with your leadership and activity throughout the entire server. Very nice meme creation; we really got the whole package with a legend of the game. Baloor ROARING LOOR arguably roro's partner in crime and inarguably a huge reason why we won this tour. You really stepped it up since we teamed for wcop and, combined with your passion for the game, we saw some insane contributions to SV. mons is truly a Laboor of love

false my true foat. I know a lot didn't go your way throughout this tour but I really respect your grind. You were also unafraid of the sm prep and helped me out a lot, as one could expect of the best 3k oat.

Gtcha wtf... how could you be banned... Era un placer leer tus mensajes, en su mayoría desquiciados, y ganabas semana tras semana. Gracias por darme la oportunidad no sólo de practicar mi italiano, sino también mis conocimientos de español en DeepL.

Jisoo what an insane season and stretch of great play. You also got me to start running a little again and ended my months-long cardio hiatus. Time to train my heart for the next time you use breloom. Serpi speaking of crazy seasons, you really are on pace for your goal to be the best. Exquisite taste in music if I may add

Kebab mlml kebbyyyy You really stepped up as our top sv after disaster struck the raiders. You put in a ton of work and maybe you're not fully satisfied with the results, but I believe it was a very strong performance. You should eat some more kebab.
DAHLI losing all of our players somehow worked out since we got you. Another dedicated performance and you showed that you definitely belong on this stage

Ash KetchumGamer my brother, you are underrated 90% because of your username. You're super strong and I'm looking forward to seeing you pop off soon

DeepBlueC it was always a treat popping in to read through your channel. You have an amazing approach to team building and came up with some cool stuff

Aliss GLLCE the essence of the raiders. You kept us alive even after your playing season was done with your energy. What a powerful user

bbeeaa King Bea. I appreciate your dedication to making us the most violent team possible. In all seriousness, you are a funny guy and I wish I could've teamed with you the entire tour.
Zio zioziodrip the violent trendsetter. Playing 1v1 with minacious users like alice and tricking really came back to bite you, but it was good to see you prove yourself. Go practice your adpl koans in the meanwhile or maybe keep going outside

H.M.N.I.P you helped our team so much it's insane... Thanks for being my punching bag (I can't remember our games so I'll just assume I won all of them) and for carrying everybody

Clementine Ça fait trois langues que j'ai fait semblant de parler (I HAVE A DELF NIVEAU B2) Thank you for your help with sm and your pleasant presence

Kibo You were banned by the romans when we were down and revived on Easter Sunday after we won. Very interesting...

Sahki Mashing LuckOverSkill and everyone who joined to help, you made this a very memorable server and your support is greatly appreciated

Liam Nissan airfare ArcticBreeze QWILY obligatory shoutout to the ogs
bb skarm valuez Coolcodename legends

I somehow went from playing mons for a couple months in 2019 and fully quitting, to talking to so many people on this site. I never imagined winning spl back then. Thanks to everyone in pcord/ruiners/canada/marill mafia -1/milkmen/mumbai inteleons/everyone who made it possible


phase, twilight, eyes of wisdom
is a Social Media Contributoris a Community Contributoris a Team Rater Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
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I've reflected on the season a lot so I won't repeat too much. Last year around this time, I took a mental health hiatus, and while I was still around I didn't really consider playing "full-time" again. I was enticed by a few friends to give Team Canada a shot since they lacked builders this year so I tried out. Never in a million years would I have predicted that my decision then would end up with me, a year later, starting in the finals of SPL. While this achievement came with some unfortunate circumstances, such as my poor record and me only getting the starting spot after a few bans, I am forever grateful for this experience. While I do feel I have some reasonable excuses I can make regarding my poor playing such as irl issues and my general dislike for SV OU, at the end of the day I played like shit. I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to big-stage tournaments like this so my anxiety levels were very high and I was thrown into the deep end after the bea ban which I wasnt prepared for mentally. My early games I had subscribed to a poor mindset due to the fact that Bea would be coming back so I was just wanting to get the weeks over with so I didnt have to deal with the stress rather than making the most of the opportunity. Once I came to terms with the fact bea was gone I feel something did click and I did start performing a bit better but it is hard to get yourself out of the rut that is starting super negative. That said even though I was doing poorly my team was super supportive of me (yes even tricking) and would do their absolute best to keep my spirits up. I've learned a lot about the game over the course of the tournament and I look to apply this to hopefully future officials I may take part in. Despite my sheet record being negative now, I'm not too bothered by it, at the end of the day this game is still just a hobby to me and this was a necessary experience for me to have in order to improve further. With my poor record considered, I do think this season was a successful enough debut for me as I feel I excelled greatly in the part of the game I was drafted for in the first place which is prep and building so I am content enough with my results. As mentioned by my teammates, this win does feel great after all the obstacles we faced as a team with the bans and other things such as having one sub. I'm honestly still in disbelief that I started on this site as a pro wrestling and game room regular and it led to this.

I will get onto my shouts but first I wanted to quickly post a public apology to TDK obii and the rest of the Sharks team for my behavior post-game. I've talked with TDK already in private and concluded it was a miscommunication between hosts and managers and that my anger was misdirected. I am still a little peeved about the situation that occurred but I've realized after calming down that its kind of a shit show to organize a situation like that between 3 different parties, especially during the finals of the biggest tournament on the site. I know sharks were probably fine with my private apology but I have seen some people talking about it still so wanted to clear the air to the community at large. Sharks had an incredible draft with lots of players I like on the team so I do regret about blowing up like I did.

Tricking the passion and dedication you have for the game is incredible. A good portion of our success can be credited to how much you care. I appreciate that you don't sugarcoat things and feel that your approach helped me get the kick in the ass I needed to show up when it mattered (and the fear of you going insane in my dms). Going over potential lines in harder matchups with me before and after my games was very insightful. I think sometimes you could become a little much with your mald especially when the week is ongoing but its typically not misplaced, just a bit over the top. We really clicked in builder and I had a ton of fun prepping with you, I feel our chemistry is a big part of our SVs success even when they'd predict us to go 0-4 every week. I learned a ton from you and appreciate your friendship.

Raiza We didn't interact in prep much because our expertise arent the same but you were a huge part of Jisoos success, lurking in that channel every week I was impressed with how good you accurate your reads were. The collaboration between you and jisoo was really a sight to behold. Outside of that, you were a fun guy to shit post and talk to. I really enjoyed having somebody in the chat to talk to about wrestling and UFC when the shows are going on. You were always a easy go to talk and approachable which helped the team chemistry a lot.

McMeghan ROARING roro OMG I loved jerking with you so much during the tournament! You were a blast to be around and your activity/prep in old gens really helped a lot to get our team going. You had some very amazing games but your win in finals legit saved our asses, and I was very happy for you and for us that you got such a crucial victory. You should keep being the goat, NOW! I still don't really understand how we got along so well. Can't tell if kibo, skype and I gradually made you go insane or if you just got more comfortable in the chat. I really appreciate that talking and giving me some pointers in private. You really helped me regain some confidence. After watching you play all season I now also understand why you're one of the greatest to ever do it on this site other than when you face flying spam.

Skypenguin my Canadian brother. We've been friends for quite a while now and winning this trophy with a fellow Canadian feels great. We are equally insane and we were the driving factor that drove roro to insanity. I'm really happy you got the chance to show why you're one of the best SM players right now and you're honestly on track to being one of the best to do it in SM. Thanks for being one of the main people to convince me to try out for Canada last year and thanks for playing your games which have revived my interest in the tier.

zioziotrip we've teamed together i swear like 5-6 times on this site and only ever won cappl lol, so winning this with you would've been funny. Unfortunately, some things happened and that dream got cut short. I knew you were good way before SPL and this season you were on track for something really special I could feel it. If you chose to return to mons when you're back I hope you get the chance you keep getting snubbed of. I've talked to you since the ban quite a few times so I know you're doing well but lets not violence larp in 1v1 servers anymore.

DAHLI zackarys replacement. you were one of the players outside of some of my friends that I wanted when we were given the replacement because I felt your more "creative" take on building could be of benefit, and I was right. Sometimes you need a sanity check but you provided the sv slots with tons of creativity which I felt we really needed at that mid-season point. You did great and I'm honestly surprised you weren't picked up initially. We got along super well and our dynamic of me being the more straight man to your insanity teams worked well in the end. I hope to see you in more tours because you proved that you're in your element in this tier.

Ash KetchumGamer This was our first time interacting but you have been a pain in my ass in OLT since SM. I would mald every time I played you because I would get so fucking sick of playing rain. I knew you kind of moved on from that in SS but it was really cool watching you branch out here because of my very one-sided OLT rivalry with you. I know you might feel a bit disappointed in yourself with the tail end of the tour but you have nothing to be upset about. Your record is commendable and most of your losses came from a time when prep was hard for you due to being so busy. You're a super cool dude and I loved supporting you.

Kebab mlml kind of the posterchild for our sv core. was a bit skeptical when i was told you weren't playing an old gen but man did you blow that out of the water. You put up a really good record and were winning despite everything that was going on with our bans which helped the team trudge through the mud. You're really fucking funny and watching you and kibo banter with each other was enjoyable. Thanks for letting me watch the laddering streams when I was bored despite not knowing a single word any of you were saying. I know you were trusting tricking a lot more with your team selection but hopefully, the input and advice I gave was beneficial to you.

bbeeaa not gonna lie you're an idiot but you were also the heart of the team up until you got banned and it was very weird not having you around for a while. You're a super funny guy, a great player, and dedicated to helping your team succeed so losing that stung. that said, you built and brought some of the worst teams imaginable but still won so I guess that is a testament to your skill? I also swear you were trying to sabotage bleach with the team choices but he still won???? I hope we can team again (you say you're quitting but lol) in the future so I can see you at your full potential first hand but maybe be a little more cautious when trying to start banter within the tournament :worrywhirl:

also quit fucking calling me mini finch

Gtcha useless bleach, ill be honest you cant prep for shit and i didn't understand a single word you said since you communicated to me in spanish despite me saying multiple times that I cant speak it. despite not understanding anything you're funny as fuck and you won your games so all is forgiven. second time around teaming with you and your ceiling is incredibly high as a player, especially if you learned to prep. Despite whatever devious act you performed, i do hope your ban gets reduced, you were just getting started and were already dominating. If you do get unban I hope to see you continue your streak of doing nothing and going extremely positive.

Jisoo GEEESOOO. as I mentioned with raiza, you have an incredible understanding of the BW metagame which was only elevated do to your collaboration with raiza which showed with your results. this is one of the best debuts I have ever witnessed in SPL and im glad i was on the ride to witness it first hand. other than that, youre super fun to shit post with and you really helped team spirit a lot. I appreciate your constant support and memeing alongside me. I think you might hate lechonk a bit too much though.

DeepBlueC despite how the tail end of the tour ended up for you, im really happy i was around to lurk your channel. DPP has a very special place in my heart being the first generation of pokemon I ever played so seeing your prep was very fun for me (even though sometimes incredibly crackhead) despite not contributing much myself. I've followed the DPP tours on my own time for a while and I always enjoyed your games. You are one of the most overall consistent DPPers on the site and its cool that you're getting rewarded for it. We didn't interact much but i liked having you around.

RaiZen1704 a bit of an unfortunate tour for you because you didnt have much chance to play tiers that you liked but I know you're a super solid player. you were a cool guy to have around and chat to here and there and I really appreciate you stepping up and slotting into tiers you werent overly fond of playing. Even with all of that, you managed to play some good games and end with an okay record. You have a lot of tools to succeed and I hope to see you doing well in more tours in the future.

Aliss you are super unhinged and im french canadian (cant speak french btw) so i kept my distance at times. jokes aside, as people much already you showed some good stuff in your games but let factors like hax tilt you a lot. you are fundamentally a good player but just need to work on the mindset. you were some dedicated to helping prep regardless of how the tour was going for you which was a plus. you were a really good shitposter to have around and kept up with the schizo energy of me, kibo, skype and some others. thanks for keeping up team spirit and making keeping the chat active. even though i don't particularly like your past questionable behavior, ill still actively make fun of you for it. i enjoyed teaming with you this tour and had a lot of fun.

Serpi another person I didnt interact with too much but a super cool dude to chat with here and there. on top of that, one hell of a rbyer. i honestly didnt even know you played the tier during the draft, which is mostly because i only know the super mainstream rbyers since i dont play the tier, but you sure made me look stupid. you got some incredibly vital wins and it was super cool to see how passionate and excited you were before and after playing. you deserve this trophy a lot and it was cool meeting you.

false doing you last because i've known you the longest out of everybody here. we hadn't talked since our days of staffing RMT/OU Room back in like 2018 so I was honestly super excited to team with you. you're super underrated as a player and like serpi got some super vital wins for us. you're also statistically the best 3k of all time now so congrats. it's a little off-putting how blunt you can be at times and you can come off as a bit of an ass but at this point i've come to accept it as just part of your "bit" so it doesn't bother me too much as it might bother others. You're super flexible and were exactly what we needed when we needed to mix up our lineup a bit despite playing some stuff you might have not wanted to. It was super cool to talk to you again all these years later and hope to you see you around.

-------- helpers -------------

njnp havent known you for too long but we gotten to be good friends within a short period. I really appreciate your willingness to help me with my games in particular during the regular season and then joining our discord for finals. you were a super vital part of my prep in particular and it helped a lot to run test games with you. I hope i helped your prep a decent bit as well. the thing about you is that even if we weren't friends, i know you wouldve helped me anyway just because youre that type of guy. njnp has a discord where he likes to help newer players so if you want to find a good starting point to get into OU i'd recommend that

Xrn clean the nick core, you guys didnt join the server until the later weeks but I really appreciate you two being test jockeys for me. nick 1 you've been one of my closest friends on the site for a good bit now and I was incredibly excited to see that we both got drafted for this tour at the same time. nick 2 we only have really known each other since last year? when i was schizo posted in one of eris team servers? but you're a super cool dude and your help was super useful when i'd get stuck.

Sahki SAHKIIIIIIIIII. you get your own shoutout because dude i would've gone more insane without you. if you didn't take some of the scouting work off my shoulders i feel like i might have ended this tour unemployed. you're a super cool dude to talk to and you have some good potential as a player evident in our test games. thanks for the tests and good luck in the future.

Kibo you are out of your fucking mind

100percentpureheat you did nothing but thanks for the shitposts and joining the UFC core with me and raiza

Fakee avarice Mashing procorphish more testing jockeys, thanks for all the tests and input all of you gave across all sv slots and other tiers, not just my own. all of you are good players and hope to team with you eventually (in avarices case again). special shoutout to mashing for being bleaches official translator and keeping him under the control (until he got banned...)

Clementine good friend, funny guy, alcoholic. you didn't help me at all but thanks for maybe helping skype? just mentioning you because we're good friends and you made the avatar tbh

H.M.N.I.P super funny guy that helped a lot with team spirit and chat active. i know you played a lot of tests with the old gens so thanks for that. also mentioning you so you dont tag me 80 times like you did when tricking forgot to shout you out.

Excal we dont really know each other well nor did we prep together really but you were a really cool dude to have in the chat and to talk to after your team was out and i know you were incredibly helpful in some of the old gen prepping + helping roro with oras.

Lily IPF Mimikyu Stardust Vert 0 of you were in the chat but thanks for giving me ideas in some random weeks it means a lot

Corckscrew you werent really active in the chat during the tour but thank you so much for giving me a platform to perform well vs good players well in (teamballo) as well as introducing me to tricking. I seriously wouldn't have gotten drafted without you. I'm really sorry I kind of went on a shit-losing spree here after dominating in ballo but I am beyond thankful for the opportunity that you drafting me gave me.

I am skipping some people since we didnt really cross paths much and were mostly old gen support but thanks so much to everybody that helped me succeed.

Since this is my first SPL I just want to shoutout some people who've been supportive and helped me get here over the years. sorry for the mega pings
TPP my longest-tenured friend on the site whos known me since i was a basket case at like 16. we've been through a lot together and im happy we are on good terms now that I've matured a bit since my extremely questionable behavior in my teens(only a bit though). thanks for the support over the years and it was cool finally being up here with you. I doubt nobody out of our original group of friends would have predicted that I would play in this tournament one day lol.

spoo another person whos currently one of my best friends on the site. i love shitposting with you, talking about anime and just whatever random shit is happening that day. thanks for all the general support you gave me with every endeavor I've taken on the site and for letting me rant in your dms a lot. can't believe the only reason we started talking was because you were malding about not being able to buy me in CAPPL lmfao (i won that tour btw).

blce GXE Reje the dynamic trio. you all have been amazing friends who have helped me get through a lot on this site and irl. i've gone through so many rough patches and the willingness you all have just to listen to me rant won't be forgotten. genuinely some of the nicest people I have met on the site despite all individually being absolutely unhinged. Your support and belief in me as helped me get through a lot. Though a team with any combo of us has their team chat instantly ruined so it's a bit of a blessing and a curse.

Fragments we haven't talked a whole lot recently but you have always believed in me and have been willing to help whenever I needed it. thanks for the countless tests over the years in so many tiers. you are a super funny dude and just a genuine guy. you have a lot of potential as a player you just need to find your stride.

kythr PA it's kinda weird to shoutout my finals opponent but kythr is part of the pair that actually drafted me for my first team tour on this site. while i did put up a good record that tour I learned a lot about how these more formal team tours work as well as them giving me general advice on how to improve. Kythr was sort of my first "mentor" on the site, who helped me improve my general playing, taught me some basics in lower tiers as well as just being a really good friend. PA has helped me with a ton of background stuff (BLT lol) and i appreciate the trust you put in me throughout the years even when im not at my best . Thank you both, i'm very thankful for everything I learned on roserades.

Hayburner soulgazer Genesis7 lumping you three together just to express how grateful i am that yall gave me a shot on canada last year. none of this would've happened without you and WCOP gave me some valuable insight on how I should approach prep in these big stage tours.

Ox the Fox we met when i was an ou room goon and you always believed in my potential as a player. You've given me so many tools to succeed as well as some great advice. super cool guy that deserves honestly everything he has won. thanks for all the in-game help over the years and hopefully we can finally team together.

Finchinator thanks for being generally supportive over the years and believing in me every step of the way. appreciate the opportunities you give me to help the tier improve. i'm not liking the mini finch nickname bea is giving me though....

TeamCharm another long-time friend of mine that i still talk to regularly. you're a bit of a crazy person that probably needs to censor themselves a bit better but a genuine dude. appreciate your friendship and all the conversations we've had even if I have stopped talking to you randomly at points because I get pissed that you haxed me in tours room lmfao. thanks for bullying me in dms over week I lost and providing no constructive criticism.

Stone Cold kind of out of place with the rest of these since I only have really only known you since you managed me in some random CAP team tour that did not matter at all but i need to shout you out. If you didn't message me out of the blue a literal essay about confidence and mindset I literally do not think I would've won a game lol. You went out of your way to write this long dm to boost a guy's confidence that you barely know. You are a super cool dude and I am incredibly appreciative of you being so supportive in my dms, i hope to team with you again one day.

also shoutout jared

sorry to anybody that feels that I missed them in these shoutouts. I just wanted to name some people who have been super helpful to my growth as a player and historically supportive in my years of playing pokemon. I love everybody I call a friend and talk to on a regular basis. This tour honestly felt like a dream to me and is an experience ill probably never forget.

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